My Quarantine Cruise of 2020

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That is nothing more than a water filter.
It will not make fresh from salt

Correct. The idea was for those boating in fresh water areas where an expensive watermaker is overkill for creating drinkable water from the stuff the boat floats in.
Let me know when you can change water into wine.
Quarantine Cruise Day 1 (QC1):
Stay tuned for QC2 (Day 2)...

Have fun Al, we'll watch the shop. And remember, if your boat is like most of that size, and has the shower in the same cubicle as the head, you have a ready made bidet - get whadImean..? Cheers, :)
Peter, I have actually considered that option but had never actually tested the length of the shower hose....until now!

I have a separate shower stall, which is kinda unique in a 34, and the hose is plenty long enough. That will be plan E.
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Peter, I have actually considered that option but had never actually tested the length of the shower hose....until now!

I have a separate shower stall, which is kinda unique in a 34, and the host is plenty long enough. That will be plan E.

Dont ask, dont tell.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: I've actually thought about how I'd do it if it came to that drastic point! And what about Kleenex tissues split into single ply? I might have to try Peggie's shaken water jar test.

I could always revert to that disgusting blowboater practice of bagging the paper to avoid flushing it. :eek::eek::eek:

I pray to the Good Lord above that that day never comes. :p
You could try using both sides of the TP. :D:eek: Remember to wash your hands afterwards.
Quarantine Cruise Day 1 (QC1):

Many who know me know I enjoy an occasional IPA beer as my standard adult drink of choice. While provisioning, I stocked the boat with a case of Corona beer...not to drink (yuk! ) but to give to others. I call it my 'One-a-day Giveaway'. I have 24 beers to share with one condition...I take your picture with the beer for this page. If I am isolated on an anchorage and don't see anyone else that day, I will take one for the team and drink one Corona at sunset for a photo.

After docking at the Rio Vista city dock during an approaching storm, I set off on a hunt for my first Corona victim. I didn't go more than 50 feet ashore when I saw a couple relaxing and enjoying the view and fresh air. After a brief and socially-distant introduction, Juan gladly took me up on my offer to be my first Corona victim. Say hi to Juan! Once accepted, Juan became my first QC Survivor!

The last photo is a shot of my new forward helm with my new to me AP remote, Navionics on the tablet, cellphone, speaker and binocs. Love the view without the need for a ladder.

Stay tuned for QC2 (Day 2)...

Apparently there is now a run on beer. I saw a photo of a grocery store beer aisle. Stripped bare except for a lot of cases of Corona. And here you are giving it away...
200 gallons of water on board, 100 gallons of fuel, and two weeks of food. If I need to quarantine I’ll be fine. Presently I’m at the dock but Catalina a possible destination if I must truly quarantine.

I read that the Catalina Island Company is discouraging visitors. Restaurants are closed. Don’t know about grocers. ☹️
BruceK, let's stop the focus on personal protection weapons. It never leads to good conversations here. You do it your way and we'll do it our way...let's let it go at that, OK?
Not my focus at all. You saw my post. It should be obvious to you. Please direct your complaint elsewhere.
Yes, I saw a write up that Catalina Island is closed.
So many things are closed but, the liquor stores and cigar stores are still open. SMILE
I consider it a great blessing to have a boat to provide me with the shelter, quarantine and provisioning to help me through this...... I plan to remain in my comfort zone of the SF Bay and CA Delta for the duration.......OldDan, a watermaker wouldn't work in the fresh waters CA Delta and is really not needed.... I carry over 100 US Gal aboard and have lived comfortably on that for 2 weeks several times in the past...including daily showers........ Tomorrow afternoon's currents favor the CA Delta so that's where I'll start this adventure. .....
Again, I will (vicariously) be aboard during this Covid-19 cruise and know it will be really cool! You continue to show all of us "how to enjoy our boats!"
Safe travels, skipper. I hope you and the Good Ship Flyright have a most excellent cruise.
Thanks guys!

I survived another day without having to consume a Corona! I found my 2nd Quarantine Cruise Survivor at Rio Vista's Hap's Bait on Main St which thankfully is open for business!

Daneen works as a cashier there and was happy to participate in the 'one-a-day giveaway'. Cheers to Daneen from FlyWright and thanks for coming to work to help the rest of us.

I started Day 2 with a brisk morning walk to the local grocery store, Lira's. My objective was to scout out the inventory of TP and restock on my favorite BBQ Sauce they make. I struck out on both counts but was advised they would restock the TP tomorrow morning. So I'll come back to supplement my 6 roll inventory. (Photo shown pix the next day's booty booty.)

A few shots of the day...the white boat is a Sea Scout vessel moored across the Sacramento River from my position. I'm passing the time fishing for stripers. So far I've missed too many bites to count due to inattention. At least in feeding some of the fish in the process. Oh well...there's always tomorrow.

Also a pic from the head to the shower wand. It reaches with length to spare.


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Lol, booty booty.
QC3: I'm still tied to the dock in downtown Rio Vista. I was able to score my ration of 4 rolls of TP with a brisk early morning walk to the local supermarket, Lira's. I call it my 'booty booty'.

