Major damage :(

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but to me this looks like a pretty easy repair. Looks horrible, but the fix is just basic glasswork.

Maybe. If any tabbing is cracked or structural members broken they will have to take out all the cabinetry. Simple but very time consuming. If the keel is just fb then it's just simple glasswork. If the keel is wood encased in glass and cracked then it's a major repair.

I agree with write the season off and take a long vacation.
Repair will not be a big deal, only fiberglass work. Just need to remove the black water tank and 2 probes but the tank is easily accessible.
However I wanted to have insurance take in writing before starting anything. I may be too much prudent and careful but I am not used to all this and don't want to take any risk of messing with something along the way.

Update: The contractor keep me informed step by step. Sensors have been removed, black water tank is disconnected and plugged, he will next remove it from the boat.

Chasing recovery is a challenge in any court. That's why you sometimes win by default as the other side knows they're judgement proof so why spend money on a lawyer.

Don't know what the Canadian courts offer but in the US it would be relatively simple for an attorney to see what other actions the defendants have been involved in, and their outcomes. Losses, judgments and subsequent long payback periods (or none) would be factors to weigh against pursuing further actions. As in, not wasting good money chasing after bad or no money in return.
Update: The contractor keep me informed step by step. Sensors have been removed, black water tank is disconnected and plugged, he will next remove it from the boat.


Progress. Must feel good just to get those reports.
Two points.
I would approach the marina to recover your deductible PLUS. This incident is now part of the boat's history and must/should be disclosed in the future.
Second, the marina has agreed not to charge you for in and out hauling fee plus storage fee on the hard.
You should be able to find a marine attorney for this. Your surveyor may know one. Talk to them to get an idea what needs to be done.

Since their insurance is involved, most will require little to no money upfront.
Update: The contractor keep me informed step by step. Sensors have been removed, black water tank is disconnected and plugged, he will next remove it from the boat.


This is good to hear. Have they given you a date they will be finished with the work? I assume they are working on your boat outside, so weather may be the deciding factor.
This is good to hear. Have they given you a date they will be finished with the work? I assume they are working on your boat outside, so weather may be the deciding factor.
Repair is more or less 5 working days so everything should be done by end of next week, but like you said this depends on the weather. At this point it will take what it will take, I just want this to be properly fixed.
I will take the opportunity to replace all black water hoses and deeply clean the tank so this will be done. I am wondering if I should install a tank level sensor as I do not have one and that is annoying me, not sure how hard it is to do, will think about it though.

You can get a sensor system that sticks on the outside of the tank. I would at least get the system and put the sensors on the tank. You can finish the installation at your leisure. Peggie has put recommendations on here as to which system is the best, I don’t recall which one she recommends.
I would add the sensors as well while you have a good time to do it. I can't make a good recommendation on a brand.
You can get a sensor system that sticks on the outside of the tank. I would at least get the system and put the sensors on the tank. You can finish the installation at your leisure. Peggie has put recommendations on here as to which system is the best, I don’t recall which one she recommends.

I installed the external sensor that Peggie recommends 4 years ago and it has been working perfectly. But you must have a non-metallic tank.

My tank is stainless made but I know there is a version for stainless tank too.

My tank is stainless made but I know there is a version for stainless tank too.


Yes! It goes inside a tube that fits inside the tank. The contents of the tank never touch the sensor.
Yes! It goes inside a tube that fits inside the tank. The contents of the tank never touch the sensor.

That is a Tankwatch system I believe.
That is a Tankwatch system I believe.

Yes, Tankwatch has tubes that go into the tank, but the Scad system has an alternative setup for metal tanks.

This is a quote from their site:

"An optional sensor for metal tanks is also available. The clog-proof floatless sensor fits inside a metal tank and easily installs by simply cutting to length the sensor to adapt to any size tank."

Here's the page:

I am questioning myself about going after them to claim for losses I incurred, like first my insurance deductible, my season loss, the fees I paid for the dock that I did not use, travel expenses for back and forth to the boat and so on.
Not sure yet I want to jump into procedures etc, I am so tired about this...

We had 3 weeks cruise planned for September and as I do not want to rush to get everything ready on time (it will be very tight looking at the maintenance I still have to do) we cancelled that. We will go for a 3 weeks road trip around Nova Scotia, at least that is something we wanted to do much for quite some time and this will make me think about something else...


Hi Lou:

I was relieved when you posted that the insurance would cover the major repairs, and then pleased when you decided to adapt to the difficult situation and do a Nova Scotia road trip this boating season.

You have adjusted your sails to fit the unexpected new conditions. Well done!

I hope that the repairs and then the move to a new boatyard go smoothly so you can have a fun road trip. As for going after the boatyard for the difficulties they have caused, it is often more trouble than it is worth to hold morons accountable.

Mrs. Trombley
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Update: Repairs are in progress still. Interior done and pained, exterior almost done needs some fairing and put back probes. Today we went to our next Marina and reserved our spot for winter storage, this a far most serious place. The boat will stored inside a shelter so no need to wrap it anymore. The plan now is to put the boat in water when we return from our trip en of September and move it to its new place.

After all that idle time why not run it some?
Glad to here the repairs are almost done. Hopefully you can put this experience behind you and move on.
Keep positive and hopefully enjoy your boat soon.
Update: Repairs are in progress still. Interior done and pained, exterior almost done needs some fairing and put back probes. Today we went to our next Marina and reserved our spot for winter storage, this a far most serious place. The boat will stored inside a shelter so no need to wrap it anymore. The plan now is to put the boat in water when we return from our trip en of September and move it to its new place.

Good to read things are coming together.
Lastly, at the time most of people are hauling out here, le Bleuvet splashed in the water this morning.
At least I have been able to test my new oil cooler setup and all the hoses, I solved an engine oil leak that was puzzling me for too long and I rewired and tested a new bilge pump.
After sleeping for 1 year, the engine fired up well, a bit of cough for few secs and then running fine.

Next Saturday we are moving to our new winter storage and marina.

All fixed - great news! Sucks you missed a season, but good to know she's healthy now.

Lastly, at the time most of people are hauling out here, le Bleuvet splashed in the water this morning.
At least I have been able to test my new oil cooler setup and all the hoses, I solved an engine oil leak that was puzzling me for too long and I rewired and tested a new bilge pump.
After sleeping for 1 year, the engine fired up well, a bit of cough for few secs and then running fine.

Next Saturday we are moving to our new winter storage and marina.


Glad to hear it Lou!
Mr. L.

Oh Lou, I know this is heartbreaking. I’m am so so sorry. I don’t even know what to tell you. Call ins. Company. It’s going to be a fight but something tells me you are in a fighting mood. I certainly would be right after my nervous breakdown.

Just saw it was fixed. Yay!!

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