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Nimble vagabond

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aug 9, 2023
I'm looking to buy a nimble vagabond. Please reach out if you are thinking about selling one.
I have a 2005 Nimble Vagabond. 2016 yamaha 25 with t&t, 2016 alum load rite trailer.
Needs paint, but otherwise sound. It has a mast with boom, rear canvas, and bimini.
Would need to get $17k for it.
Yes, I'm interested.

Yes, I'm very interested in your vagabond. I know you said that the boat is a 1995 but is the trailer and motor 2016? Do you have any pics? My name is David and my cell number is 703-283-2543. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
Nimble Vagabond

Yes the motor and trailer are 2016. Both in very good condition.
State of Vermont does not title either due to the age of the boat, and the empty weight of the trailer.
Honestly, I am still deciding if I want to sell it. I just bought it, and I also own a sailboat. I am finding owning both a bit overwhelming.

here is a pic of it:

I obviously didn't pay $25k for it...
I'm familiar with that boat. I actually had communicated with the previous owner, Heather before she listed it with a broker. She had offered the boat to me for $16k before a broker. I offered her $14K. When she listed it with the broker I reached out and they offered it to me for $17K. The owner before her had made modifications which I knew I was going to have to remove and bring it back to her former glory. I know she had replaced the trailer but the motor I believe is a 2003? It's not fuel injected but has a carburetor. Based on the previous owned that boat has been all over the place with a lot of hours on it. I was planning on replacing the motor.
You must of just settled on that boat towards the end of August. You may not of realized its a displacement hull which means it will only do about 6 knots comfortably. I've owned a number of Nimble boats. I currently own a vagabond and a wanderer. I sold my nomad this summer. I never liked that particular boat. Please let me know what you would like to do. Thanks!
Hi, dbinvermont, my name is Scott Smith and I maintain a registry of the Nimble Vagabonds. Interestingly enough, I live about 20 miles from where you bought your Vagabond in West Virginia. I am very familiar with the boat and have a lot of historical info on it.. Would you be willing to share your name , address and phone number with me so I can keep track of Hull # 22? None of that information would be shared with anyone without your permission. Currently I am in contact with the owners of 8 of the 27 Vagabonds built, know the locations of 3 more but have no contact info for them and have photographic or other evidence of another 5-6 but no way to trace them. I believe there are probably 8-10 that are off the map and may only be found accidentally.
My phone number for voice or text is 304 780-1240 and my email is scottthesailor@hotmail.com I would be happy to share all that I know about your Vagabond.
Nimble Vagabond


Yes I was looking for a displacement hull.
The motor IS a 2003, and I did see the listing from when she bought it. She hasn't done it any favors. It looks like the sides were painted with spray cans, and the exterior wood work all needs to be stripped. I have already pulled out the drawers that were installed over the passenger seat.
He did a really nice job installing a bad idea!
The motor runs beautifully. I think you are right about the hours on it, but the nature of the boat is such that probably 90% of those hours are at 1500 - 2000 rpms. More just doesn't do anything except increase fuel consumption. I don't see the need to replace it.
The boat is solid, but needs restoration. I wonder who's idea it was to list it for $25k? That was NEVER going to happen!

I do like this boat a lot, I keep imagining what it will look like when done. I will probably hang on to it. I hope that you can find one!

Hi Dave,
The nimble Vagabond is a nice boat. It's got limitations but all boat do. I already own a vagabond and would like to get another that needs to be brought back to like new condition. I enjoy fixing things up. My Vagabond is a 2003 with a 30 hp outboard. Love this boat. Painting and redoing the woodwork is not that difficult. I think if you decide to do it, it will definitely worth the effort. If you need any suggestions, please reach out.

I am actually cooling off on the idea of selling it. I have had it out a few times, and really enjoyed it. After years of sailing, cruising along at 5 1/2 knots is second nature. Actually feels a little fast..
I am plugging away at the minor stuff that it needs, next season will be the paint and exterior trim. Since there are no other Nimbles around here, people are really reacting to it, which is fun.

It'll be all tucked in for the winter soon. Hope you are able to find one!
She is coming along...


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