Interesting boats

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40 feet beam... I am wondering where he is docking for pump out :)


No need to pump out. Has its own sewage treatment plant in the basement. Odors vent through holes in the million pound each stilt lifting legs on boat bottom!

I’m quite sure the anchor is a product of New Zealand or Australia. Most likely ARA. They make numerous specialized local products like commercial fishing for certain bottom types. Am I lusting after it .. no. But if I had used that the other day I prolly wouldn’t have picked up that clam and stuff.

As for the boat I’m wonder’in what’s the madder wid you guys. She’s a bit above average on my beauty scale and looks a tad like a KK42. I’d buy her if I liked the engine, hull design ect. Didn’t look at the whole thing but she’s likely a FD hull. A good FD hull isn’t easy to find.
40 feet beam... I am wondering where he is docking for pump out :)


Have a pump-out boat come to the boat instead of trying to find a one sided dock.
Per docking, with the hydraulic legs, just raise it up out of the water.
I’m quite sure the anchor is a product of New Zealand or Australia. Most likely ARA. They make numerous specialized local products like commercial fishing for certain bottom types. Am I lusting after it .. no. But if I had used that the other day I prolly wouldn’t have picked up that clam and stuff.

As for the boat I’m wonder’in what’s the madder wid you guys. She’s a bit above average on my beauty scale and looks a tad like a KK42. I’d buy her if I liked the engine, hull design ect. Didn’t look at the whole thing but she’s likely a FD hull. A good FD hull isn’t easy to find.
The odd part is the access either side to the FB/upper deck. I`d say newish twin Nanni(Renault) diesels are a plus, and the power quite adequate whether SD or FD.

Interior space flows like set epoxy. The joinery, though aged, looks a little GBish.

Fairly sure allegations in past adverts were "built in the GB factory". Maybe Singapore?
I submit the following for my first submission to this thread:

Those bow facing portholes definitely qualify as interesting!

That boat is just weird.

On an ocean going vessel in that era, you didn't want large windows facing forward where you could easily lose them when green water comes over the bow. Once they're gone, your boat fills up with water and sinks. It takes more force to break a small window vs. a large one.

While I agree, I believe those portholes were once on the side of the cabin and moved to the front when the cabin was reworked.
Another update on the stainless steel houseboat lurking around Tampa Bay, from the Tampa Bay Times. Top speed in sea trial was 4 mph, ouch. (They are planning on trying a different prop.)

Photos: We take a tour of that crazy, $12 million Cubic Yacht spotted around Tampa Bay | Tampa Bay Times

From the article..
The Rendezvous 2018 cost $12 million and took 42 months to build. It has a top speed of 6.8 knots.

Seriously, $12mill?
How do people that stupid get money like that?
From the article..

The Rendezvous 2018 cost $12 million and took 42 months to build. It has a top speed of 6.8 knots.

Seriously, $12mill?

How do people that stupid get money like that?

They work hard at the factory all their life... then suddenly father dies and they get a whole lot of money lol

From the article..
The Rendezvous 2018 cost $12 million and took 42 months to build. It has a top speed of 6.8 knots.

Seriously, $12mill?
How do people that stupid get money like that?

SHRUG I'm not a B/W sort of guy. I need a bit of muted color in my life.
Hell yeah, paint it green!

A reference to the interior color selection.

On my boat, that is British Racing Green. Makes the boat go faster SMILE

At least the hull is not all white or yellow or blue or FL turquoise of FL Pink or black
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Or top down view of the seakeeper from the cockpit porthole. I wonder how noisy the boat is, since there isn't much sound reduction from glass. A couple of DD's on one side and your salon on the other...

On the other hand, it's probably the oldest boat with a seakeeper installed aboard.
Migrant.jpg listing#.W4lhB9JKhD8

I like the modern interior on a classic boat.

Please ignore if this has already been posted.

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