Ignore User Feature on TF

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Oct 18, 2009
Vessel Name
Gray Hawk
Vessel Make
Defever 43 Offshore Cruiser
The twin vs single thread prompted me to make a discovery which I would like to share with anyone else who may be unaware of its existence. On some boards the Ignore User feature is prominently displayed next to the user name in every thread. It is fairly well hidden on this board but available nonetheless.

Go to your User Control Panel and about midway down on the left hand side under "Settings and Options" you will find an option to edit your personal ignore list. Trust me, it can make your TF experience much more pleasant. And thank you to the mod who pointed this out to me.
The "ignore member" option is useful when another member's life purpose is to harass you. :dance:

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I don't get it. What is the purpose?

What does it do?
I use it very rarely on any of the forums that I frequent but when I do use it I do so to avoid seeing the non-stop drabble that the occasional user seems compelled to post. I still see their nonsense if someone else quotes it but otherwise they are invisible to me. You may be able to accomplish the same thing by avoiding reading the posts from people that annoy you but I am not that disciplined.
Personally I don't see a use for it.

I am capable of ignoring thing and people myself..

Ask my wife. She thinks I ignore everything.

Either that or I'm brain dead. She asks me all the time.

Doesn't anything bother you?

I say, yep.

But I just ignore it.

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Way to go SD. I am right there with you.
Did y'all say something? :rofl:
I've used it once. I'm always up for a spirited discussion, especially if both parties are willing to keep their ears open and learn from each other. Close minded know-it-alls that lob antagonistic troll bomb comments get ignored.
Close minded know-it-alls that lob antagonistic troll bomb comments get ignored.[/QUOTE]

Dude. I love that verbage.

Quite the wordsmith arn't ya.

Now I am all paranoid.:eek:

Am I on anyones ignore list.:nonono:

I don't think I could deal with that:hide:

Skipper, I've only one member on the ignore list, and it isn't you. :)
skipperdude...the only way I would "ignore" you is if you told me I got a USCG question wrong...:D
I've only been here a short time and used it already.
Thanks Bob. I too am fed up with the endless drivel in the single v twin and will now have fewer posts to troll through to see if there is anything interesting going on!
I'm amazed anyone would need to use that feature here.
So am I, but I had to, for just one member. Using the Forum became so much better.
Looks like this...


  • marin.JPG
    24.6 KB · Views: 135
Sticks and stones can break my bones. So far none of those have been emited by my computer.
Looks like this...

My only problem is that sometime even the person that is ignored can have some useful information to me.

So ignore the thread works better for me as need be.
There's a serious downside to this especially if you have a number of individuals on that list. Frequently (very frequently I think) members will refer to what has been said on other posts w/o using the quote feature. So the more you use the ignore feature the more you won't know what others are talk'in about.

I'll need to be very strongly motivated to use this feature and don't anticipate ever using it.
So thats why no one responds to reply's or threads of mine.

Dayum I thought it was just my poor speeling.
Awwwww...gosh...you went and got all four of my cheeks rosy on that one!

Ya know, I coulda gone ALL day with out THAT image in my head!

...sometime even the person that is ignored can have some useful information to me....
Very true. My list,of one troll stalker, still involved balancing plus and minus.

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