How was your boating year, 2016?

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I'd give my 2016 the following grade

  • A-Just perfect for me. I enjoyed immensely. Wouldn't change a thing.

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • B-It was a good year on the water, but I see a couple of areas for improvement.

    Votes: 17 30.4%
  • C-It was a so-so year. Better than some had, better than no boating, but not what I wish.

    Votes: 12 21.4%
  • D-It was clearly below what I hoped for. I got a little in but not enough or didn't enjoy.

    Votes: 7 12.5%
  • F-It was lousy. No other way to say it. On a 1 to 10 scale it was a 0.

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
Gotta give it an A. Started 2016 in Marathon FL and will finish the year in Orange Beach AL via the Great Loop. Can't begin to describe what a blast the trip was and how much we grew along the way.

Getting ready to head west into Louisiana and maybe Texas starting mid January. See some of you out there next year!
Spike, we will be doing that starting spring 2018.

We are trying to decide between taking it slow and having to winterize the boat up north, or completing it in a year as you did, and getting back south before winter sets in.

Did you feel that you were rushing it somewhat doing it that quickly?
A means it was just right for you, perfect in every way.

B means it was very good but could be slightly better

C means it was so-so, a good bit of room for improvement but could have been worse too...

I would say a solid B, perhaps B+. We were away from home port almost 3 months. Other than some occasional intermittent AIS issues, no major vessel issues. The dog came up lame so we had to head back because of her issues, but she recovered.

AAA+++! 2016 was amazing for us aboard Harmony. This was our first year with a trawler, and we were in Baja and the Sea of Cortez. We had lots of friends and family come down on various trips to the local islands, which are always amazing. I transited a 20 miles stretch directly into 25+ knots of wind (won't do that again :banghead:), but learned that my boat can take some weather. I also did the "Bash" from La Paz to Marina Del Rey aboard my friend's 50' sailboat in June, which was a great trip.

All in all, it was a fantastic year, with my wife and I gaining confidence in operating a trawler with every outing. (8 years of sailboats before this).

Happy New Year everybody! :thumb:

Cheers, Bill
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Spike, we will be doing that starting spring 2018.

We are trying to decide between taking it slow and having to winterize the boat up north, or completing it in a year as you did, and getting back south before winter sets in.

Did you feel that you were rushing it somewhat doing it that quickly?

I think much depends on where and when you start. Easy to avoid the northern winterizing if you're prepared to leave NYC in early to mid May. However, if you don't reach the Erie Canal until July then you'll be rushing things.

Funny that most doing the loop start in the South or on the East Coast. We met a couple living in Ohio and they're looping next year and it's pretty much the perfect pattern. They'll start in their normal boating season, taking it slow. South before the end of summer. Winter around the gulf and FL and then spring back up the east coast and spend the summer on the Erie and the Great Lakes back home. A nice leisurely 15-16 month loop.

New to me NT37, and 4500nm cruising/fishing the Inside Passage, shared with friends and family. Hard to imagine a first year with a new boat working out better.

New to me NT37, and 4500nm cruising/fishing the Inside Passage, shared with friends and family. Hard to imagine a first year with a new boat working out better.

Must seem downright decadent having all the extra room after decades in a trailerable boat. Goodonya Mr Cook and love your book
Solid B

Now in second year with "new" old boat. Covered east coast of Fl pretty well, settled in Key Largo. Lehmans and generator running great after extensive repairs and TLC. Cabin suffers from leaky tiki syndrome, still have a long way to go on that. Lots of day trips with friends to snorkel and dive biscayne bay. Plan to do that for a couple of years. Bucket list- Bahamas, will do it eventually.
This was the year of the leaking fuel tank(s) discovery and replacement. The bit of underway we got in was A+. That was offset by "the project" that came in as a good solid F.

Next year I'm looking forward to an A.
I give a B-. It's our first year with the big boat. We traveled home from purchase 300+ miles. Then we took 2 cruises 65 miles each way to ocracoke, and one trip about 25 miles for fuel. Also took 2 or 3 trips to Washington, NC which is about 8 miles from the club.

