Movie night

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Wifey B: Are there any xxx rated boating movies? Of course, I'm sure no one here has any dirty movies of any sort ever, have never even watched one. :)
Maybe Debbie does the Saratoga?

Has anybody answered this yet? The Enemy Below.

Rufus T. Firefly figured out it was the Swiss musicologist Theodore Bikel. I assume he also worked out that he portrayed Leutnant Hanni Swoffer.
Just saw a good movie today called "in the heart of the sea",about a whaling ship called Essex (true story), which inspired the book moby dick.
Messrs. p & AP. I did indeed look up T. Bikel but could not have answered the question without "cheating". Many years ago I saw an interview with the Canadian director, Norman Jewison (Moonstruck, The Thomas Crown Affair among many). He couldn't find a submarine to use as a prop so they built one out of oil drums. Needless to say outside sub shots had to be done during calm weather. The film was banned in the USSR when it was released (height of the Cold War-1966). Norman Jewison - IMDb
I can still see Muriel Everett hanging up there on her kitchen wall.

The whole movie is marvelous, just an endless stream of funny vignettes, but I especially love Alan Arkin wrestling with English idiom and syntax: "Remark to this, Whittaker Walt..."

...and that moment when the car packed with Russian sailors passes the lovely Allison Palmer (or: Alyason Pal-mair) and they react in Universal-Sailorspeak.
Aha...I see that your son has recognized our accents. Russians? What would Russians be doing on this United States of America Izland? No, we are here on the NATO. We are Norveegians....Hahahaha....
You guys hurt me -- no one came up with the series "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, for crying out-loud!!
I didn't read each post... but...

I bet this marine area film was not mentioned. Good for a laugh as well look at the past glory of "horror films".

"The Giant Behemoth" movie trailer:

One of the best old style classic pieces of enormous-reptile horror flicks from mid 1900's. Filmed in England; Thames River is the main set/location. :popcorn:
Wifey B: We adore our guests and they're welcome to stay as long as they will. Unfortunately, most of them have to go back to work. Now, on the lake one time....omg. Neighbors had a visitor. Was supposed to be a guy they knew and a girl who was traveling with him. Well, they had a fight and he left and the girl was still there. So, the neighbors and the mystery girl went out with us. She insisted on getting up on the sunpad at the back where we never let anyone ride for fear of a roll off into the props and to the bottom of the lake. Well, hubby tells her once. She gets back up there as soon as he starts us moving again. Now, not a happy man. He told her if she got back up there the third time that she'd be walking or swimming back as wherever we were he'd just put her out of the boat and she could get back on her own. He never raised her voice but she knew he was serious. :angry: She did not get back up there. Only problem we've ever had. :)

Was she nikkid and he couldn't get a good look at her while she was up there?
Ohhhh...I thought you were asking was Muriel Everett nikkid...No, but she was still in her night attire...

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Key Largo, African Queen. To Have and Have Not has already been mentioned. Cant beat Bogey on a boat. Just put your lips together and blow.

Oddly enough the African Queen is located in Key Largo.
How about the Victory at sea series and movie?

The music was awesome.

Had a number of the same ones already posted (particularly being an ex-submariner the submarine movies) but here are a few I thought of that i did not see.

Operation Petticoat - (aka the Pink Submarine Movie).

Apocalypse Now - (for its river boat scenes)

Lost (TV show) - (for their island hoping)

and a personal all time favorite --------

The Sand Pebbles, with Steve McQueen - The story of an independent, rebellious U.S. Navy machinist's mate, first class aboard the fictional gunboat USS San Pablo in 1920s China.

Had a number of the same ones already posted (particularly being an ex-submariner the submarine movies) but here are a few I thought of that i did not see.

Operation Petticoat - (aka the Pink Submarine Movie).

Apocalypse Now - (for its river boat scenes)

Lost (TV show) - (for their island hoping)

and a personal all time favorite --------

The Sand Pebbles, with Steve McQueen - The story of an independent, rebellious U.S. Navy machinist's mate, first class aboard the fictional gunboat USS San Pablo in 1920s China.

Wifey B: If you're tossing Lost in, then Gilligan's Island. :rofl:
//Sand Pebbles//

Of course! How could we have missed that one. My Dad, who joined the Navy in 1936 and served in the Asiatic Fleet (though not in the gunboats) loved that movie, said he had served with all those "fictional" characters.

The other great Navy flick we've overlooked (probably because there are neither ships nor oceans) is "The Last Detail." Pop maintained that Jack Nicholson must have spent a year in the Fleet studying to portray Signalman 2nd Badusky.

Good one. It took a minute or so, but I remember Randy Quaid transmitting: "Bravo Yankee, Bravo Yankee, end-of-message". :)

One of the many Navy artifacts Pop gave me was a little cardboard device with a sailor printed on the front and a wheel which rotated to show his arms and flags making the alphabet. <sigh>. Wish I'd shown that stuff more respect; most of all the View-Master aircraft recognition wheels.
I'm certain some of you could enjoy the movie "Popeye" starring Robin Williams. :ermm:
I'm certain some of you could enjoy the movie "Popeye" starring Robin Williams. :ermm:

Amazing and unfortunate how Williams and Duvall have both gone bonkers since that and other shows. One's here to tell about it... the other isn't... although the one remaining here thinks she still sees to other upon occasion and that he is just in a different form, i.e. "shape shifted". :eek: :facepalm:

Fame and high exposure can for sure bend minds. Something most of us here on TF don't need to worry about... meaning the first portion of the first sentence, not necessarily the last portion. :rofl:

That said - I liked Robin Williams better in the Peter Pan movie than Pop Eye. Peter Pan also has plenty about boats and marine doings - LOL!!
The box set of MASH.
Lucky Chucky's top 10:

Life Of Pi
African Queen
Cape Fear
Knife In The Water
Life Boat
Death On The Nile
Kon Tiki
Lady Eve
Speaking of Kon Tiki, did you know that Thor Heyerdahl had noticed that the natives of Miami Beach and New York City were very similar? His hypotheses was that the natives of Miami Beach had drifted north on the Gulf Stream and colonized New York City.

At the time of his death, he was formulating plans for a raft of coconut palms to test his theory. I guess now we'll never know.
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