Isn't boating an essential activity?

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With my car I limit myself to ESSENTIAL chores.
Do you go grocery shopping with your boat?
Do you go to the doctor with your boat?
Enough said!
I can't believe you are seriously asking this question.
Yesterday, there were 33,536 reported new cases of C-19 and a reported total of 16,691 deaths from the C-19 virus and you want to go out and PLAY?
How do you think the majority of those cases were spread, by immaculate transmission?
Stay home, stay away from other people and only go out of your dwelling if the need is dire. There are a whole lot of asymptomatic people out there spreading C-19 and you could be one.
Interesting Delema

Well, it really isn't a matter of essential or not. I know that for me and the San Diego bay the Port closed the bay to all recreational activities for a lot of reasons but in my mind the biggest is protecting those who's lives are on the line every day to protect and serve. there is just not enough harbor police to cover every indecent in normal circumstances let alone put them in further harms way by potentially exposing them to people who should just stay at home! Be thankful in this time that you even have a home. I know I get it, I am going stir crazy and I live on my vessel which will remain tied to the dock until the bay opens up again.
Here in California a state with an estimated 40 million people we can't do a thing regardless if we live in a hut in the desert with no neighbors or live in downtown Los Angeles. As a country we are so driven by NYC only and not looking at the other results of the other 49 states. Then the irresponsible predictions by the local government and media which created mass hysteria was criminal and caused so many cases of hoarding and creating crowds early on. This thing was so mishandled by our local governments and the propaganda from the media is ridiculous can't they stop the political propaganda at some point. I blame both parties we can spend trillions on bailouts but not provide testing to see if we have had it or not and if we have resume our lives?

As I reply this my boat sits absorbing 5 inches of rain this week, and legally I can't drive to the marina and check on it..

This is an invasion of our civil liberties and it didn't have to be this way.
Here in VA we are under very strict orders to 'stay at home', unless we want to go outside.

" Isn't boating an essential activity? Yes serious question."

If you have to ASK you KNOW it is not essential.
It just shows being utterly selfish.....
With the freeways wide open I am going to make the 44 mile drive to my boat to fill the batteries, change the zincs, and perform whatever essential maintenance is required.
Here in California a state with an estimated 40 million people we can't do a thing regardless if we live in a hut in the desert with no neighbors or live in downtown Los Angeles. As a country we are so driven by NYC only and not looking at the other results of the other 49 states. Then the irresponsible predictions by the local government and media which created mass hysteria was criminal and caused so many cases of hoarding and creating crowds early on. This thing was so mishandled by our local governments and the propaganda from the media is ridiculous can't they stop the political propaganda at some point. I blame both parties we can spend trillions on bailouts but not provide testing to see if we have had it or not and if we have resume our lives?

As I reply this my boat sits absorbing 5 inches of rain this week, and legally I can't drive to the marina and check on it..

This is an invasion of our civil liberties and it didn't have to be this way.
Your civil liberties are of no interest to the 21,000+ new cases and the 1343 people who have died already today in the US because people like you do not understand the seriousness of this situation. You can carry and pass C-19 without ever showing any signs you have it.
I'll make you a deal. You go out and do whatever you want, but if even one person becomes infected because of contact with you, before this pandemic is over, you forfeit your life, on the spot. No trial, ifs ands or buts. Deal?
The Liveaboard Paradox

I'm a full time year round live aboard on Puget Sound. I do not have another home on dry land to move to. Should I leave my busy marina in the midst of a city to cruise out somewhere more remote and drop anchor for a few days at a times (as I have done recently), I feel I'm still in compliance with the stay at home order because, technically, I have not left my home. I've noticed that compared to landlubber friends, little has actually changed for liveaboard friends. I think the reason is that if you live on a boat year round, you are already living a stay-at-home quarantine lifestyle. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that going into town and pumping out risks transmission. Those are essential activities, whether COVID19 exists or not. As a liveaboard there's really no net increase in social activity. In fact, I will say heading out to anchor is the ultimate form of social distancing.

