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Wanted: In need of Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Jun 3, 2015
Looking for a Trawler On the East Coast. 36-40 feet 1990 forward. NO Brokers please. I want to cruise Maryland and probably points North.
Do you really need a trawler? Or would a motor boat do the job? It really does make a difference in cost and usability.
More information from the OP would sure help, but it`s a Classified Advert, not a discussion thread (well, it wasn`t originally:)).
Folks are lazy , so when its time to dump their last toy , most will call a broker.

NO BROKER removes 90%+ of the boats on the market.

Again , why a "trawler" for most a motorboat is cheaper and far less expense and work.

Inshore the expense and restrictions of a genuine ocean cruiser are not useful , and you will pay about 3X for the joy of being able to Strut the Dock saying "I could go outside".

Go to a bunch of brokers and look at what you get for your bucks in different flavors.
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Looking for a Trawler On the East Coast. 36-40 feet 1990 forward. NO Brokers please. I want to cruise Maryland and probably points North.

You might try the Blue Goose charter folks in Baltimore, if you can make contact. I suspect -- but don't know for sure -- that Alexis may be wanting to sell off that fleet. I dunno anything about her brands/models/years...

I guess I posted this in the wrong place. As for brokers v no brokers, I thought maybe there was someone out there that was thinking about selling a 36-40 foot trawler on the East Coast. I like the trawler look both traditional and Europa. My wife and I were/are sailors and recently sold our 42' Beneteau and looking for something a tad smaller with more room. most 36' trawlers offer more room. I can tell you I do not like the Mainship 35/39s. I like twin engines but could would consider single engine with bow thrusters and I like the double size berth. I do not understand GB's reasoning with the split berths in the master stateroom. I appreciate any and all advise from anyone who wants to add anything to the mix.
Mr. egg. Nope, IMO you posted in exactly the right place. There are a multitude of vessels to chose from and you've stated what you are NOT interested in. There's a "sticky" in the General Discussion section that will give you some idea of what some people think is the "best" way to approach a "What is the best boat for us" question. Boat Search 101.
When the Admiral and I were embarking on our search for our current boat we each made a list of MUST haves, LIKE to haves and DON'T wants then we exchanged lists and discussed each point. Well, a couple of DON'T wants crept in but as you'll find out, every boat is a compromise and we're very happy with what we currently have.
Thanks. I come from a family of boaters. My thought is that a trawler will hold its value longer than a cruiser. I know all about the fact that boats are a money pit. The trawler lifestyle is for us. Most of the fun is in the journey not how fast one gets to the destination. We have our list of Musts, generator, center line bunk, I am too tall for Pullmans and we think that we can get good value on an older trawler, say late 80s or early 90s. Since we have grand kids we like the idea of a walk around deck for safety and the we don't think anything smaller than 36 will work.
You mentioned 36 as a minimum. May I respectfully suggest a Prairie 29. They are (at least mine is) 33' 10" overall, It is an amazingly large little boat. There is one mentioned here on TF. Look up in the 'builders forums' under Prairie. Look to end of Last voyage of Mischief.

1979 Prairie Single diesel Trawler Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com

This one's near you, no (well very little) cost to bring her home.

The best part of this model is no NO core hull All solid glass hull. Never any teak decks to leak. And the motor is only 8 yrs old. Very little brightwork, and a plain and simple layout, with not much to go wrong.
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I have a 38 Ocean Alexander Aft cabin that I am considering selling the boat is located in fresh water on Lake Ontario If you are really interested I will put together photos etc
I am pretty new at this. Please tell me the year, type of engines, price, when are you planning to sell? I guess I would bring it down to the Chesapeake Bay Maybe we can talk off line?
I like the trawler look both traditional and Europa.

The "look" is nice BUT folks usually live IN the boat , not on the dock looking at it.

Many of the common motor boats are optimized for what most folks actually do with a boat.

Read up on "trawler " maint and decide if you want the hassles, or want to go cruising..
FF Thanks, not sure what you mean by "hassles." Every boat, to my knowledge has hassles associated with it. I guess if we all did not want hassles, we'd be members of a country club and not owning boats. :) I don't need to go fast and usually the cruisers need those rpms to work the engines as opposed to the slower trawler, thus fuel economy. That being said, I appreciate all opinions as I learn something new every day and don't pretend to have all the answers
We have a 1987 President 43 near Reedville, VA that we might consider selling if you are interested.
I have no stake in this - no friends who are brokers, etc., but a broker can bring a nice deal making attitude to negotiations. They also make sure all of the paperwork is in order and their commissions paid for by the seller, not the buyer.

You never did mention price range, and although it is not blue water capable, the Helmsman (new name) or Mariner (old name) has a classic trawler look, great fuel economy, and is easily handled by two. 2007 Mariner 37 Seville Pilothouse Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com

There aren't many used one on the market, but I thought you might be interested.
I have a 2004 35' Albin Command Bridge with a single 370 hp Yanmar and bow thruster. It spent the last 5 years on the Chesapeake (near Annapolis). Boat is in great shape only 360 hrs. on the engine, new dark blue Awlgrip hull, new Sunbrella, tons of upgrades.
Hi, I have a 1992 Monk 36 Single Perkins Diesel that I will be trying to sell myself before I list it with a Broker .

Pat 413-575-2674
Hi, you can check out my 1992 Monk on boatbroker.com
I bought a Sabreline FT.

This is a Happy Day because I bought a Sabreline 36 FT. Lots to clean and polish. This is one of the happiest days boating. Of course the other will be when we sell. Any other Sabreline 36 owners tht want to start a group???
I am also actively searching for a trawler. Just my two cents . . . After four months of searching with the help of brokers we have discovered that using a broker has its benefits as well as drawbacks. The first broker we tried to have help us did not actively search for vessels, only waited until we had located one of interest and then would sometimes provide more info/opinion or not. He seemed reluctant to take what we knew we wanted, what we thought we wanted, etc. and offer any opinion. This type of service didn't work for us. Second broker is much more active in both searching for a vessel as well as listening to us and offering opinions and knowledge about real world cruising and vessels in general. Some selling brokers have been more than happy to assist our buyers broker in viewing vessels, others have outright misled us for whatever reason.

Bottom line seems to be . . . SHOP FOR A GOOD BROKER first and they can save you time and likely money (the latter has yet to be proven, merely a strong opinion based upon what I have learned about brokers thus far).
This is a couple of years older than you specified but please have a look.
We were sailors (are sailors I suppose semper fi) we looked and looked for the perfect transition icw boat and found this. We got back from our icw trip last month. We LOVE this boat! We cared for her like we would never part. But alas we have to sell her. We are just out of Annapolis.
43ft President Trawler aft cabin
Looking for a Trawler On the East Coast. 36-40 feet 1990 forward. NO Brokers please. I want to cruise Maryland and probably points North.
I'm out of West Chester, PA, have 83 Marine Trader 36' Double Cabin and contemplating selling. Have issues, working on resolution. I know you said 90 and newer, maybe you want to talk.


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