My Office View

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Your welcome...........:thumb:
I always view first on my computer, fix and upload from it.


I'm posting from my phone and they look just fine on it. And they don't always flip when I post them. I also can't seem to post multiple picture in one post. Only one per post.
There should be an "auto rotate" option in your photo/phone menu someplace.

That might be it. But as I noted those last pictures were taken with the phone in the vertical position. Do I would think there should be no need to rotate them.
Let's see how this one goes. This one was taken with the phone vertical:


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Now this one was taken with the phone on its side:


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Interesting. If I post these same photos to say Facebook, the orientation is correct with no adjustments needed on my part.
Interesting. If I post these same photos to say Facebook, the orientation is correct with no adjustments needed on my part.

post them to FB first the to TF from FB:banghead:
This happens with mine . I first have to save the picture in a rotation I don't want , then I go back and rotate it agin to the rotation I want and save it again . Any picture I want to send I just go ahead and do this before ever starting the post . I'm sure there is an easier way but I don't know it . I still can only post one picture at a time .
I email pict attachment from cell ph to laptop. Copy and place designation name on it title line while pasting into appropriate folder. Open it once when in folder and straighten out (rotate) for vertical placement/view. Close it and it's always ready to send from laptop to anywhere. I don't do very many picts and only work with the ones I want to keep for good. Global social media game taint my bag.
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Today's view in Bar Harbor, Westports for book ends:


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ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1438084716.365146.jpgThis is my office view with the 'Lady' watching over all.
Is that a Reinhauer unit?
Well, we've not yet cruised to Maine. Hitting New England now but not going as far as Maine. Maine will have to come in a couple of years on the way to Montreal via Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick.
Well here is a view from my office yesterday evening. I fully retire Dec. 31st. Now how lucky am I? I showed up for work about 3 weeks ago, like I have for the past 35 years. Boss says Tom, we have hired your replacement and don't have room in the office for both of you. Why don't telework from your boat for the next 5 months, come in for meetings if you feel you need too!:rofl::whistling:

Now Semi-Retired!!!! Life is good....


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This is where I 'should be' as seen from where I am....... ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1440513879.846654.jpg

Thanks to 'Blue Moon' passing by off Hyde Park NY.
I think they are in Palma Spain at the moment. Or was it Sardinia.

I had an electrician on board to help me change out a buck/boost transformer and his girl friend works on one of them. She had just flown in for a visit from one of those two places. Can't remember off the top of my head which one it was.
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Tonight's view from the NJ side.


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This afternoon.

Wifey B: I can't believe what absolutely positively magnificent wonderful sea conditions we've had up and down the east coast the last several weeks. We haven't seen more than 2' in freaking ages. Not going to Bahamas, cruising around home and not in New England. It was late June last time was bad because a nice charter dude on here was wondering if he'd be able to go out that weekend. Prophetic words from him were, "this time of year the bad weather only lasts a few days." :D

We spent the day in the office, not even taking advantage of it....And our office didn't have your view.

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