To those who would still argue I'm being selfish in some way or another, allow me to further muddy the waters. As an airline pilot, I'm classified now as a "Tier 1 Essential Critical Infrastructure Worker." (say that 10 times real fast!). In an effort to cut losses, my employer has given me the choice of a month by month, voluntary leave or continue flying. In an effort to limit my own exposure and flatten the curve, I opted to take the leave. That was MY choice for April.

It's time to choose for May.

One option is to take another month off, and continue practicing the ultimate form of social distancing, boating with no net increase in social activity, exploring new anchorages, and making the best of a bad situation. This is a very safe option, but one that some of you will argue violates the intent of the law.

The other option is to head back to work as a flying viral vector cutting COVID19 chemtrails across the United States for fun and profit. It consists of 3 to 4 days a week spent sitting 3ft from a potentially infected coworker, for hours on end in a confined space breathing aerosols recirculated from potentially infected flight attendants and what's left of the flying public. Don't forget 12-16 overnight stays in hotels in a dozen different cities, all the while interfacing with hundreds of other "essential" workers. This is not a safe choice for me or my fellow citizens, but it sure as hell is a legal one!
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Yes I would take that deal.

I live on 175 acres and Unlike people in the city I don't shop once a week or more for groceries..I shop for the month. There are several million of acres behind my place that are all public lands so I can't go there because I might spread the virus? I can't take one of the three people who I have limited to see now out on my boat in the Ocean?

You make the assumption that because I disagree on how things are handled that I somehow do whatever I want and am selfish. Not true I simply disagree with almost everything we have done. We could have isolated the old and sick people much easier than demanding everyone stay home ruining millions of peoples lives. They released the new testing of antibodies three weeks ago! WE could have tested millions of workers by now.

Protecting less than 1 percent and affecting 100 percent of the people is not the way to handle this and nobody but the United States has done this yet our numbers are the highest.
National parks

Closed. Zion, Capitol Reef, Bryce, Canyonlands, Arches, Grand Canyon are all closed.
As an EMT stay home and protect us and our families. It not fair to us keeping you safe and you have to go for a joy ride because your board. I would love to be out in my boat too. But I have a commitment to to help others. Just passed a golf course and they are all sitting on the patio shoulder to shoulder and if one of them get it ,they will be the first ones to complain that we are not doing enough.
PLEASE HELP US TO BEAT THIS . I want to use my boat again also and not die from some selfish person.
Anchoring alone for a few weeks would be a great form of Isolation! Of course here in California it's not legal even if it is your home! Can't even fish here in California and all lakes are closed. Arizona and other states actually encourage outdoor activities. Sheep are easier to manage if they are pale and weak.
What’s the logic?

In Maryland going for a cruise in your boat isn’t permitted. However, you can go in your kayak because that’s exercise. What if in the first instance, you’re a water skier. Granted its a bit cold right now, but that’s exercise.

Also it’s permissible to go on a chartered fishing boat as long as there isn’t more than 10 people.

Don’t understand the logic!
I was surprised by this message today from Berkeley Marina. Our vessel (which takes out kids) is in lock-down on K-dock until (we anticipate) at least the end of June given the covid-curve (best forecast here ) Our boat keeper lives on L dock and is continuing with maintenance, while our shipwright is busy at Berkeley Marine Center.
We also need to understand the extreme vulnerability not only of seniors, but of immune-suppressed individuals. The number of surfaces you touch when moving about is astounding. Try counting them. Stay home. If your boat is your home, stay home. Exercise? Walk from your home. Don't drive if you can avoid it, stay home. The lock down is based on the notion that everyone is a carrier--which may be true of any given individual.
Here is a science-based explanation of social distancing.

