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Krogen Manatee '86 for sale Baltimore MD - 133.500

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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May 3, 2011
Well equipted, ready to cruise this season , very economical, realistically priced
Is it listed somewhere with more data?
VHF + Radar + Speed Log +Depth Finder + GPS* + 2 anchors on bow platform ( Delta and Super Max ) ) lines +* fenders + newer stove + 2 bilge pumps + fuel filtration + curtains for pilot house and aft deck + epoxy encap hull + Dinghy Lift + Full Upper Deck Awning + windless + Ac / Dc frig + rewired though out + 2ea 8 D batteries -- etc ...* as in well equipted

Wife can no longer get on /* nor off the boat ..

Thanks for asking,

***** Ken
Sorry Ted - Pics were wiped out with crash of confuser .. Add Air Cond to Equpt list .

Will try for some more pic - when weather improves a bit .

* Best etc,

********* Ken
captzemo wrote:
PS - Ted what is your boat - I am sure everyone knows -- but me ??

*Bruno & Stillman meets Chesapeake Bay. The hull is a mid '70s Bruno and Stillman that I purchased in '99. In 2004 Messick & Willings removed the original wheelhouse cabin and built the current one. The boats been in the building since Christmas getting the hull fared, new anchor rollers, new bow rail, new radios, an AIS system, new dive ladder platform, new AC, new head gasket & repaint engine, and awlgrip from the gunnels down. Hope I have enough money left to buy a trawler.


I have also a 22 ft Royal Lowell Downeaster - circa `1972* that I use as a runabout ... damn fine boat - also very economical with 60 hp Merc 4 stroke .

Inerested on your impressions of ASI* use - when you get on the water.

Spent Jan thru most of March in Flordia - neighbor there* painted his boat with Allcraft -- had a bunch of pblms with paint* - solvent bleed thru -- made very very small bubbles -- had to sand the whole thing out - I understand that since sale of US paint to International - this seems to be a problem ..

I used Sherman Williams Industrial Marine 2 part Polyurethane to paint the lil boat -2 yrs ago --very easy to work with and seems to hold up quite well . I had formerly used* All Craft to paint the Blue Streak around the Manatee. Suggest checking with local yards doing refinish work for their current opinions on Paint.

I know Mort Deckleman is using it* on the Upper Shore .

There is / was a sign in Coinjock Marina on the ICW :

********* " Everytime I get caught up with my bills - My boat finds out about it "

" Money left over " - surely you jest !!

Should have been AWLCraft

*The mate to Awlgrip -- formerly by US paint - now International - slightly softer and not quite as brittle* - req spraying - but is repairable - and buffable !

Ck with your local yards to see what they are using ---All products change over time .

MarineTrader....do you know the boat?
MT, in most other forums I visit it is not kosher to rag on the price of the OP listing. Being a broker you obviously have resources that give you a peek at what the market is doing. I am not a broker but do keep abreast of what is for sale around this country. And I think his asking price is in line with other asking prices. If you are interested in buying, make an offer. If he asks for advice about pricing his boat, THEN you can give your opinion ref price.

Anyway, just common courtesy in cyberspace.
Well said John, as well as being 100% correct. I'd delete the post if it were me- it does nothing but harm the seller and casts his boat in a bad light.
Thanks Guys -- I don't know how to delete it - or even if I can

But Thanks for your Thoughts .

Best etc,
Is this Manatee still for sale?

Is it the red hull Manatee in Baltimore harbor area?

I'd love to see it if possible.

Thanks, Bob Abel
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