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Great photos! I see in the web cam that they have set sail!
Richard did you and Julie get over to peters yet? They should have something for you from rosa and I.

Via iPhone.
I have at say, I usually don't blow my own horn, but sitting in that 10 day Master's class, with 25 others, virtually all them working in the industry, I was struck by how much I already knew, compared to others who have been doing it for a long time, or doing it every day.

I had not planned on taking the extra 3 day Master's course, but then I realized how much I do have to offer and maybe I would be want to do deliveries when I run out of money$$$

We were a bit surprised at how little some knew who had been doing it for decades. I guess they got slotted and they just different get exposed to more. The same thing happens in some businesses. Someone gets put in a job and told just what they need for that job. Now, on the other hand, there were two in our class who had amazing knowledge and experience and had just decided now they wanted to advance.

Someone asked us how much we learned. My response was "I don't know." I didn't keep a count of how many new things. But what I do know is that we knew more after the course than we knew before plus other things were reinforced. Some subjects more than others. I laugh because the area we probably learned the most, you were equipped to teach, and that's meteorology. We had very little knowledge in it before. And every day there was something that made it worthwhile. I hope to always continue to learn. Firefighting and Medical courses were quite an experience as we try to expand our knowledge. Learned some things I sure hope I never need to know.

I'm sure we both would love listening to you talk about this trip. Actually both of you. Would love to get Julie's perspective on the crossing. We've been told many many times that our desire to one day cross the Atlantic in our own boat is crazy. But watching you we're seeing someone of the same mindset and desire we have, who beat us to it and we can learn a lot from. However, the real key to what you have done had far more to do with your preparation than the actual crossing.

From the numbers you gave of remaining fuel, it sounded like your usage was a little more than you anticipated? How did it turn out compared to your projections?
We're an hour from Horta.
I'm tired.
Getting out of the Marina turned out to be easy.

Fuel consumption is what I expected.
It was 1.5 g/hr for first ten days, then due to seas and having the fuel, I increased speed, so ending up at 1.8 & 3.2nm/gal is ok.

I'm definitely going to be in Azores another week or 10 days. I will look for crew. Had to be someone here who wants to go to U.K.
We're an hour from Horta.
I'm tired.
Getting out of the Marina turned out to be easy.

Fuel consumption is what I expected.
It was 1.5 g/hr for first ten days, then due to seas and having the fuel, I increased speed, so ending up at 1.8 & 3.2nm/gal is ok.

I'm definitely going to be in Azores another week or 10 days. I will look for crew. Had to be someone here who wants to go to U.K.
Ducked along the wall in Horta.
That crash you heard was rub rail against wall.
Umm, why do I always put fenders up after docking.

Oh, and I'm showing up on marine


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Job well done!
Now you can stay at a town with lots to see.
Glad you and Julie made it OK. Hope the wall did no damage. Rest well!
Outstanding voyage. Congrat's on completing this leg of the journey. Injoy!
Slowpoke :dance:
Congrats and thanks for the pictures also
I'll say it again - thanks for letting us all tag along on your journey!! Good luck finding crew - wish I could join ya!
Ducked along the wall in Horta.
That crash you heard was rub rail against wall.
Umm, why do I always put fenders up after docking.

Tired after 20 hours. Oh I know it was a rhetorical question.

Do hope you're able to find someone. No skill required, just the ability to stay awake, pay attention and wake you if anything meeting the parameters you set and the ability to sleep some when you're awake.
I'm definitely going to be in Azores another week or 10 days. I will look for crew. Had to be someone here who wants to go to U.K.

So tempting. I'm off work in 4 days. I'd fly over if I hadn't committed myself on another boat.

Maybe post on cruisers forum. They have a crew wanted section.
Ahoy Captain Richard and First Mate Julie

You two seafarers have done and are doing what few would dare and what even fewer could be successful at. I'm impressed beyond the word itself. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us all and for the insights you provide. Pictures are great. I can't help but wonder how many other similar sized "power" boats with crew of two (at times one) have successfully done what you are accomplishing on your beautiful, stout KK?? That number must be rather slight. I'm sure there are marine magazines that would like to carry a full story reviewing your brave and intelligently executed voyage.

