Interesting boats

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I did take notice of the big wake in the video... but that could or been caused by the skipper wanting to show off for the camera.. look at the stern wake in the other video.. it looks really flat.. who knows.

A lot of boat that looks pretty well done for the money.. the bridge dash/ helm needs some redesign but the E.R. looks very well laid out. Typical in some home built boats.. the builder spends a lot of time laying out the engineering spaces and does a less than stellar job on the aesthetics of the woodwork.


Sorry....I was dashing out the door when I posted that short comment on Banshee's wake.

What I meant to say was that while Banshee does chuck up a bit of water at the bow at cruising speed, it was the video looking aft that really impressed me...the wake was really small and not even close to curling over at the lip.

As far as the "no bling" interior, I prefer fine work boat quality :thumb: to ostentatious opulence :nonono:
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Interesting Boats

Thanks CPSeudonym, Let me try again..

I came across this picture of what I think is a troller built in either Alaska or Washington. Has anyone seen the actual boat or have any information on it? Is it a troller?


  • Chugash Troller.JPG
    Chugash Troller.JPG
    119 KB · Views: 283
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good old middlenatch island is were the tide splits...if one gets close enuf to the bird sanctuary island, you`d see why i named it 'birdshit island!' [don`t get to close, and stay up wind...clyde
As far as the "no bling" interior, I prefer fine work boat quality :thumb: to ostentatious opulence :nonono:

Me too... just imagine the ruined White House - if Don Don moves in. LOL :nonono:
Thanks CPSeudonym, Let me try again..

I came across this picture of what I think is a troller built in either Alaska or Washington. Has anyone seen the actual boat or have any information on it? Is it a troller?

U.S.Forest Service crew boat used in the mid 50's. Back when a crew of five or so timber cruisers for the forest service would travel about S.E.Alaska sorting out small sales for A-Frame logging operations. In addition to this boat, where it was constructed I am not certain . I believe it was stationed in the Sitka area of the Tongass Forest,or assigned to the Chugach Forest further North.

The Service had five other boats of similar design constructed here in Ketchikan during the same period of time, maybe even back to the late 40's. They were called 'Ranger' class and had individual numbers assigned, Ranger 5, Ranger 9 are still floating somewhere in the PNW.

Had to come back and add this site:

Okay, I enlarged the photo. This is the boat that was assigned to the Chugach area.

Al-27'Marben Pocket CRUISER
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Thanks Al.

I searched a bit more using your information and found her. Chugash was commissioned in 1925 and assigned to Cordova AK. She moved over to Petersburg in 1953. She is 60' and was built and commissioned for just over $25K. I found more pics on a US Forest Service Facebook page - Tongass National Forest. They had several other pics. She is on the National Historic Register and still in service!
The boat was in Craig Alaska about 5years ago. I took the picture using my more or less pocket camera braced on a wood hand railing .. w full telephoto. Got a bit lucky as well.

Under the avatar I wish they'd change it from city to state. Where is Scituate? As in what part of what country?
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those old forestry boats were great, most of the original engines were chrysler ace, crown, and the royal, gas engines. those engines started appearing in the mid 40`s, when i was the crew on my dad`s 38ft troller! we fished noyes island, to sitka...lived in wrangle for 3 yrs, till my mom almost died, and we had to move back to seattle...started crewing on seiners when i was 14!...sure were lots of fish in those days! we went out about 0300 every morning, came in to unload about 1600, we made over $100 a day most of the summer! fished halibut every may/june around cape pole too, then in the fall, we gillnetted in the stikine river by wrangell...ok, i`m done...clyde
Manyboats, Thanks for the reply and that picture.. Ill give you credits at the bottom of my screensaver! Id like to get a look inside that boat someday. It looks like a stove pipe coming out of the after cabin on the port side. Must be a interesting layout.

Scituate is about 20 miles south of Boston. Ill update my profile to include the state.
Be real interesting to see the interior of Chugach. That stovepipe in the aft cabin is more likely a heater than a stove, as there is a stovepipe standing near the engine exhaust, likely where the galley is located. A diesel heater like a Dickinson or Fab-All would be right for the cabin volume and would have a stack about that diameter. I suspect there were issues with the smell of the exhaust on deck, hence the tall stack to get it up into the stream of the engine exhaust. I had to play with the height of my own diesel stove stack to get it right.
About five years ago or so there was a showing open to the public in downtown Ketchikan where several (I think it was three) of these forest service boats tied up in Thomas Basin. It was a stones throw from where we usually tied up there.

I think all the boats had a large oil stove that ran all the time. Don't remember the engines but I'd bet they were DD 671. Wish I had taken pictures. Sorry.

