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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Richard, whenever you read this, congratulations on an incredible voyage. We have all shared the highs and lows with you. It was incredible to see how many of us were with you as you made your journey. Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us and and making us a part of it! Sleep well! And get a tuna fish bagel in the morning!
I bet he's on the dock. Just sent him a text. Lets all text him now! He doesn't need to sleep. He can do that tomorrow!
Bravo!!!!!!! Well done Richard!!:thumb::thumb:
I tried texting him and got an error, it wouldn't go through??

Sometimes you have to refresh the page and try again. This has happened to me a few times and just did a few minutes ago when I sent Richard a Congratulation text.

I have been following this since post #1, and I gotta say, it has been one heck of a ride. Scary at times. So glad you made it safe & sound Richard....

How long is he going stay? I think he said for the winter, somewhere in Ireland. Go to post#1, by Richard, click on his Blog. His plans are in the blog.

Seems like he is anchored right "Below" the "E" in Castle:


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I am with it until he is safely anchored down. A lot of prayers have been riding along with Richard. Well done, Richard and Julie.
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What can I say except that I'm exhausted. I know that's nothing compared to Richard, but what a sprint to the finish! It's a big deal, crossing an ocean in a tiny trawler. Can't help but admire the boat and the skipper.....and it teaches one a bit about trusting ones equipment, knowledge and willingness to see it through. Sincere congratulations, Dauntless and crew of one.
It's been said before but I am going to say it again.

incredible Journey Dauntless!
Glad you are safely in port Richard!
Congratulations Richard and a tip of the cap to Art Kadey and Jim Krogen for a well designed and constructed boat.

Can you imagine the sound of shutting those engines down??? Lifting a glass to Richard & Dauntless.

Well Done!

Actually.... It's a single engine. (Lehman 135 ?)

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
It has been quite a voyage to follow and participate vicariously in.

Congratulations on your successful journey!!!
KK's are very capable boats, especially so when skippered by a very capable captain. Congrats Richard & Dauntless. Get some well deserved rest, kiss the engine, and down some cold brews and good food. Buy mayo too.
Richard! This scotch on the rocks tastes so good, especially now that your safe in Port!
Congratulations Shipmate.

An epic voyage if ever there was one!!!

Richard has done what few here would ever attempt!

Well done sir!
It will be great to get back to normal web-surfing that doesn't involve hitting the refresh on Delorme every 10 minutes! :D. Thanks for taking us along on your incredible ride, Richard.
Hopefully the Irish Customs guys won't get their knickers in a twist because Richard didn't check in before crashing for the night.

Great trip and derring do!
A truly wonderful voyage. Congratulations, take a break, enjoy Ireland.
This was an amazing read.

Congrats Richard, Dauntless, and TF members that helped out! I just lurked, monitored, and stressfully watched events unfold.

Another feather in the KK marketing hat. Damn fine seamanship skills on display Richard, bravo.

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