I give you both a Big BRAVO! And, I ask you to always keep vigilant on yourself, your crew, and all portions of climate as well as boat parts during your journey… because… As rule of thumb, especially while experiencing uncharted territories of “life”, When You Least Expect It – Expect IT!

Sail on Captain and Mate… Sail On! :thumb:

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So tempting. I'm off work in 4 days. I'd fly over if I hadn't committed myself on another boat.

No Kidding!! If this was April next year. . . I would be on a plane heading for Horta!! I have friends on Faial and wouldn't mind visiting for a couple of days. Since I'm going to England and then Spain for several months anyway and a slight side trip would be fun!!
I'm with Auscan, I've been stewing about it the last few days trying to rationalize flying over and helping out for the next few legs. Admittedly more for selfish reasons then any absolute needs of Richard or any good Samaritan urges on my part to lend a hand. I'm sure he will get by one way or the other and there would certainly be better crew than I. Nonetheless it's "overwhelmingly" tempting! For little more than the cost of airfare it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to boat this part of the world... on someone else's dime! My adventurous side screams damn the cost and last minute inconvenience your a fool not to jump on the opportunity then my rational side whispers about all the headache and hassles to overcome in dropping everything and flying to the other side of the world to play. That's the point inertia sets in and I know if I debate & stew about it long enough the opportunity will be lost and thereby negating the need to make a difficult decision. Story of my life but quite obviously not the slightest issue for Richard. Damn you Richard :) and damn inertia!
Good news, Richard. I found a couple of flight attendants stranded in Horta from a cancelled flight to London, anxious to be your crew! They'll be bringing peanuts!

I am beyond thrilled for you and your Julie, and thank you for allowing me to live vicariously on this journey. It's been thrilling. Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Good news, Richard. I found a couple of flight attendants stranded in Horta from a cancelled flight to London, anxious to be your crew! They'll be bringing peanuts!

And thier colors match the boat.

Thanks for all your warm comments.
We're rea lly touched.

Horta is having the last day of some festival tonight. And while there are some sailors, it's 90% Horta people. So European, 1 Euro wines, beers.
Multi generational families sitting on the wall listening to old style bands.

Little places that will just have thier speciality, always fresh, inexpensive.

It's why we do what we do.
"It's why we do what we do."
Richard and Julie, I love this post you just made! Grab all the gusto of life and take in and be a part of it. Enjoy!
Once Julie gets back to NY, I think she will start posting on tf on her own.

We think many would like to hear her perspective.

I did not sleep well yesterday on this 20 hr passage. It's a bit of a foreboding.

I will move to Terceira after 5 or 6 days, but 880 miles is a lot right now. Maybe in 5 days it won't be :)
Once Julie gets back to NY, I think she will start posting on tf on her own.

We think many would like to hear her perspective.

I did not sleep well yesterday on this 20 hr passage. It's a bit of a foreboding.

I will move to Terceira after 5 or 6 days, but 880 miles is a lot right now. Maybe in 5 days it won't be :)

Wifey B: I hope's just great to get different perspectives. I mean there have been times the guy thought it was the greatest thing ever and the wife said "sell the boat." Now, I know Julie feels differently than that but want to hear how it felt to her.

And want you to find someone to go with you. 20 hours is nothing compared to 140.
Once Julie gets back to NY, I think she will start posting on tf on her own.

We think many would like to hear her perspective.

I did not sleep well yesterday on this 20 hr passage. It's a bit of a foreboding.

I will move to Terceira after 5 or 6 days, but 880 miles is a lot right now. Maybe in 5 days it won't be :)

Horta sounds like a real hoot, cruisers coming and going. Maybe a good place to hang out until Julie rejoins you?
No. It's like a week for for us. Not long term.


ONE of the bands I was talking about.
No. It's like a week for for us. Not long term.

Funny how many people we've met in our cruising the last couple of years who had no intention of staying somewhere when they arrived and ended up making it home. Not saying that will happen to you, just that your comment reminded me of several.

But then we flew to Fort Lauderdale for a Florida vacation and before the two weeks was up we were Florida residents.
Genuíno, a tiny restaurant by the beach at Porto Pim, a quick walk south of the main harbor is owned by a cruiser with two circumnavigations under his belt. He has been known to offer meals and drinks to arriving cruisers on credit till they can get local currency.
Entering Horta's harbor:


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