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Looking for fixer upper, 40ft plus…. southeastern U.S.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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And the exemption is just an act of congress, literally. So that is easy…
I have a contract to buy a 30 year old vessel of excellent pedigree, but without any upgrades from what I can see. Not a project boat, but only after survey will be able to tell if there are any major issues.

However, I've found that when a boat hits 30 that's when things start needing replacement. Pumps, hoses, toilets, plumbing, cutlasses, total interior redecoration, etc.

What is the Small Vessel Waiver Program?

The Jones Act requires that vessels operating in coastwise commerce be built in the U.S. whenever possible. However, there are many cases in which foreign-built vessels or vessels of unknown build can contribute to U.S. commerce, especially those operating as commercial passenger vessels. The Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) -- contained within the Jones Act -- authorizes MARAD to waive the U.S. build requirement in certain circumstances. These are known as Small Vessel Waivers.

How does it work?

Owner of the vessel submits an application for the Small Vessel Waiver via web or traditional mail. See this guidance document for details about the application process.
MARAD publishes a Public Notice in the Federal Register for 30 days, which notes the vessel details and intended use.
During the Public Notice period, MARAD uses all sources available to determine if the issuance of a waiver will negatively impact U.S. vessel builders or the coastal trade business of any person who uses U.S.-built vessels.
If MARAD does not anticipate a negative impact, MARAD issues the waiver. MARAD approves most waiver requests.
The waiver becomes part of the vessel’s documentation and stays with the vessel if it is sold. After receiving a waiver, applicants should file for a Coastwise Trade Endorsement for the passenger trade with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) if the vessel does not already hold this endorsement. For information on meeting USCG requirements, contact the United States Coast Guard National Vessel Documentation Center online or at 1-800-799-8362.
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However, I've found that when a boat hits 30 that's when things start needing replacement. Pumps, hoses, toilets, plumbing, cutlasses, total interior redecoration, etc.

That'd probably be the second replacement for those systems.


while I do appreciate all the well wishes and concerns, this is a “wanted boat” ad haha. Not one boat has been offered :p I assure you that while I’m new to “large boats” I’m not new to “ridiculous projects”…. If no one has a boat for sale, perhaps I am posting in the wrong subforum?

I have a 50' Bestway CPMY with twin Cat 3116 in Palm Beach , FL. Boat is in good running condition but needs minor mechanical and cosmetic maintenance. Has all the items you requested and more. $50,000 drive it away.

If you are still in the market I have a very nice 50ft Sundancer in Al for sale.
Berryfarmer....still looking?
If you haven't found anything yet, there is a 40' CHB Present sundeck motoryacht/trawler for sale at Columbus Marina, in Columbus, MS on the TennTom. Needs TLC but hits all of your requirements - two staterooms, two heads, twin Ford Lehmand 135's. Its not the boat pictured on the left, but close.
Asking $45k I think.
I belive BerryFarmer got mad and left forum in Oct 2023 so no point in adding to this thread. Has not posted since then when he had an inappropriate response to some reasonable feedback.
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