Good stuff. There's a certian place to be fishing all through the season in SE. Noyes Is has always been where the big boys fish but now they say they've got to go 20 miles out to catch fish. You could tell us some great stories I'm sure. Will you is one question and where is another. Ask a moderator would be my inclination.
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clyde;..started crewing on seiners when i was 14!...sure were lots of fish in those days! we went out about 0300 every morning said:
:hello:Hi Clyde, Interesting, We must be about the same age (78?) I too started fishing on the seiners at 14. What a wonderful way to become a man!. Gone from home for weeks at a time and your parents didn't seem to fret, although thinking back I am sure that the case. You had to have your parents okay and that was all. I continued to work the seiners till I graduated high school then a year on local tug boat then into military. Sorry to say few days I made a buck!! Not the best of boats and if I could I will tell a tale. The first boat was the 'Lily'-38 foot sainer, yes, Chrysler Crown engine. The turn table was chain driven and never worked. My bunk was over the gas tank and the oil stove oil line ran over my head and leaked. The captain had a tuna fish can wired at the leak. Each morning it was my job to un-wire the can and lean out and over the cook stove, lift the lid, pour the oil from the can in, and light the stove. We all four of us crew lived in the focle, the captain, being under six feet tall, was able to sleep in the day bunk in the small pilot house.
The skiff had a four cylinder 'Skippy' gas engine. It never stayed running, so we threw a 10 hp Johnson in the transom. It never stayed running, so we (I) rowed the skiff to shore to tie the saine net to a tree while the boat held the net open for the time required, then untie the end and row like heck back towards the boat. Great times!! Thanks Clyde for the moment;:noel::speed boat:

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That's one odd looking boat. That's used to tow a net, but not bring the catch aboard? Confused.
No, it is so ugly they use it to scare the fish into the net!

Well then!

That means there are some of the newer so called boats that are ugly enough to really be called trawlers and therefore meet the original definition of that boat-type-name... cause their own ugly looks could also scare fish into a net!

Well then!

That means there are some of the newer so called boats that are ugly enough to really be called trawlers and therefore meet the original definition of that boat-type-name... cause their own ugly looks could also scare fish into a net!


I have seen some of these craned aboard commercial trawlers in photos from PNW and assume the protected running gear is so it can sit on deck?

Certainly not designed for beauty!
Let me add a bit to the last post. You can picture what the 'Power' skiff 0f 1950's I mentioned may have looked. Small 16 foot wood, flat bottom, leaked, 25 HP 'Skippy' engine, dirty, and so forth. Now look!! Here is the replacement of today's technology. Same fish, same fishing grounds, and here is what is now employed as the power skiff of today.

Svendsen Marine LLC - *22' X 12' power skiffstwo of the four power skiffs built this year are pictured below


I noticed the skiff has a 425 HP engine. I reckon that is more power than most motherships of yesteryear.

Al .. Clyde,
I heard a similar story about a guy sleep'in alongside a 6-71 in a seiner.
The reason for the growing hp in the power skiffs is because the fishing has turned into combat fishing. This requires seiners to compete with other boats for the same school of fish. It is common to see boats raming each other and corking the next guy in an attempt to get a good set. Sitka has a herring sac roe fishery that is open for just a few hours and when one set can bring a million dollars the fishing can get very aggressive.
That's one odd looking boat. That's used to tow a net, but not bring the catch aboard? Confused.

Here you go Cardude:flowers:. A lesson on Alaska and B.C. Canada fishing methods.
You will be able to relate the photo of the power skiff to the one in the video.

Al-27'Marben Pocket CRUISER

Ok. Still can't figure out what the power skiff is doing. Was he towing the end of the net? Why was he going in circles?

That was a serious amount of fish !
Ok. Still can't figure out what the power skiff is doing. Was he towing the end of the net? Why was he going in circles?

That was a serious amount of fish !

In the video in the distance is the skiff against the shore. The skiff takes the end of the saine net and runs towards the shore forming a hook. The hook will be in favor of the direction of the tide. The boat meanwhile, holds the net after running away from the skiff at a modest rate of speed to spill the net off the stern of the boat. When the time is determined by the skipper, the skiff will then bring his end of the net back towards the boat forming a circle. Then the net is 'pursed', the draw string if you would, is pulled at the bottom of the net closing it up to form a large corral in the water. Then the net is re-loaded on the boat resulting in the "Money Bag' or the scene you see with the fish coming on deck.

The skiff making circles is a youth of the young man running the boat. showing off. These skiffs are quiet powerful and react to that power.
These skiffs are not that fast, but they are geared to pull the top off a mountain!
Let me add to this post with this addition, click on any or all photos to gain insight.


Does this help?
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That skiff has to be the ultimate case of "form follows function". What a heavy duty looking rig!
That skiff has to be the ultimate case of "form follows function". What a heavy duty looking rig!

ABFish, Found a bit better example of these skiffs in operation. This is of the herring harvest in Sitka Sound. Were this salmon, the action would be far, far more docile. this video shows 'Combat'Fishing. Heart stopping in many of the maneuvers witnessed.!:facepalm:

The quote allowed is harvested in a very short period of several hours.

Al-Marben 27' Pocket CRUISER
Thanks for posting. That video was taken in front of house. They often fish very close to shore and one can clearly hear the skippers yelling at each other. I did a hitch in the Navy and ever year I learn a few new cuss words from these guys. If the sound was on for the video it probably word have been banned. Lol
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