Hull warranty ?

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Yes , i put insurance on the boat the day i bought it . Insurance is current . Why not have the dealership be responsible ,$ wise ? for selling a boat they knew was leaking ? This is about the dealership not doing the right thing, and the plant supporting the way the dealer does business . And YES , I HAVE PROOF , A TEXT FROM THE SALESMAN STATING THAT HE WAS MOPPING THE WATER UP IN THE V BIRTH . What else can i say .........
What else can i say .........

Maybe a better question is what do you want us to say?

You are slinging poorly aimed accusations around and asking for advice.

I'll chime in with the others and Ranger Tug.

Call your insurance.

They'll inspect the boat and pursue subrogation.

You don't know the damage mechanism, when and where it happened, or by whom.

For all we know, (along with Ranger Tug, the dealer, and the trucking company) is maybe you did it.
Yes , i put insurance on the boat the day i bought it . Insurance is current . Why not have the dealership be responsible ,$ wise ? for selling a boat they knew was leaking ? This is about the dealership not doing the right thing, and the plant supporting the way the dealer does business . And YES , I HAVE PROOF , A TEXT FROM THE SALESMAN STATING THAT HE WAS MOPPING THE WATER UP IN THE V BIRTH . What else can i say .........

You just don't get it. The fact the salesman was mopping up water doesn't mean the damage you're showing existed. Water could have been there for many other reasons. What you're showing would have resulted in many more problems. You leave most questions unanswered. You think that text proves something it in no way proves. I've seen lots of water in v berths of boats that did not have holes in the bottom.

When you first saw the boat was it on land or in the water? If in the water, was it floating? Did you see water? If on land, was the damage there?

Where was the boat when you took legal ownership? Did you inspect it then? How did it look?

Did the shipper send you a photo of damage before they loaded it? If not, then why wouldn't they be responsible?

What did the survey you say was done after you bought it say about the damage?

Maybe it was dropped before launching, maybe it was dropped by the shipper or when loading, maybe when the salesman ran it he ran into rocks. You have not shared any professional opinion.

Why do you refuse to let the experts look and decide, in this case the insurer?

When did you first see the hole in the bottom of the boat?

I don't see any builder responsibility regarding a used boat, whether damaged before or after you bought it. Without further evidence, there's no way I'd call this a manufacturing defect. Now, you better lay off the builder and claiming it's a defect unless you want to find yourself on the losing end of a suit.
I never said that , i said , without fixing the cracks from the inside as well , we won't know if there was any fiberglass defects that could have contributed to the cracks or not . If.... there was defects ..... it could be .... a combination of rough blocking and hull defects . If the interior was checked , and was 100 % , then then the boat was dropped REAL hard .

Fiberglass guys say it takes a lot of force to do that . Also bonding putty chunks were floating in the bilge . Fiberglass guys say that is a ''bad '' sign .

Waste, fuel, water tanks are over the cracks , and floor is 1 piece , no way to see .
I am sympathetic, but to a point.


Untill you get that done you can type all day and you will get nowhere.

You need some real professional help.

Stop ranting and listen. You have been offered good advice. Take it or at least some of it. Ignoring it won't help you get your boat repaired.
Other than the advice offered which you seem to be ignoring WE CANNOT HELP YOU further.
Ask more questions, sure, as needed but stop the rant, it is not helping.

As for the improper blocking look up Lou Tribal's episode with exactly that problem. What he went through and the result. But bear in mind, upset as he was, he did what was needed to get his boat repaired.

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Bucket list, get yourself a very well qualified damage claims surveyor with a solid reputation with insurance companies and who has expert witness experience. Get the survey done.
Bucket list, get yourself a very well qualified damage claims surveyor with a solid reputation with insurance companies and who has expert witness experience. Get the survey done.
See post 23, OP got a survey,after purchase/damage discovered. Despite requests it was not shared with us.
He has or had a survey, an insurance company and a lawyer. He doesn’t need or even want any advice. He’s merely trolling/ranting and folks with free time oblige him. I’ve read much of the Tug Nuts forum threads and its the same advice, much of it sympathetic to his plight. There’s also the same nonproductive ranting and accusations (some it removed) that got him booted from that forum.

If his own lawyer thought he had any prayer of a case, don't any of you think he would have mentioned it?
Talk to a lawyer. You may have a meritorious fraud claim. And asserted properly, you won't have to worry about getting kicked out of court.
More info will be out next week . I have been listening ....
Same speculation and accusation. Had you gotten the boat surveyed before delivery you might know something. Had you shown up for the delivery you might. The survey reveals nothing about the cause, it's all your theory and the crack could have occurred when the boat was out or put back in the water or hauled or trailered or hauled again or when the salesman was at the helm or when you ran it. No professional has offered an opinion.

As to the insurance and your repeated comments you would have been committing fraud, that is total BS. Had you called your insurer and simply said "here is the problem and I don't know the cause" then they could have determined what they felt it was and they could have paid or refused or paid and then gone after anyone else they felt was responsible.

You seem more intent on ranting that solving. Good luck.
You don't get it B and B . If you read the whole thing , including all the articles from ''sources '' on the site, you would understand the situation .
You don't get it B and B . If you read the whole thing , including all the articles from ''sources '' on the site, you would understand the situation .

I read every word and I very much get it. You're the one who doesn't get the fact you have no evidence of the cause. Oh and as to the dealer, if you do turn out to have a valid complaint against them, it wouldn't be against the current dealer but a prior business entity that may not exist any longer.

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