After my one mile TP hike, I began a washdown the the Rio Vista public dock. Gone is half the dirt, grime and fish slime. Tomorrow I'll either extend the hose or shift the boat to reach the other half of the dock and the walkway.

Had a good variety of anglers show up to enjoy the sunshine and nature today after the dock wash. Three young boys came by to test their fish catching prowess. I provided them nightcrawlers, shad and anchovies along with an assortment of hook leaders, sliders and weights. Josh, Nathan and Jerimiah had a great time with Josh catching the fish of the 8" diaper striper.

I was also successful in finding my 3rd Corona Survivor in my one-a-day giveaway mission. It was graciously accepted collectively by Gilbert, Michelle, Heather and Tim who were enjoying their afternoon fishing on the dock. The Corona is shown in its protective 'beer barrier'.


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Waterways Marina near Aventura FL is in total lock down. This is a gated marina surrounded by condos and condo towers.
The gates are chained shut, if you, a boat owner/slip renter, want in or out.... one has to stop by or call the marina office and then will send someone out to unlock the gate for you. The office is opened 8am-9pm.
The nice part is, the staff will pick you up in a golf cart and take you to your boat or to your car.

Ah the marina is at 1075.2 is the mile marker, east coast of FL. It has a 3 globe lightning fixture at the entrance.
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Which wheel ?

My sister-in-law tells me she used to spin the roll like the wheel of fortune; now she spins it like she’s cracking a safe!

For the record for those of us in So. Calif. We actually lease a mooring up at the two harbors area of Catalina and just received notice from the Catalina Island Mooring company that no boats are being allowed into any moorings on the Island. That includes Avalon. It is pretty disappointing for Catalina lovers here and especially lessees that have already paid for their lease for 2020. I do understand the reason for this though. Obviously they do not want to put residents over there at risk since their medical infrastructure is very limited.
Quarantine on your vessel

I would caution all of you about assuming you can self isolate or quarantine on your vessel, particularly if you should develop flu like symptoms while underway & especially if you subsequently discover you are Covid 19 positive. I would caution you cruising about on your boat during the next 4 weeks, whether you have symptoms or not, could be highly problematic.
This lesson was learned after a distasteful & expensive experience in Florida. Prior to travel restrictions & while the protocol was to be cautious, wash hands, wipe surfaces etc., flew into Ft. Myers from Denver two weeks ago this past Thur. symptom free, cruised from home port marina up the ICW to another marina for a planned & not yet cancelled boat club cruise the next Sun. morning & developed symptoms very quickly Sun. evening into Mon., resulting in 103 temp. & a road trip to a local walk in clinic for exam & testing (I soloed the boat, my wife drove our rental car). Wife, on arrival & wanting a night or two off the boat stayed in & subsequently isolated in a marina/resort hotel room, I remained on the boat below decks after informing the dockmaster I had symptoms, had been tested & would self quarantine on the amply provisioned boat until results returned. Two days later the marina informed me I would have to leave & could leave the boat tied up. We both loaded up, returned to Ft. Myers & quarantined in a motel room. After being off the boat 72 hours & by then becoming symptom free, I hired a captain to deliver the boat back to my home marina. My marina refused to allow the boat into the facility until after I forced the management to contact Florida health who explained the boat was not a threat to the marina or its live aboard residents. By the time all this transpired & I got my positive result back SIX DAYS later, both of us were symptom free for 96 plus hours & Florida health formally with a written document released us from quarantine & cleared us to travel back to Denver. Charlotte County, FL Health, Lee County, FL Health & subsequently following the expected interview with Denver Health, all three agencies expressed the clear opinion I should have been allowed to remain in quarantine on the boat & my wife in the motel. Both marinas involved were absolutely in a panic, I suppose understandably but not medically & epidemiologically appropriate.

I would not assume you would be able to pull up to a marina, gas up, get water or provisions or transient dockage. Many marinas in Florida are closed, some are open to launching client boats with severe restrictions, all of which technically violate the self isolation protocols. Live aboards should behave just as if land based & if a positive neighbor is present, no one is kicking folks out of their homes or apartments or thinking the outside of the house is contaminated - just get tested & quarantine for the prescribed 14 days. Don't assume your boat will be allowed to be a refuge unless you are prepared to anchor out for the next 4 weeks. The counties around Miami have closed ALL boating/marina activity. My home port marina as well as most marinas along Pine Island Sound have closed to transients. LA & SF are in the cross hairs. I'd suggest you just stay home. Be well.
You are in a great place for cruising. One of my favorite spots to hang out in the Delta was on Steamboat Slew just a couple of bends above Grand Island Mansion. You wont find anyone to inflict a Corona on unless some water skiers come by.
I don’t think that the bridge getting back to the Sacramento River going upstream can get an opening until beginning of May. That was a problem with the height of my boat. Check the clearance.
I’m in the Puget Sound area now but have many fond memories of the places you will be visiting. Looking forward to seeing where all you go
I never would have imagined how much fun it would be to boat in that area until I came to TF and saw Mark's and your posts. Have fun, stay safe, and try not to piss off the shoreside inhabitants.
Enjoy the ride Al, looking forward to some photos. there is a lot of fish in our area this time of year. Safe travels.

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