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Apr 1, 2014
Just joined forum. My boat is technically a semi displacement express type but we often travel at or below hull speed of 9K in trawler mode. Moon River the express we now own is 50 ft LOA and powered with twin JD 6068 motors. We once owned and spent some years aboard a Pilgrim 40 on East coast. We have owned many sail boats and still own one. I relate much more to the trawler crowd than the planning bunch. We live and cruise in the Pacific Northwest and spend about 6 weeks each summer north of Seattle. I am a member of the CGAUX and a new member of the Power Squadron. I am interested in boating safety issues and am certified and active as a CGAUX Vessel Safety examiner.


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Welcome. That is a very cool boat.:socool: I especially like the color.:thumb:
Moon River is a beautiful boat! I had no idea that Devlin built boats that big. I think the largest one I have seen was the one at the Boat Show this year (42?).

Welcome aboard.
Welcome Aboard!

"I relate much more to the trawler crowd than the planning bunch."
Me too, sailors are even worse. I shouldn't say that as there are many reformed sailors on this forum.

Before you ask, your anchor is too small, it's the wrong kind and you don't have enough chain. We generally try to avoid the A word on this forum.:rolleyes:
You didn't mention your dinghy on top and I'll bet it's really worth mentioning.
Wish we were big enough to do that.

I shouldn't leave w/o mentioning that I also love your low silhouette and resulting windage. No FB and oxygen tent. Great!
Flying Bridge, that's the other thing we don't talk about. Watch what happens.

No boat is worth a damn without a flying bridge!

That should get it started.
Eric and Mark will now proceed to tear me to shreds.

Eric, I like the oxygen tent comparison.

eyschulman, How about some pictures of the dinghy. How do you get it up and down?
Mr. Devlin has a great eye for design. Traditional and simple esthetics too. Love his boats. Welcome aboard. Hope to see you up and around Desolation Sound sometime.
Welcome aboard. It is a beautiful boat.

Hmm, wonder if he has a generator. :banghead:
Some answers

Aside from a ferry this is probably the largest Devlin to date. The boat on the hard top is a gig harbor 15 lobster sail-row power skiff and of course Devlin hates it, it's not one of his. There is a Nick Jackson power hoist to haul boats to top deck. Regarding fly bridge; we have had one before when we were younger and it was ok but not used that much on our Pilgrim trawler. Now that our skin is shriveled and ravaged form all those years of exposure our dermatologist voted against the fly-bridge. We have learned that with a proper wheel house and a bow that does not seek the sky under way the skyscraper view is not essential and the ride is more stable lower down. Trad offs trad offs there must have been a million trade off choices to make on this boat all one off stuff. Yes gen set NL 5KW


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Ed, I just finished looking through the catalog of photos and drawings on the Delvin site. I must say that Moon River is one of the most interesting, practical and well executed layout and beautiful boats I've seen. Absolutely exquisite! Very nicely done!!

Welcome aboard.
Moon River is stunning. The fact that she is stitch and glue plywood is just amazing.
My version of a flying bridge:

I am new here also, welcome, you are going to enjoy the wealth of knowledge and fun comments this crowd delivers.
Your boat is all class I can tell you are also a sailor, we had sailboats for thirty years and are really enjoying our 300hp John Deere, have fun.
Yes stich and glue --- plug from transom


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Welcome aboard, stunning boat! :thumb:
Yes, lovely boat that. Welcome aboard. However, he has not yet answered the most burning question...what kind of anchor does he use..? :whistling::rofl::hide:
Yes it is a 60lb Ultra with 150ft chain and 300ft rode. The back up anchor is a large Al Spade stored below. I have followed anchoring tests and blogs for many years and bought my first Spade some time back out of Tunisia when they where not available in US. I have been a gunk holler for over 50yrs and used many anchor types. Presently I lean toward the modern shovel shaped deep diggers hooked to a good length of chain and some stretchy at boat end either rode or bungee. I believe in matching the anchor or any boat gear to the use pattern. My anchoring is in protected coves with no hurricane ridding even remotely probable. If I get nervous I take the Al spade out on my dinghy and set the second anchor. CQR and Bruce in my experience were fairly good but both tended to drag even with lots of chain and over sized. The New School anchors so far have overcome that issue using lighter anchors for the same task. There is a lot of Religious type fervor about anchoring and I don't get involved in that Just use what works best for me. Ed.
;)"There is a lot of Religious type fervor about anchoring and I don't get involved in that Just use what works best for me. Ed. "

Smart Man!

But just so you know, your anchor is too small, it's the wrong kind and you don't have enough chain.:D
HopCar If I get caught in a hurricane and get blown ashore I will remember your warning. Until then I will take your warning under advisement and keep it under the table where I keep my back up anchor.
Moon River has B O A T written all over it. I don't care what kind of anchor he has, that is one fine looking boat.:thumb:
"HopCar If I get caught in a hurricane and get blown ashore I will remember your warning. Until then I will take your warning under advisement and keep it under the table where I keep my back up anchor."

Like I said, you're a smart man.
Moon River has B O A T written all over it. I don't care what kind of anchor he has, that is one fine looking boat.:thumb:

The absence of a flying bridge enhances its beauty!

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