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Nordic Tugs 32, 1998

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jun 29, 2017
Vessel Name
Emerald Isle
Vessel Make
Nordic Tugs 32
Total time on Cummins 5.9 engine is 1550 hours. This is a well-maintained NT located in Holland, MI and is now, as it always has been, being stored in a heated barn. This is an ideal, affordable boat for a couple looking to do the loop. With considerable tweaking done to the bottom and rudder, the real cruise speed is 7.8 kts at a fuel burn of 1.9 gallons per hour. This give an absolute range of over 800 miles. It is equipped with the usual chart plotter and autopilot with GPS tracking. Numerous detail modifications and improvements have been made enhance the overall cruising experience. With the passing of my wife I'm no longer in a position to do extended cruising. Priced at $124,900


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I like the Nordic, has it always been in fresh water? Post some more pictures would give folks and idea of the layout and condition. Good luck with the sale. Seems to be a reasonable priced .
So sorry for the loss of your cruising partner, and wish you a speedy sale so you may move on to whatever adventure awaits you.
Looks nice,
Can you send me more information & Pictures ?
When will it be available to be seen after first of year ?
Hmmm, removed the stack ..... Makes for an interesting profile.
One selling feature...most NT32's have three windows per side in the saloon vs two on this boat.
The same is true with most NT42's. When we purchased Blue Sky (NT42 #1) which has just the two windows per side we didn't think about it much, but after being on other NT's with three windows per side, I realized just how much extra wall space we had for mug racks etc. including a hanging locker in the port aft corner.
Our 32 also has only 2 window per side in the saloon and a hanging locker at the aft starboard.

And we like the fake stack, that's where the plan on installing the air compressor and tank for air horns.
Total time on Cummins 5.9 engine is 1550 hours. This is a well-maintained NT located in Holland, MI and is now, as it always has been, being stored in a heated barn. This is an ideal, affordable boat for a couple looking to do the loop. With considerable tweaking done to the bottom and rudder, the real cruise speed is 7.8 kts at a fuel burn of 1.9 gallons per hour. This give an absolute range of over 800 miles. It is equipped with the usual chart plotter and autopilot with GPS tracking. Numerous detail modifications and improvements have been made enhance the overall cruising experience. With the passing of my wife I'm no longer in a position to do extended cruising. Priced at $124,900

Sent you a PM
I removed the stack to have room to store the dinghy on the upper deck. Amazing how much extras space there is up there without the stack. Makes for a great gathering spot for sundowners! The stack comes with the boat, so it can be had with or without. And another post from Captain Ron correctly identified the listing, which includes many pictures. As far as I know, it has always been in fresh water. At least I can't find a trace of the typical saltwater corrosion issues. And, yes, it can be seen any time up until perhaps the 10th of January when I go south for a few weeks. Even then, refer to the listing and the listing broker can show it.


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My stack is in my shed...

It holds several old fenders effectively.
These boats wold be perfect...except for the damned sleeping berth. We want an island queen.
These boats wold be perfect...except for the damned sleeping berth. We want an island queen.
Yes, there is never enough space on a boat. The earlier ones, I believe, had a V-berth and I like those better. On the other boat we slept "head first" and that made it really easy to get in and out. Then the later ones had a center berth, but then the length of the berth is compromised as is the space for the head. As they say, you pays your money and takes your choice. For us, this configuration worked fine. I always figure there is nothing wrong with a boat that couldn't be fixed by making it bigger.
For enough money, you can have a walk around island berth. It is yours and lady decision. Is the money worth all the snuggling and body heat ETC? WINK
My wife wanted to draw up some plans to make ours a center berth before we made our first voyage. Luckily I put it off and after a few nights sleep she changed her mind and now she really likes this setup. And I couldn't agree more, mostly because I didn't need the extra project.
Curious about the missing stack. On my 2002 Nordic Tug 32 the hollow stack provides the headroom to go between the pilot house and salon
Adagio43- Regarding the stack and the headroom: I believe the earlier models (maybe prior to 2002?) Had the steps to thr PH along the portside while yours are closer to centerline? On mine the stack is a bolt on and there is no cut out in the PH roof for the extra headroom.
Yes, on the later models the companionway to the pilot house is in the center and the roof is cut away to provide more headroom. That has its pros and cons. The headroom is certainly a good thing, but the pilothouse seat is then cut in two. I like the long seat that holds three or one taking a nap. And that makes removing the stack not practical.
What is the top speed of your NT32? Just wondering for following seas. It’s nice to be able to keep up with the waves, or at least that is how I have dealt with it in the past.

