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Mainship pilot wanted

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Elmer Phelon

Aug 7, 2021
I'm interested to buy a Pilot 30 or 34 factory hard top, with either 4LHA or 6LYA yammar, single diesel.

I'm in the NYC area and will consider eastern US boats .
I'm an all cash buyer.
There is also a Mainship 31 and 355 (Basically re-designed and re-branded 31 as 355 for last couple years of production.). Big difference in size between a 30 and 31. Not so much between a 31 and 34. If you intend to do much cruising and sleeping on-board, the 30 is cramped IMO. Also limited side-deck space for going forward which was a deal-breaker for me for the 30.
If you are ok with the smaller Pilot 30, I would also consider one with the Yanmar 6LP engine. Cruises a bit faster than the 4LH.

But in my opinion, the Pilot 34 with the Yanmar 6LY is a superior boat. More room for guests or more than a day or two overnight. We had one in Connecticut and did 3-4 night cruises which is about all the small fridge would accommodate. Water and holding tank were good for 3-4 nights.

Mainship Pilot

There is also a Mainship 31 and 355 (Basically re-designed and re-branded 31 as 355 for last couple years of production.). Big difference in size between a 30 and 31. Not so much between a 31 and 34. If you intend to do much cruising and sleeping on-board, the 30 is cramped IMO. Also limited side-deck space for going forward which was a deal-breaker for me for the 30.

Thanks for that--- built for only a year or so, Ive only seen oneavailabe and its far out of my price range.
Will keep an eye out.
Mainship Pilot

If you are ok with the smaller Pilot 30, I would also consider one with the Yanmar 6LP engine. Cruises a bit faster than the 4LH.

But in my opinion, the Pilot 34 with the Yanmar 6LY is a superior boat. More room for guests or more than a day or two overnight. We had one in Connecticut and did 3-4 night cruises which is about all the small fridge would accommodate. Water and holding tank were good for 3-4 nights.


Thanks for that. Yes, Ive seen multiple boats in both sizes, the 30 will do fine for our needs. I'll consider a 34 if its been maintained and is in good condition.
FYI the 6LP engine self destructs----its all over the internet---it got so bad, there was class action suite against Yanmar where the boat owners won the case.
Valves stems break, fall into the cylinder and Ka Boom.
The 4 LHA and 6 LYA are far superior engines...But After seeing a numerous boats, not a single one has had the required engine maintenance , particularly having the heat exchangers serviced. Owners, change the oil and think thats all they have to do. One owner had 22 yr old boat with 4 LHA 2000 Hrs, engine over heated, got towed, he just did a quick flush and still never did the service, simply put it up for sale to be someone else's headache.
Why?---- because that service can cost between 6 and 12K! Believe me I've priced it between NY, CT RI and Ma Certified Yanmar service yards.
I'll keep looking , will also consider other downcast boats in the same size range.

Yes 6LPs had the notorious valve defect, but Yanmar (was forced to maybe) replaced them with better metallurgy and no further problems have been reported. You may have to pay to replace them if the engine you buy hasn't had it done, but that is rare. The 6LP does have a belt driven camshaft that needs to be replaced periodically. But with the new metallurgy valves and attention to the belt replacement schedule, the 6LP is a solid engine.

If you are a reasonably handy DIYer you can do the complete exchanger service for the cost of a few O-rings. Not cheap at maybe $100 but no where near the cost of a mechanic. And FWIW I did a complete aftercooler job, rodded the main heat exchanger to open the tubes and acid flushed the whole system in about 20 hours which should cost $2-3,000 at today's mechanic rates.



Yes 6LPs had the notorious valve defect, but Yanmar (was forced to maybe) replaced them with better metallurgy and no further problems have been reported. You may have to pay to replace them if the engine you buy hasn't had it done, but that is rare. The 6LP does have a belt driven camshaft that needs to be replaced periodically. But with the new metallurgy valves and attention to the belt replacement schedule, the 6LP is a solid engine.

If you are a reasonably handy DIYer you can do the complete exchanger service for the cost of a few O-rings. Not cheap at maybe $100 but no where near the cost of a mechanic. And FWIW I did a complete aftercooler job, rodded the main heat exchanger to open the tubes and acid flushed the whole system in about 20 hours which should cost $2-3,000 at today's mechanic rates.

Exactly what I'm referring to. However no matter how hard I research, I can't find any documentation on line are to what year they they began producing the "fixed" engine. 2003, 4 5? might you know?
Forget about trying to get a dime out of Yanmar now for an old engine rebuild.
I know its smaller, quieter, but I lean toward the 6LYA or 4LHA as they were purposely built marine engines, heavy blocks and heads, simpler designs with hoards of them having many thousands of hours logged.

Looking at another Pilot 30 with 4LHA this weekend.
I read hear a few years ago of someone who got Yanmar to provide the new valves for free, but not the labor to install them.

I believe that by now, the great majority of 6LPs have the improved valves. I think a good Yanmar mechanic could tell if an engine has the new valves. May have to remove the valve cover.

You are right that the 6LY and the 4LH were marine engines from the ground (well maybe water) up. But given the greater displacement and smoothness of a 6 cylinder, I would prefer the 6LP in a Pilot 30 over the 4LH. I would definitely confirm it had the valves replaced though.

Elmer Phelon.
I tried to PM you with no luck.
34 has substantially more room especially in the cabin. We looked at a 30 and the brokers comment was go ahead and buy it because in a couple of years I will be able to sell you a 34.

As to engine service, we just had the full 1000hr engine work done. At the same time we replaced hoses, belts etc. not cheap but will not need to do it again for 8 years at our current engine run rate so a good and needed investment.
Elmer, I may be putting our 2004 pilot 30 II on the market in Mid January. I'm looking to go back up in size to and back to a Grand Banks. She has the 4LHA-STP 240 HP Yanmar. I will let you know once we inspect the Grand Banks in mid January.


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Thanks, I just closed on a 2003 Pilot 30 Hardtop in great condition, 425 hrs on the 6PLA.
Hauled for the winter and am Doing the extensive heat exchanger service, timing belt etc now.
Good luck in your sale.
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