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Wifey B: I'm going to say three words that may surprise but then try to explain.

Rejoice in Grief

Sounds paradoxical, but it really does fit. See, the real basis of grieving after a death is all the wonderful memories from one's life. Excellent father, grandfather, great grandfather, lived well. Good man. Left great memories and as you work through the grief, more and more you'll find yourself thinking of the great times and rejoicing that you have them, even now as his time on earth has ended.

I speak a bit from opposite experience, having never lost anyone I love to death but hubby and I sort of adopted parents in our adult years and I know how horrible I'm going to find their deaths when they come. But I compare to the deaths of our birth fathers and neither of us felt any sadness over the death, just the emptiness of not feeling. We could only imagine at those times what others like you go through. Even today, we haven't been through what you're going through. However, I do feel that having grief over the death of a father is a horrible and wonderful experience at the same time.

The following words are often misinterpreted as having something to do with the failure of romance, but they were not that. They are from Alfred Lord Tennyson's "In Memoriam A. H. H." It was originally entitled "The Way of the Soul" and was quite lengthy in revealing his thoughts on the death of his close friend. I offer only these four lines but highly recommend the entire poem.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;

I feel it when I sorrow most;

'Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.

My thoughts are with you. Just treasure the sorrow you feel. :(:)

When my close friend died playing volleyball with a bunch of men. That night as I was heartbroken a friend of mine from Boston asked me

“What’s good about this?”

After I rudely questioned his remark he told me that’s just my pain speaking but my heart would answer that question.

As hard as it is to ask it during hard times, asking what’s good about (blank), turns your heart towards gratitude instead of darkness.

When I gave it a good shot I remembered all the good times with my friend and all the good he did.

Hope this helps.
It is now time to celebrate his life.
As my brother said when Mom passed,

"It's a sad time but not a bad time."

My condolences to you and your family Peter.

Wifey B: How are you and your wife doing in your recovery from Covid 19? Well, I hope. :)
Our hearts go out to you both. Stand strong and be there for each other, and your family.
So sorry for your families loss Peter. Grief is a beast. Life experience has shown me though the hole in the heart never goes away, the pain is causes isn't as sharp over time. May you and your family find comfort in each other and those who care.
Hope you are both aren't having any long terms effects from Covid.
We are in the local area now, if there is anything we can do, let us know, Laura
Glad you survived. Natural immunity after infection is weak and not complete. Please get yourself and your loved ones VACCINATED!!! Mixture of natural and induced immunity is quite strong. Do it now.
Glad you survived. Natural immunity after infection is weak and not complete. Please get yourself and your loved ones VACCINATED!!! Mixture of natural and induced immunity is quite strong. Do it now.

We were vaccinated when we caught the 'rona....
We were vaccinated when we caught the 'rona....

My sister had a flu shot and then the 3 shots. She was really sick for about a week. She was tested and told she has Covid. The time between the flu shot and Covid shots eliminate a possible conflict. :oops::offtopic:
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Feb 11, 2001 we flew back from weeks in Texas. Linda soon became severely ill. Depth of [sounds from] her lung affliction scared the S out of me. Had fingers on the phone for 911 if needed. She eventually got through the thick of it. Then it was my turn. That "cuddly-covie" is tough crap to go through!

We're both vaccinated. She three times. Me - 12/6 I get my booster. Plan to not get the BIG 19 again!!
I am three times Moderna vaccinated, and have not gotten Covid.

But i still take precautions. No mask unless required and enforced, but I am extremely dilligent about surface risks.

I feel for everyone that catches it, and especially for those that made the hard choice to protect themselves and got it anyway.
My mom passed away last Monday due to Covid. She was 101 and had been vaccinated 2 times but had not been able to get a booster. She fell in July and broke her femur into 12 pieces. She was in a nursing home recovering from the broken leg when she had breakthrough Corona. We really miss her.
Comodave, I'm sorry for your loss. Remember the good times you had.
My mom passed away last Monday due to Covid. She was 101 and had been vaccinated 2 times but had not been able to get a booster. She fell in July and broke her femur into 12 pieces. She was in a nursing home recovering from the broken leg when she had breakthrough Corona. We really miss her.

Condolences... very sorry to hear that.

In few minutes we go to pickup our 98 yr matriarch. Many in family are gathering at a "closed for holiday" restaurant... going to have a T-Day feast. Our senior gal broke her femur a few years ago. Needs a walker always since. She remains fairly independent, living 1.5 miles away in house she and family purchased 1950. She has lots of attendants/helpers come by often to keep things in line. Several of us in family stop by often to also help out.

Happy Thanks Giving! To America!!
May I extend my condolences to you Dave. A tough time, despite all the care and precautions you took in caring for het.
Thank you all. She lived with us for 15 years. She never once complained about anything we did for her. My wife of 50 years, Sandy, was incredibly good to her. Our dog, Radar, misses her a lot. They were best friends. When she was in the nursing home he would take her the newspaper just like he did at home.
My mom passed away last Monday due to Covid. She was 101 and had been vaccinated 2 times but had not been able to get a booster. She fell in July and broke her femur into 12 pieces. She was in a nursing home recovering from the broken leg when she had breakthrough Corona. We really miss her.

So sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing lady.
Bless her.
Dave, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. It's never easy to lose a parent. Blessings to you and your wife. Our thoughts are with you. Scot
Our condolences on your mom's passing. It is certainly a tough and challenging time.
I'm sure over time you and your wife will look back and feel good about the time you had together and things you could do to make her life more enjoyable. Caring for our elders is one of those things that is both challenging and rewarding.
These past few weeks have been both a blessing and a sadness- but time is healing the hurt.

Such great wisdom has been offered here, and I appreciate all embracing Dave as he goes thru the loss process.

Best to you all.
These past few weeks have been both a blessing and a sadness- but time is healing the hurt.

Such great wisdom has been offered here, and I appreciate all embracing Dave as he goes thru the loss process.

Best to you all.

We've lost no employees to death by Covid, but we've had several employees who lost multiple relatives. The nearest experiences I was really familiar with before were when multiple family members were in an auto accident. I know your family suffered greatly and I hope people in general are aware of the suffering that has transpired. Yet, there seem to be many oblivious to it. Unfortunately some have been until it hit them. Those who have had major symptoms can't really describe them except to say it's the worst thing they've ever experienced.

I'm happy for your recovery and sad for the loss you and others suffered. One of my goals in life is to die of "natural causes" and yet that goal seems to become more elusive as the years pass.
Remember there’s four things to worry about.

Infected, mildly ill but a vector to others.
Long term residual complaints.
Severely ill but survive.

To date vaccinated folks have much better numbers for all these parameters than unvaccinated. Concern remains that given less than 1/4 of the world is vaccinated and the virus is also being seen in animals such as deer not just in SE Asian fauna a continuing reservoir for evolution of the virus exists.

The new Botwanian variant of concern which maybe more resistant to any B cell/antibody manipulation currently available as the latest example. Hopefully enhancement of T cell function by current vaccine will be sufficient until the biology is better understood. It’s tragic how much suffering this illness has produced. We’ve been a dollar short and a day late. We all need to do better. Due to age inspite of being triple vaccinated remain at risk so remain vigilant.
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