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For Sale: Nordic Tug 42

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Seasalt007, good luck with the sale, you have one of the best ads I’ve seen with great photos and information.
He means on this post...it's common courtesy, expected actually, to list a price on a classified ad on am internet forum :)

Nice boat...good luck with the sale!
He means on this post...it's common courtesy, expected actually, to list a price on a classified ad on am internet forum :)

Nice boat...good luck with the sale!

Sorry. Had no idea.
He means on this post...it's common courtesy, expected actually, to list a price on a classified ad on am internet forum :)

Nice boat...good luck with the sale!

Not sure about common courtesy..... But if there's no price I go "click" "poof"....
He means on this post...it's common courtesy, expected actually, to list a price on a classified ad on am internet forum :)

Nice boat...good luck with the sale!

It's just a click away with his link. Seems pretty convenient to me.

BTW, welcome to TF!
Nice boat for a fair price.
Wow! I just received via email this great news: This guy is going to buy my boat.


[FONT=&quot] How are you doing today? I appreciate your immediate response back to me, I am glad to let you know that I'm purchasing it ASAP
It will be shipped to my Location at ( Wakefield, Kansas ) though I am currently out of the States and wouldn't be back till the end of March, but that would not stop our transaction.
So let's proceed with the Payment, I 'm going to request for a Certified Cashier's check from my Bank for the requested quantity and have my Banker mail it to your address via The United States Postal Service. My Shippers will load and pick up when Payment clears your Bank, I Would need the following details to process the Cashier's Check to be sent out to you the next business day
* Name To Be On Cashier's Check:
*Home or P.O Box Address : ( to Send Payment )
*Cell Phone Number :
*Total Amount For The Item

Email me back the above details when you can, and you can also text me on my Cell Number: (720) 442-9964, I might not be able to make a voice call on this number because I'm a stammerer and I always feel bad anytime I talk on phone, but I can always reply back your email and text message anytime you get in touch. Have a great Day.



I have already spent the money in my mind. I am going to buy one of the residence modules on the International Space Station. Can't wait to go up there.

Congrats!!! Looks like the economy is indeed roaring back. Time to list my perpetual motion machine! :dance:
I sold that guy a bridge in Brooklyn but he never had his shippers pick it up.
He and his ilk frequent, Craigslist also.
Total scam. Never heard another word.
What`s so odd about buying a boat for 449K without inspecting it? :rolleyes: Wonder what he would have done with the info had you responded, or was it the "overpayment/use it to pay the shipping" scam? I had similar multiple experiences, they never phone, it`s always text/SMS or email. Nearly made me list with a broker to avoid the crooks.
What`s so odd about buying a boat for 449K without inspecting it? :rolleyes: Wonder what he would have done with the info had you responded, or was it the "overpayment/use it to pay the shipping" scam? I had similar multiple experiences, they never phone, it`s always text/SMS or email. Nearly made me list with a broker to avoid the crooks.
Absolutely a scam. I have received similarly constructed responses to ads I have placed on Craigslist a number of times. I always respond with one word, a@@hole. Mysteriously, I never get a response.
I respond to the scammers with a request to close escrow through my law firm. I never hear back after that.
Absolutely a scam. I have received similarly constructed responses to ads I have placed on Craigslist a number of times. I always respond with one word, a@@hole. Mysteriously, I never get a response.

These scammers must do pretty thorough searches because the only two places that I have mentioned selling the boat are here in TF and the Southeast Nordic Tug Owners Association. It is not on Craig's List, ebay or listed with a broker.

But, I guess if you're sitting at your computer all day eating Cheetos and looking for someone to scam you will occasionally get more than orange stains on your privates. :whistling:
Absolutely a scam. I have received similarly constructed responses to ads I have placed on Craigslist a number of times. I always respond with one word, a@@hole. Mysteriously, I never get a response.

Valid email address confirmed. Check.
Phase 1 of a phish. You can read how it works with a google search. Common
Lucky me. I sold it again today. It was a little different than the first time which sent the below message the first time. This go around I got an email for this guy saying he saw it in the Nordic Tug Owner's Association and simply ask for the current location and if the price had changed. I responded because it looked legit. Then today in comes this:

How are you doing today? I appreciate your immediate response back to me, I am glad to let you know that I'm purchasing it ASAP
It will be shipped to my Location at ( Wakefield, Kansas ) though I am currently out of the States and wouldn't be back till the end of April, but that would not stop our transaction.
So let's proceed with the Payment, I 'm going to request for a Certified Cashier's check from my Bank for the requested quantity and have my Banker mail it to your address via The United States Postal Service. My Shippers will load and pick up when Payment clears your Bank, I Would need the following details to process the Cashier's Check to be sent out to you the next business day
* Name To Be On Cashier's Check:
*Home or P.O Box Address : ( to Send Payment )
*Cell Phone Number :
*Total Amount For The Item
There was a web site for a guy somewhere way back that would play along with these guys and get them to send him $25 or $50, telling them he had to fedex some paperwork or something. Thinking they had a big fish, they would send these small amounts via paypal. Then he would tell them nevermind.

When I was looking at the time he was up a few thousand dollars in total from a bunch of different scammers.
Valid email address confirmed. Check.

So I doubt that many sales happen. Are they in the business of selling valid email addresses to Internet advertisers?

How does a phisher make money if no one falls for their offer and lets them have access to bank accounts, etc?
I had the same deal a few years ago when I was as trying to sell my sailboat . I told one guy to just put the cash in a 5 gallon bucket , seal it off and FedX it . Another guy told me he was a lottery winner and he had a couple of girl friends in my area and he just bought a Porsche and he would be in area in a couple days checking on his “bunnies “. He also said he was a diver and wanted to dive under my boat to check out the bottom and if he saw blisters the deal was off . I guess he musta found some blisters !
So I doubt that many sales happen. Are they in the business of selling valid email addresses to Internet advertisers?

How does a phisher make money if no one falls for their offer and lets them have access to bank accounts, etc?

I could be wrong but I think phase 2 is building trust, if no pertinent info is given the scammer will move on..Its a process and the scammer is probably working hundreds if not thousands of addresses during a day...
Starts with something vague, idle chat about the boat, compliments about the boat etc. There is a big reluctance to phone you,they SMS/text, or email via the website you are using. I had someone ask me to phone him,I thought, why doesn`t he phone me if he wants info, so I didn`t, and no follow up ever happened. One guy I actually phoned using a service which does not send my number,someone did answer, but his later contact attempts were still SMS.
I suppose you could miss someone genuine who accidentally fits the pattern and gets ignored, but it is unlikely. After a while the pattern and patter was obvious, sometimes I think it was the same scammer trying again with a different name.
A sale contract could require settlement at your bank, with a bank(?certified or cashier`s in USA) cheque drawn on one of 4 nominated banks(our big 4 banks), that way no giving out a/c numbers. I`d insist on a contract, not just payment,to regulate the deal, but I guess long before that they are gone if they are a scammer.
I finally got the dinghy down for a picture and a run. Fast!


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