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Loop boat wanted

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Apr 17, 2019
My wife and I want to begin the loop in April/May 2020 leaving from south west coast of Florida-Englewood-we are looking to buy a suitable boat sometime in the fall of 2019 or early 2020 with the intention of becoming comfortable with the boat between purchase and departure. We have taken one boat to survey only to find a number of problems and in the opinion of the survey person we simply were going to pay too much for the boat. There was no negotiation with the seller so we walked away reluctantly . We really want a boat and was wondering if any of you out there might be finishing your loop sometime in the fall and might be interested in selling your pride and joy. Our budget tops at 60k. Would be very interested in talking to anyone out there whose plan might mesh with ours. Thanks cliff
We will be back down in the area around Christmas. We are not selling but if you want the see a Monk 36, we will be in Englewood.
Buying a boat large enough to comfortably do the loop for $60K is going to be a set of compromises. First for that budget expect to be buying a boat with quite a few issues. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just reality. Keep some money set aside to do repairs and upgrades. I would buy sooner rather than later in order to have time to get to know the boat and do the repairs. The more work you can do the more money you will save. Good luck.
Are you thinking a multi-year loop? With the lock closure in the summer/fall of 2020, the single year loop is going to be very difficult in 2020.
Are you a member of AGLCA? Or MTOA? Both groups have classifieds and AGLCA has many boats that have completed the Loop.
Plan to do loop in 2 sessions.may 2020 from Florida getting to upstate ny or maybe into Canada by fall of 2020. Picking up again in spring/summer of 2021 depending on water conditions and making way back to Florida by fall early winter. I am handy and willing to accept some issues that I can fix and at the same time learn about the boat..just do not want a project boat...good bones ...I have reached out ref the Albin 36 but think the single engine with no thruster would be more than I can handle..anyone know the cost to have one installed??tganks cliff
My wife and I want to begin the loop in April/May 2020 leaving from south west coast of Florida-Englewood-we are looking to buy a suitable boat sometime in the fall of 2019 or early 2020 with the intention of becoming comfortable with the boat between purchase and departure. Our budget tops at 60k. Would be very interested in talking to anyone out there whose plan might mesh with ours. Thanks cliff

A. Once you have a boat, you will have more friends.

Are you anticipating taking a couple of extra folks along for at least part of the ride? If so, get a 2 stateroom boat, two heads. Wet heads are inconvenient because you have to wipe down the walls and floors after taking a shower. Ideally, a washer/dryer that will wash and wrinkle your clothing for you.
For a fact, sleeping on that slide out berth in the salon is not the best and it takes up time to assemble and disassemble and if you end up with late sleepers, you are trapped in the stateroom. My golden hearted 'house mouse' has her parents from Vietnam here. I gave up the stateroom because I wake early and start breakfast after the first cup of coffee and reading the news.
In another month, they will go home and I think her sister is coming over for a visit, duration unknown. It is a blending of 2 cultures and an interesting experience. SMILE

So, 2 staterooms, 2 head, one dry shower.
Storage space for food and clothing will be at a premium with a one stateroom boat and not much better with a 2 stateroom recreation vessel. You must impress on your traveling guest, minimum clothing..... no tux, no formals, shorts, tops, a couple pair of slacks, a dress shirt or two. Everything should be wash and wear. Then there is the conservation of water and then, the marine head. That is a subject best be discussed after you and your wife 'discover' how quickly the sanitary tank can fill up and the FW tank empty. LOL

Of course, I have ignored the mechanics features of the boat, ie generator, main engine, fuel tanks, water tanks, sanitary tank, ideally a water maker too. I will let other address those.
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Plan to do loop in 2 sessions.may 2020 from Florida getting to upstate ny or maybe into Canada by fall of 2020. Picking up again in spring/summer of 2021 depending on water conditions and making way back to Florida by fall early winter. I am handy and willing to accept some issues that I can fix and at the same time learn about the boat..just do not want a project boat...good bones ...I have reached out ref the Albin 36 but think the single engine with no thruster would be more than I can handle..anyone know the cost to have one installed??tganks cliff

Installing the tunnel is the costly part. A guess for the complete system would be $10K to $15K.

Anyone know offhand what the maximum draft and bridge clearance is for a perspective "looping" boat?
The max draft on the TST is 6’, however if you draft more than 5’ they require that you sign a waiver for damages. I don’t remember the exact air draft.
Installing the tunnel is the costly part. A guess for the complete system would be $10K to $15K.


That is right about what I have seen for a bow thruster, I was told about 11 to 12K. I put a stern thruster on my boat. I did all the labor and the parts were about 4K.
Dont buy the minimum HP bow and stern thruster. Get the next size up if your house batteries/hydraulic pump can support them. IMO, it is better to give a short burst with an extra HP or 2 than a prolonged running of thruster that are "just right" for the boat.
Motorsailer with the emphasis on motoring might be a good option. Never even have to put of the sail if you are not interested.

The Fales Navigator is kinda interesting at $40K. It has inside stearing, a flybridge, and sails.

Here are a couple of other motorsailers.