I really thought I would have used it more, but it's a lot of work sometimes. I've been getting into the projects and so far have

- replaced both heads with raritan marine elegance sea/fresh toilets
- still working on replacing all 1.5" black hoses.
- replaced macerator with whale gulper
- Oil changes
- LED lighting
- installed wifi amp and repeater
- bought and yet to install new exhaust manifold ($5k ouch!!!)
- installed dinghy davits
- replaced starter 8d battery
- chasing water leak
- replaced home port name, boat name is next
- new stereo

I've got a long list for 2017!!!
I'd give it a B+ for 2016 as long as there are no disasters getting back to port today.

Some great cruises, and I learned a lot. Completed my wiring upgrade and almost finished my new hardtop. Caught some nice fish. Met some new friends and got reacquainted with some old friends.

The only negative was being stuck in the marina for a month while waiting for the entrance channel to be dredged after a big storm filled it in.

Looking forward to 2017 with a month long cruise to Port Lincoln planned with an old friend from Canada.
My mom got very sick and so most of the summer was spent flying back and forth to CT. My wife and I chalked it up to a "lost summer." I always remark how so many boat owners at the marina spend all that money and never use their boats. Cobwebs grow on their mooring lines and we never see the owners. Last summer that was our boat. I kept wringing my hands and fretting about not seeing the boat for weeks, adding to my stress, but my wife finally wisely said that we can't be slaves to the boat, it waits for us as long as we want. It's an inanimate object, it can't feel neglected. Good advice I think.

We have friends at the marina who would call us if something really bad happened, or something ominous looking, like the bilge pumps kicking on all the time. Or sinking. This coming summer though, every weekend you'll find us on the boat. Last summer was just unavoidably lost, but this summer, different story.
Great spring, but not much happened during summer. Looking forward to 2017.
My mom got very sick and so most of the summer was spent flying back and forth to CT. My wife and I chalked it up to a "lost summer." I always remark how so many boat owners at the marina spend all that money and never use their boats. Cobwebs grow on their mooring lines and we never see the owners. Last summer that was our boat. I kept wringing my hands and fretting about not seeing the boat for weeks, adding to my stress, but my wife finally wisely said that we can't be slaves to the boat, it waits for us as long as we want. It's an inanimate object, it can't feel neglected. Good advice I think.

Wifey B: A good reason for us not to be so quick to judge those with boats not being used. We speak of people working who don't have time. Then there are others with life events just take them away.
B for me.

Good news was after 18 months of ownership, I feel like I have a good handle on the boat. Better news was getting to make 6 visits to the boat and 20+ days on the water.

Bad news is the very high cost of pro maintenance because I don't live near the boat and can't fix anything anyway if I did. Gotta get better at that. Generator blowing up for $12k was only 1/4 the total spend this year...
B for me.

Good news was after 18 months of ownership, I feel like I have a good handle on the boat. Better news was getting to make 6 visits to the boat and 20+ days on the water.

Bad news is the very high cost of pro maintenance because I don't live near the boat and can't fix anything anyway if I did. Gotta get better at that. Generator blowing up for $12k was only 1/4 the total spend this year...

I have to say, that does not sound like a B to me. :eek:
I have to say, that does not sound like a B to me. :eek:

Wifey B: One person's B might not be another's. Your cruising might be a B or C to me. That's why I worded as I did. We each evaluate against our expectations, hopes and plans. :)
A good year. First full year on Dolphin Marina at Brooklyn. Good neighbours, good marina mechanic. Made contact with the shipwright nearby at a marina we used years ago,he did some great work this year. Reacquainted ourselves with Broken Bay and the enchanting Hawkesbury river system, with its secluded fjord like deep water flooded valleys set in untouched bushland, rocky shores, native birds,sealife,free to use National Parks moorings, etc. Added a second kayak for exploring, spotting stingrays, paddling about,together. Christmas at Stingray Bay, in Smiths Creek, just beautiful, even the massive thunderstorm on Christmas eve. Noticed, for the first time, reflected morning sun playing on the trunks and boughs of trees near the rippled waters,amazing to see.
B+ for us,

Lot of project down
Nice time onboard with friends almost every sunday.
Nice cruising in BVI
we don't broke any major staff

I dream to have more time to make more project and more maintenance ...
I dream to take more day off to travel onboard
B for me.

