I'm Losing My Desire for Boating....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
First class plane tickets, fine dining, bed and breakfast at Walt's house and a skippered cruise around San Diego on his private boat???

How far are you from the airport?

A limo would be over the top, town car would suffice...
Hey, what about the small but dedicated Oz forum members. It's really not that far from San Diego to the East cost of Australia, we would love to show the boat around.

We could even repower her for you, say four FL 120's stacked two high for some waterskiing. And the wine , we make some very nice wine.It would also save you having to put up all those dubious types in your home, we would provide our own dubious types!

Comeon Walt you only live once, assuming your'e not a Budhist that is.
Andy G wrote:
Hey, what about the small but dedicated Oz forum members?
****** Consider yourself included, Andy! Anyone driving an Island Gypsy is all* right in my book. :handshake:
Now now, settle down Andy, yez getting a bit carried away there. 4 FL 120s would ruuurn the trim, don't forget Walt's boat is only 32 feet. Three should be plenty....hey that idea of bringing it over here's not bad Walt. It would feel right at home. Don't forget Halvorsens all started right here in NSW not far from Andy at Bobbin Head Marina. Its not that far really. You could island hop....sorta...

I had another run late yesterday, this time with FlyWright. He pointed out all the faults of SeaHorse, both major & minor, Which I, as a good host, swallowed politely.

It was great fun having Al aboard, however, as he is a wonderful guest and anything but shy. Al picked up the check at dinner so if any of you want a complementery survey of your boat, he's a great choice!

SeaHorse II wrote:
I had another run late yesterday, this time with FlyWright. He pointed out all the faults of SeaHorse, both major & minor, Which I, as a good host, swallowed politely.

It was great fun having Al aboard, however, as he is a wonderful guest and anything but shy. Al picked up the check at dinner so if any of you want a complementery survey of your boat, he's a great choice!

*Faults? Seahorse? :eek:mfg:
Problems with Seahorse II?


Ill have a more complete report latrr in the day, but some of us still have to work...

-- Edited by FlyWright on Thursday 8th of December 2011 07:45:55 PM
No beer! Quelle catastrophe! Had Walt already swallowed it (politely) before your survey?

-- Edited by dwhatty on Thursday 8th of December 2011 10:10:36 AM

A lot of water has gone over the dam since you last cruised on SeaHorse.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Thursday 8th of December 2011 10:20:57 AM


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SeaHorse II wrote:

A lot of water has gone over the dam since you last cruised on SeaHorse.
Maybe over the dam but not through the holding tank from the looks of that unstocked, pristine reefer.
good to see you are getting your mojo back.

and yes Al does get around, but he didnt buy me dinner; what did you have to do for that
Before koliver's idea of a TF Community Motoryacht (TFCMY) surfaced on Tues, Walt and I had plans to get together for dinner on my overnight visit to SD Wednesday. Being a guy willing to take one for the team, I thought this might be a chance to test out the TFCMY concept. So I arranged to start and end my day a little earlier to allow me to 'test the waters.' No need to thank me for my self-less contributions toward this noble TFCMY effort - it is my privilege and pleasure to serve the community.


I arrived at San Diego Brown Field and immediately after shutdown, looked to my left and there is Walt, waiting on the ramp for us! WOW!!...talk about full service! I invite Walt onboard to check out the airplane. I give him a quick tour and then I address some paperwork and phone calls needed to close out my day. Walt grabs my bag and places it in his car while I finish up and lock the plane.

We head out to the boat and after considering the remaining daylight, decide to take a quick one hour spin around the San Diego Harbor for a 'Get My Mojo Back' tour. I didnt even have proper yachting attire for the afternoon, but Walt graciously overlooked my maritime fashion faux pas and allowed me onboard. (I think he intentionally failed to don his skipper hat to make me feel more comfortable in my street attire.)

After boarding, we opened her up and Walt started his preflight duties. I dutifully stayed out of his way and snapped a few shots of this beautiful vessel!




In no time, the skipper had her purring and we cast off the lines. As I surveyed my surroundings, I realized that I had failed to take note of the safety and survival equipment so I started looking around. Imagine my horror when I found THIS!!


Here we were, lines cast off, we're underway into the vast blue without a SINGLE SOLITARY RESCUE DRINK! In spite of our lack of libation, we toughed it out and continued our journey. I chalked it up as a small penance for the TF community. Oh, the hardships we pioneers must endure!