The ideal Loop boat

We have been interested in a loop boat for years. Based on recommendations from various loopers, we searched for a trawler with a single screw diesel and a bow thruster between 34and 36 feet. We found it in 2015 . It was totally refurbished by A reputable boatyard to remove the teak decks and rot under the windows. This is a 1986 CHB Oceania which has a Perkins diesel 135 and a Vetus now thruster. Over the last 4 years we took it up the St. Lawrence River, through the Thousand Islands, the Trent Severn Waterway to Georgian Bay and up the Rideau Waterway system. We love the boat but are done with long range boating. It has a forward suite with a head, a master suite aft with a queen size bed and a full head, Sundeck and full separate bridge. This should do the Loop trip for you. Contact me if you're interested.
Price? Is the boat in Canada? Thanks
The price is $57,000 CDN o.b.o. It is in Canada but we would be willing to deliver. Thank you.
The price is $57,000 CDN o.b.o. It is in Canada but we would be willing to deliver. Thank you.

If I were in the market for boat, I would give that boat serious consideration.

That part about willing to deliver can be a real education for the new owner..... Get to go inside and outside, maybe a few nights on the outside a few miles off shore....

I wish you a quick sale and a long delivery for the new owner's education .....
Not many current owners are willing to invite the new owner on the delivery.
Too late to switch gears but if the scheduled survey doesn’t work out will be back to you .
Well, the survey did NOT work out. Would you be willing to deliver to Florida??
Well, the survey did NOT work out. Would you be willing to deliver to Florida??

After you buy it, why not fly up and bring the boat down with him? It would be a real educational experience for you. By the time you get to your slip in FL, all your questions will be answered.
1986 Oceania Sundeck 35

CBouch, yes we would deliver. Please email me and we can talk further. Thanks.
I was just thinking of putting my 1972 Gulfstar Trawler 36 up for sale... I’ve been told she is the perfect looper! I have just finished redoing her insides. Great boat.. just plan to go to the mountains to be with the grand babies my number is14232843577 if you want to send me a msg I can send you pics
Where is she located??what engine does she have? Thanks cliff
She is in Charleston, SC. I am the third owner. The wonderful couple I got her from used her as a liveaboard for 17 years! She had twin Perkins Diesels
We will be back down in the area around Christmas. We are not selling but if you want the see a Monk 36, we will be in Englewood.
Monk 36s are very popular with Loopers. Many are sold privately and advertised on the Monk 36 Owners' Association. They don't go unsold for very long unless they have not been cared for. Just a few days ago I was aboard one that is pending sale in our marina. We have a DeFever 44 in which we just completed the Loop but I can say the Monk is a great Loop boat.
The question is not the boat , the loop had been run with outboards on under 20 ft boats.

The question is your personal concept of "comfort.

There are many small high production boats (think similar to a Bayliner) that could easily run the distance with an IO , easy and cheap to get repaired almost any place.

Much of the loop in Canada is limited to 6 kilometers an hour , so the engine never works very hard.

These boats can be had used in varying quality levels for $5,000 to $10,000 so an extra couple of cents per mile for gasoline is meaningless.

Comfort is an individual concept, just you and the bride? or a dozen friends for weeks on end.

Before spending big bucks , take a look at small buck boats , the values and lifestyle may surprise you.

The little Right loop , Hudson , Canada , with return via the Rideau ad Lake Champlain is interesting and an easy summer fun run.
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Dont overlook the American Tug 34/36 for a start.... They are a bit more than $1 but, very comfortable.
The question is not the boat , the loop had been run with outboards on under 20 ft boats.

The question is your personal concept of "comfort.

There are many small high production boats (think similar to a Bayliner) that could easily run the distance with an IO , easy and cheap to get repaired almost any place.

Much of the loop in Canada is limited to 6 kilometers an hour , so the engine never works very hard.

These boats can be had used in varying quality levels for $5,000 to $10,000 so an extra couple of cents per mile for gasoline is meaningless.

Comfort is an individual concept, just you and the bride? or a dozen friends for weeks on end.

Before spending big bucks , take a look at small buck boats , the values and lifestyle may surprise you.

The little Right loop , Hudson , Canada , with return via the Rideau ad Lake Champlain is interesting and an easy summer fun run.

With respect, I would like to offer a different opinion on "most of Canada" being limited to 6 kilometers per hour. First off 6 kilometers per hour equals about 3.6 statute miles per hour. I think you meant to say 6 nautical miles per hour, that would be knots, whci equates to about to about 7 statute miles per hour.

The word "most" means to me at least 80%. Having just completed the Loop, including the Chambly Canal, the Rideau, and the Trent-Severn, I can assure you that your statement is inaccurate, in my opinion. The Chambly Canal is 10 NM of canal and 58 NM of river. The river has very few speed restrictions.

The 202 kilometres (126 mi) of the Rideau Canal incorporate sections of the Rideau and Cataraqui rivers, as well as several lakes, including the Lower, Upper and Big Rideau lakes. About 19 km (12 mi) of the route is man-made. Except on the man-made sections, most of the rest the route has no speed restrictions.

The Trent-Severn is similar in nature. Then there is the North Channel, wide-open water with long passages. So, no, most of the Loop in Canada is not speed limited.

I say this with the greatest respect with no intention to embarrass, just to correct the record, as I see it.
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