Good news was after 18 months of ownership, I feel like I have a good handle on the boat. Better news was getting to make 6 visits to the boat and 20+ days on the water.

Bad news is the very high cost of pro maintenance because I don't live near the boat and can't fix anything anyway if I did. Gotta get better at that. Generator blowing up for $12k was only 1/4 the total spend this year...

I need to borrow some of your positive attitude!

Good on ya!
22 on a boat for a day sounds like a nightmare unless I am getting paid big bucks. Have fun wherever you find it. Two people and the pup is about right.
I was originally going to give the first half of the year a D, since we didn't take the boat out as much as we would have liked to build confidence in our handling of the new (to us) boat. But after giving it some thought, I'd give it a solid B. Not as much actual boating, but we did spend every weekend at the boat with boating friends, got into SUPing and kayaking....and got a few projects done like new batteries and new window coverings.

Second half of the year started with a trip to Ocracoke, with flat flat water conditions.....and that is always an A++!!

Overall, I'll go with a B+. We are gaining experience and confidence with our new boat. Love this boat and can't wait to spend as much time as possible on the water!
22 on a boat for a day sounds like a nightmare unless I am getting paid big bucks. Have fun wherever you find it. Two people and the pup is about right.

Wifey B: Big boat and just the one day. There were more at our home tonight for dinner and will be tomorrow as tonight is our Christmas Eve and tomorrow our Christmas Day with family and friends as for the official holiday we were in NC with the kids at the orphanage we've gone to for years. Our friends have gotten use to this schedule and sort of like doing it out of step with everyone else. Plus we don't go out for the drunkenfest of New Year's Eve so this year even better.

We lived for ever fairly solitary lives. "Just the two of us, we can make it if we try" or "You and me against the world." Now we're always surrounded by our extended and created family. Hubby still doesn't like crowds of strangers, but when it's family/close friends we really care for, he's fine. Now, no size crowd ever bothers me. :)
C -

92 yr, matriarch's health problems ate up much time in care needs. As well as work still occurring on house restoration due to 80K lb. 200 yr. old oak tree falling catastrophe that happened 5:30 PM 7/26/15. Complete roof rebuild still to accomplish, this winter.... between storms. :eek:

More boat time in 2017!! :D
I would say a c at best .I had some heart health issues that WE dealt with most of the year Then we pulled the boat for bottom job in July that turned into more than just an average bottom job . ( I think the pic sums that up ) . But the boat is back at home now in a new slip with a new winter project going on .Life is good .


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Spike, we will be doing that starting spring 2018.

We are trying to decide between taking it slow and having to winterize the boat up north, or completing it in a year as you did, and getting back south before winter sets in.

Did you feel that you were rushing it somewhat doing it that quickly?

Being full time on the boat we used the loop as kind of a "fact finding" trip. A year seemed about right for us overall. There are some areas we'll revisit in the future and others we now know to bypass.

If you only plan on doing the trip once I'd take longer and do more side trips. We've met couples in their 3rd and 4th year on the loop and still haven't completed. For us, living on a boat named Chasing 80 (as in degrees) wintering up north isn't an option. Heck, we're getting pretty cold here in Alabama!

We started in western Kentucky in the fall as the great migration of loopers was passing through. Doesn't matter where you start from you just follow the seasons. If you start in Florida, most get moving late winter or early spring. Great Lakers start in the summer heading south by around September. You can check out our blog to see how we did it but there is no right or wrong way...just be sure to do it your way!
Wifey B: Was it like A+ perfect. These grades aren't how much did you boat, but are did you boat the right amount and right places for you. And, if not, what are you doing to rectify the problem for 2017.

A means it was just right for you, perfect in every way.

B means it was very good but could be slightly better

C means it was so-so, a good bit of room for improvement but could have been worse too.