It’s too bad that you aren’t looking to sell it in 3-5 years from now.
I like the larger seat in the pilot house as an extra place to have someone occasionally sleep.
NT32 top speed

The top speed of the NT32 with the Cummins 210-hp is about 16kts (at 2600 rpm, full throttle). My normal cruise speed is at 1300 rpm, 1.8GPH, and 7.9 kts. I have heard of people cruising them at 2200 rpm, which gives about 12kts, I think. Even though I don't use the horsepower continuously, I like having the "overpowered" engine. My normal cruise is at a low and very quiet rpm and the bigger than "normal" engine requires a fairly large diameter 4-blade prop giving very good acceleration and efficiency. Yes, the engine provides the option, which I have used a few times to blast through an inlet ahead a wave crest. And I'll admit it is fun going with following seas - a quick blast of power will start surfing down a crest. I'm not sure I'd be satisfied with a normal 90 hp. The boat is available for viewing any time. Also, I can deliver it to pretty much any location in the eastern half of the US.
Hello Gary! You have a beautiful vessel. Thanks for sharing, what did you do to tweak this boat? Is it common to do these modifications? Would this jeopardize the integrity of the ship? Would a surveyor comment on these when you go to sell this boat?

I am a life long boater from Milwaukee and have found a deep interest in the Nordic tug. Currently in a 40 SeaRay SunDancer and looking for something like this to give me the range I need.

Thanks for any of these answers in advance!
Thanks, Al (I assume), for your questions. Most of the modifications I've done would not, think, be considered common. I'm sure nothing I've done would affect the structural integrity of the boat. Many of the changes affect the efficiency, which is measurably higher than original. I've had brokers take a look, but would they have the same reaction as a surveyor? I think so, but maybe not. Some changes seem to be viewed without a reaction, some are viewed as "really good" and some seem to be viewed with polite skepticism. The bow thruster ports have been faired in with a bit of a flare ahead of the port. I think this is a significant improvement in drag and nobody that isn't looking for it would even notice. Certainly not negative. The next big change was to add a "cuff" to the rudder. This is a stainless sleeve that converts it from a flat slab to an airfoil (hydrofoil?) shape. This gives measurably more efficiency as well as a noticeable improvement in low speed turning capability. Big project, but worth it. The hull just forward of the propeller was faired in with a lot of glass-filled bondo. This must have helped, but I don't know how much. Finally, the hull was cleaned and the bottom protected with two coats of epoxy and then 2 coats of VC-17 bottom paint, usually used for sailboats. The bottom is noticeably smoother that others. The net result of these mods is perhaps as much as .5 knots more speed with a slight reduction in fuel flow. My long-range cruise speed is 7.9kts with a fuel flow of 1.8GPH. I am very satisfied with these modifications and I think they will only add to the market value.
The most significant other changes involve the electrical system. It previously was modified to include a large 4-battery house pack that was only connected to an added 2,000 Watt inverter. I added a wire to this to connect it to the #1 terminal of the main selector switch. The original #1 battery is disconnected. The #2 battery is now also connected directly to the engine control panel. A combiner connects the batteries when either is being charged. Operationally, it is much simpler. The engine operation is just like a car - turn the key and start it. It runs without any manipulation of any switches. So for cruising I just leave the master switch in the #1 position. Works great. A surveyor might look askance at this, as there is no way to disconnect the #2 battery from the engine, thruster or windlass (although each has a breaker or fuse). If a buyer wants it done the old fashioned way It is easy to revert the wiring to the way it was. Another mod was to eliminate the run solenoid. The Cummins engine with the CAV pump normally has a solenoid valve that is activated while running. A failure of this valve or anything electrical will stop the engine and prevent it from starting. Not good. I removed the solenoid and added a stop cable. You pull a knob to stop the engine, and then engine will continue to run as long as it has fuel. The parts are there to convert it back. Then there are lots of mods with little things like cabinet latches, curtains, etc. And now I can't think of anything to improve.
It sounds to me like you have made some smart changes. Good luck with your sale.
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