Greetings Berkeley Marina Slipholders,
We hope this message finds you well and in good health. Our Berkeley Marina and Launch Ramp are still open as are our trails and open spaces. Many Waterfront businesses are open as well in varying capacities, including restaurants offering takeout, delivery, and grocery options. Please remember to be safe and practice social distancing when you are anywhere outside your home. The use of a private boat qualifies as an outdoor recreation activity that may continue as long as private boating parties are limited to members of the same household or living unit and comply with other social distancing requirements, such as wearing face coverings, maintaining a 6-foot distance from others, and similar efforts outlined in the City of Berkeley’s health order and FAQ’s. More guidance and information is available at
Bigger Picture

Some weeks back an elderly couple who are friends of mine thought they would take a trip for a few weeks and this would be great isolation. I thought it sounded ok at the time. A week into their trip they were anchored around Jacobs Well (Brian will know this) and the lady experienced some heart issues so they called out the Rescue people (some are elderly staying at home) and Water police and medical people. They all come out and took my friend to hospital. After 24 hours my friend was OK. A few days later they get a lift back to their boat and head home.

So what sounded like self isolation and a Ok idea at the time was nowhere near it. They exposed themselves, multiple kind rescue people (who are volunteers) , Police, Medical and hospital people to risk. Sadly they took essential medical people away from helping others.

Things are much more serious now it seems looking at the bigger picture it is a small matter to not go out, the risk of getting into trouble or infecting others may be very small but it is there. For me and my friends we are not going out in our boats.

Please Stay Safe Boating People.
At least 'some weeks back' there were no restrictions, so they were not acting unreasonably IMO. It was a lifetime away in CV time. But your point is well made, and even though we are not prohibited from using boats at this point - and there are quite a lot out at places like Peel Island at present - the right thing to do is stay home.
As an EMT stay home and protect us and our families. It not fair to us keeping you safe and you have to go for a joy ride because your board. I would love to be out in my boat too. But I have a commitment to to help others. Just passed a golf course and they are all sitting on the patio shoulder to shoulder and if one of them get it ,they will be the first ones to complain that we are not doing enough.
PLEASE HELP US TO BEAT THIS . I want to use my boat again also and not die from some selfish person.

Word of wisdom from the front line.

Rules are always written for the lowest common denominator. Do any of us really need written instructions to not eat a Tide pod or to remove the wrapper before putting the poptart in the toaster yet these instructions are printed for someone.
Point being that we must endure seemingly senseless rules for the common good.
I don't believe we are being lied to. I believe we don't know what we are doing and are fumbling our way through this. Therefore I will unhappily stay put and not drive down to the boat.
My lawn and fields are looking better than ever!
Early in the pandemic I heard a public health officer here in Canada say that they will know the've done their job well, when after the pandemic lots of people complain that the measures taken were way too onerous for the amount of people that died.

The flip side to this, of course, is being accused of not putting in strong enough measures, or putting them in too late, and being responsible for many deaths.

We were going to go on a hike today, but decided to work in the back yard instead.
From a lifelong boater:


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:facepalm: Sorry,I see, boating. I thought it was about boasting.
Recreational boating and overnighting are proscribed here. Fishing is allowed but you are expected to go home when you have enough fish(whatever that means).
Looking for loopholes is not in the spirit of compliance.
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Alaska Quarantine

In Alaska, subsistence fishing is allowed. If you touch down anywhere, you have a 14 day quarantine. The Harbor Masters office and Coast Guard are out in full force. The Commercial fisherman have to file a health operating plan. (No getting off the boat, no switching crews around, etc). Just not worth the headache. Beautiful weather here, can't go anywhere.
There is something definitive for us (NSW, Australia) now - you can go boating for exercise (paddling, rowing, even sailing -(but Maltese Falcon doesn't count), or to get to work or go shopping (water access homes), or fishing, provided you catch to eat - catch & release doesn't count.
So a cruise for pleasure is definitely out!
Baloney Science

Someone in a boat anchored who has a heart issue wouldn't have the same issue on shore?

Someone touching something over and over makes others more susceptible to getting covid 19.