D means looking back I'm disappointed. Just didn't boat like I would have hoped.

F means it sucked big time. I just didn't boat much and didn't enjoy it. Maybe boat on the hard all year or nothing but work on it.

Well, I voted "A" but with this explanation, I should have voted "B". We had a great time cruising the Chesapeake Bay but could have stayed longer and visited more places. I would always like to cruise more often and cruise further, but life gets in the way.
Wifey B: I've never been big on New Year resolutions as if there are things about my life I want to make better I should just resolve to do it any time of the year.

I was about to suggest as cruisers we all think of how to make our boating life better for 2017, but that's really not it. What I really hope is for those with good 2016's, 2017 is as good and for those with challenges during 2016, then 2017 is better. Some things we can't control. However, much of life we can. Even those elements we can't directly control, we have within our power how we choose to deal with them. So, I'm not going to suggest everyone resolve to boat more or better, but just everyone take a moment to consider how to make their lives better, more enjoyable, more pleasurable, less stressful, whatever it takes. Whether that's more boating or getting out of boating entirely, just take your destiny for this year into your own hands and make it the best.

I look back at a period in our life we titled "Our World Torn Asunder." It's pretty horrifying on paper, but I have great memories of us in a bad situation. We were an incredible team and in three months that seemed like years, we learned more about ourselves and our love than any other period of our lives. So, I wish for each of you hope and strength for whatever you face in 2017. Cherish the love of those close to you. Most of happiness in life is our Cognitive Perception. There are two things that aren't just in our minds and that is finances and health, but even how we deal with them is something we each can manage. I wish I could just give everyone complete happiness every moment of every day, but I can't. Without some of the bad in our lives though how would we appreciate the good?

So, what started as a boating poll and me hoping all the A's stay A's and the other grades come up for 2017, I don't really hope that in your boating specifically, but I hope it for each of you in your lives.

A year ends and another starts. How do we know? We don't wake up with oh whoopee another year. It's like Lookout Mountain and see five states. They don't have lines like on a map. I don't know if I'm seeing five or not. Well, we have a calendar saying the year changes. Maybe just a gimmick created by calendar makers as I know we just had to buy all new ones. However, if it gives us a little sense of renewal then great. And if you are able to feel that today and tomorrow, then grab it, hold on to it, and then anytime during the year you need a renewal then just do it again, calendar or no calendar.

It's a new year already to some of our members so I'm screaming (and I can scream loud) HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. :D
I'd have to give my year a B+ b/c there's always room for improvement.

We got off to a sluggish start with the boat on the hard after that 60 Hatteras decided to 'raft up' to our bow pulpit. Got the boat back into the water just before Christmas 2015.

Had a personal best sturgeon fishing year until March as we closed in on my daughter's wedding. This put a pause on the boating but was well worth it! We had a grand time throwing a fairy tale wedding for daughter #1.

The spring/summer cruising season was fantastic. The highlight to me was my solo 2 week "Huck Finn" trip throughout the California Delta. It was how I envision Hick Finn would do it today if he had a diesel trawler, electricity, 2 fridges, wifi and a pension check. :D

After the Nova Kool fridge upgrade and 6-GC house bank replacement, my boat became much better behaved electrically. She finally feels "dialed in" to best fit my needs and desires. This allowed me to run for 2 weeks with only my onboard provisions and tank capacities. No marinas, nothing added, nothing removed except for trash bags...just gunkholing in the Delta without a schedule. Somehow I managed to squeeze this 14 day excursion into 16 days!

We enjoyed a fun July 4th trip to Mandeville Tip for the Hilton-sponsored fireworks show and drink-fest. We also had another great Fleet Week experience this October after we almost got shut out by full marinas. A last minute opening for one boat saved for day.

I've put close to 200 hrs on the engines this year but that's not even close to the number of hours of enjoyment I've had onboard FlyWright. I'm blessed to berth near the line between the San Francisco Bay and the CA Delta, so both playgrounds are easily within my reach, even for day trips. Can't wait for 2017's A+ report card!

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