I’ve gotten a total of 6 hours of successful operation on the generator and impellor. I’ve tried the following actions since the impellor issue began.
1. Installed a sea strainer in the raw water line – I thought there might be some sort of intermittent blockage in the raw water source. The impellor failures continued.
2. Replaced the exhaust hose from the generator exhaust manifold to the muffler. – The operation with the impellor failure had run uncooled exhaust through the 2” hose and caused it to internally delaminate. . The impellor failures continued.
3. I re-machined the interior of the impellor chamber to smooth out the surface defects that looked like they had existed since manufacture. At this stage I also polished the flattened the wear plate because of some galling and warping created as the impellors failed. I think this was caused by high temperatures as the impellor blade disintegrated inside the impellor chamber. During this machining operation I increase the diameter of the impellor chamber as much as I thought was safe in order to lessen the wear stress on the impellor operation.
4. After the items in 3 above were completed I have had 6 successful hours of impellor/generator operation.
None of the actions I’ve taken seems to me to be a clear solution, but with things working normally I may never know exactly what caused the impellor failures. If it starts happen again I’ll post it here.
The pump that I bought on eBay should be delivered this week. I am hoping an examination of this duplicate pump might shed light on my pump’s failures. Lacking that, I seem to be at a dead end for a clear diagnosis. It is disappointing not to find an obvious culprit, especially with all the kind help you have all provided, but as long as the problem doesn’t reoccur I am at a loss to figure it out any further.