Here's the REAL MOJO shot!!


We headed for the Coronado Bridge as Walt introduced me to every system switch, knob and dial! What a beauty!! We played with the power settings and he showed me the art of back and fill. What a blast!! We continued our cruise for about an hour around the harbor before heading back as the sun began to approach the horizon. It was great fun to participate in the First Trawler Forum Mojo Tour of San Diego Harbor. I highly recommend it to all Trawler Forum Members. Thanks again Walt for a great end to another perfect day in Paradise.


I suggest that our new TF Logo include a profile of our new TFCMY!!! (Done that...Got the T Shirt!)

There are no words. Great pictures and great fun. Thanks for the pictures and keeping us greasies going.
Gee whiz, Al, sounds like you have a great job.* Please retire soon to give the young folks a chance.
Its apparent to me that Walt is at his happiest, and with a desire to remain involved with his boat(ing) still visibly alive, when he has others of this forum aboard with whom to share his beautiful Seahorse II.

I also second the idea of a TFCMY with Seahorse II being "First Yacht" and Walt "First Captain". The pennant to be flown when a member is aboard could be a big: :thumbsup:

But something will have to be done about the sorrowful, pitiful state of that reefer. The last Trawler Forum member to be aboard should be required to stock it for the next visiting member. Al?

-- Edited by dwhatty on Friday 9th of December 2011 06:34:05 AM
You guys are so right. I am blessed with a great job and have to pinch myself daily to make sure it's real. I sometimes think I must have a screw loose to want to retire next Nov.

David, I am remorseful in my failure to stock the TFCMY with QUALITY libations. A vessel of this pedigree must only have the finest drinks aboard. No Budweiser beer, no Gallo wine; only the best.

I'll need to arrange for a return trip to properly evaluate the cabinet and reefer space available for drink storage. I was so shocked at the lack of beer, that I failed to properly assess the storage capacity.* I'll do better next time.* Expect to find a good supply of these onboard during your next visit.


-- Edited by FlyWright on Friday 9th of December 2011 10:14:49 AM
FlyWright wrote:
* I'll do better next time.* Expect to find a good supply of these onboard during your next visit.
*Only Gentleman Jack for me, please.

-- Edited by Moonstruck on Friday 9th of December 2011 10:50:11 AM


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On this genteel boat, he should be called Mr. Daniels!

-- Edited by FlyWright on Friday 9th of December 2011 11:49:47 AM
FlyWright wrote:
On this genteel boat, he'll should be called Mr. Daniels!
*That would certainly show respect, but in Tennessee that would be Squire Daniels.*
Ladies & gentlemen:

I apologize to no one for the state of the refrigerator at the time of Flywright's visit. Keep in mind what the subject of this thread is.

Below, is an example of previous visits to SeaHorse when my enthusiasm was at its peak. The boat always took care of her crew & passengers and never gave us a moment of concern. She is as undecided as to what's to become of her as am I.

(1) At sea spread

(2) Return from a short cruise

(3) Coronado Cays, CA



-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Friday 9th of December 2011 11:43:05 AM


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Moonstruck wrote: That would certainly show respect, but in Tennessee that would be Squire Daniels.*
******** I thought I qualified for the title of Squire! :confused:


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SeaHorse II wrote:Moonstruck wrote: That would certainly show respect, but in Tennessee that would be Squire Daniels.*
******** I thought I qualified for the title of Squire! :confused:

*You certainly do Walt. *Squire is as Squire does.

-- Edited by Moonstruck on Friday 9th of December 2011 11:55:07 AM
Ya know Walt I was kind of taken aback at the mention of the Refrigerator.

As for me I would not even show up without a bottle of something for a cruise on a friends boat.

Wasn't it enough just for the opportunity to be aboard such a fine vessel with a capt'n well seasoned.

Oh well as the the*song*says if *you can't please everyone you got to please yourself. Wasn't this about getting the o'l mojo back.

It would be nice if a keg were installed. That way you could fill the refer with other things for a spread at sea.


-- Edited by skipperdude on Friday 9th of December 2011 12:12:25 PM






WOW!* Thanks David, for that spectacular display! :worship::worship::worship:
WOW is right.......how did he do that. What a way to dress things up and get your attention.
rochepoint wrote:
WOW is right.......how did he do that. What a way to dress things up and get your attention.
*Too much time on my hands and the marvels of the Internet.
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