Having the coast guard or boat US or whomever out in the water helping you when your loved one is having heart issues, is pulling them away from more important jobs?

Someone kayaking or hiking or doing any outdoor activity away from people is selfish and endangering others?

The idea that we have to treat every state and county like NYC is ridiculous. The people making the major decisions and taking away our freedoms have probably not ever even taken a college level math class or are capable of reviewing scientific data. Last I checked a political science degree didn't have a math class in their curriculum.

Remember here in California 50 % of us are going to get the Virus and 20% of those 50% will need hospitalization. Our governor stated this three weeks ago then as numbers dropped he set new limitations even today we are given new orders regarding face masks and he announced our Peak won't be until the end of May! Meanwhile my zip code has 0 cases 0 deaths.

Does anyone here have children go to school or participate in any sports? Maybe be active other than boating? How about work does anyone have to pay bills and work? how about church anybody here go to church? Anyone have health issues and need to go to the doctor other than covid 19?

Well if you do step back go inside and we will tell you when to come out again and don't worry we will send you a few dollars to buy bread!

Standard deviations, variables, outliers, variables, control groups, all terms not familiar to any leaders here in CA.
Someone in a boat anchored who has a heart issue wouldn't have the same issue on shore?

Someone touching something over and over makes others more susceptible to getting covid 19.

Having the coast guard or boat US or whomever out in the water helping you when your loved one is having heart issues, is pulling them away from more important jobs?

Someone kayaking or hiking or doing any outdoor activity away from people is selfish and endangering others?

The idea that we have to treat every state and county like NYC is ridiculous. The people making the major decisions and taking away our freedoms have probably not ever even taken a college level math class or are capable of reviewing scientific data. Last I checked a political science degree didn't have a math class in their curriculum.

Remember here in California 50 % of us are going to get the Virus and 20% of those 50% will need hospitalization. Our governor stated this three weeks ago then as numbers dropped he set new limitations even today we are given new orders regarding face masks and he announced our Peak won't be until the end of May! Meanwhile my zip code has 0 cases 0 deaths.

Does anyone here have children go to school or participate in any sports? Maybe be active other than boating? How about work does anyone have to pay bills and work? how about church anybody here go to church? Anyone have health issues and need to go to the doctor other than covid 19?

Well if you do step back go inside and we will tell you when to come out again and don't worry we will send you a few dollars to buy bread!

Standard deviations, variables, outliers, variables, control groups, all terms not familiar to any leaders here in CA.

Do you really think those politicians from all sides of the divide, are making these projection figures up? They are relying on information from people that are qualified to voice opinions.

If you read what these people actually say, rather than skim headlines, you will see they acknowledge that their projections are based on certain mathematical models and assumptions.

Some of these predictions will not eventuate because we as a society take measures to protect ourselves, or some of the initial information that the projections were based on may turn out to be incomplete or incorrect. We will only know this some way down the track.

You are right in that there are inconsistencies and rules in place that in isolation don't add to a risk of spreading this epidemic per se. However, these are inconsequential balanced against the horror some people are facing, or may face. So how about giving those who have to make these decisions a break. There will be plenty of time to look back on all this in the future, what we got right and what we got wrong, but now is not that time.

Do you really think those politicians from all sides of the divide, are making these projection figures up? They are relying on information from people that are qualified to voice opinions.

If you read what these people actually say, rather than skim headlines, you will see they acknowledge that their projections are based on certain mathematical models and assumptions.

Some of these predictions will not eventuate because we as a society take measures to protect ourselves, or some of the initial information that the projections were based on may turn out to be incomplete or incorrect. We will only know this some way down the track.

You are right in that there are inconsistencies and rules in place that in isolation don't add to a risk of spreading this epidemic per se. However, these are inconsequential balanced against the horror some people are facing, or may face. So how about giving those who have to make these decisions a break. There will be plenty of time to look back on all this in the future, what we got right and what we got wrong, but now is not that time.

Excellent post.
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