How frequently do you drink when cruising...

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How often do I drink alcohol when cruising

  • I have a drink most days

    Votes: 56 42.7%
  • I typically have a drink 2 to 3 times a week

    Votes: 32 24.4%
  • I average having a drink about once a week

    Votes: 9 6.9%
  • I average having a drink about once or twice a month

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • I average having a drink less than once a month

    Votes: 9 6.9%
  • I don't drink.

    Votes: 18 13.7%

  • Total voters

However, I think there's another area where this group is different. 25% of those in the US admitted to binge drinking in the past month. That's 5 or more drinks on one occasion or otherwise defined as getting intoxicated or drunk. 7% admitted to binge drinking 5 or more days during the past month. I suspect that the group here is more mature in their drinking habits than that.

So perhaps drinks more regularly or frequently but doesn't follow the pattern of many young people of drinking with the intent of getting drunk.


Good observation. Sadly in this country, we never take the next step and have a real discussion as to why changes that were made to the drinking age, as in fact had the opposite of the intended effect..

Humans have been drinking for 10,000 years. It's only in the last century have we tried to regulate alcohol and in the last 50 years continued to raise the drinking age.

All we have really done is train kids to binge drink, since they can only get it sporadically.

It is also interesting, that around the world, binge drinking takes place in those countries that are the most restrictive about alcohol, by closing pubs early etc.

In the southern European counties, which are the least restrictive, there is virtually no binge drinking problems with people of any age group.

Mind you there are still drunks, but that's another issue.

In the U.S., we clearly have a large minority who having tried Prohibition and failed, now go after drinking in other ways, which leads to all sorts of unintended consequences.

Richard in NYC for two weeks, making trouble and stirring the pot.
Good observation. Sadly in this country, we never take the next step and have a real discussion as to why changes that were made to the drinking age, as in fact had the opposite of the intended effect..

Humans have been drinking for 10,000 years. It's only in the last century have we tried to regulate alcohol and in the last 50 years continued to raise the drinking age.

All we have really done is train kids to binge drink, since they can only get it sporadically.

It is also interesting, that around the world, binge drinking takes place in those countries that are the most restrictive about alcohol, by closing pubs early etc.

In the southern European counties, which are the least restrictive, there is virtually no binge drinking problems with people of any age group.

Mind you there are still drunks, but that's another issue.

In the U.S., we clearly have a large minority who having tried Prohibition and failed, now go after drinking in other ways, which leads to all sorts of unintended consequences.

Richard in NYC for two weeks, making trouble and stirring the pot.
We make up for it in other ways I guess. We may rank in the lower 25% on drinking but I bet there are things we rank in the top 1% on. :devil:
My kind of people! WifeyB, I like your style!
My kind of people! WifeyB, I like your style!

Who wouldn't? They're my TF idols. They own a large yacht and looking for another one for $4M so they can have one for each coast, they are young but retired and semi retired, they cruise most of their time, WifeyB wears revealing clothing and they have plenty of sex. They're living the life that I dream of.

I wish I could meet them. But for now, a picture of them and their yacht would be wonderful.
Who wouldn't? They're my TF idols. They own a large yacht and looking for another one for $4M so they can have one for each coast, they are young but retired and semi retired, they cruise most of their time, WifeyB wears revealing clothing and they have plenty of sex. They're living the life that I dream of.

I wish I could meet them. But for now, a picture of them and their yacht would be wonderful.

Wifey B: can wear revealing clothing and have plenty of sex too....hehe...

We do sort of live a dream life but we've lived the bad type lives too. We're very thankful for all we have and do know we're lucky. Just hope we use our good fortune in some positive ways. Long before we were where we are now though, we found happiness and that was with no yachts, not a lot of money. And as to photos, there are none of us due to some restrictions past events placed on us. That's a sacrifice we had to make. We've had to maintain very private lives and even being on forums has been a bold step outside.

Ooops....I better get dressed. We're about 30 minutes from land and docking. :dance:

Telling our friend/family/guest that she better get dressed too....she made a pouty face.
Ms. WB...WHOA!!! Too much information. I used to be Catholic you know...

I used to have Champagne tastes but I find I have more in common with those beer and good whiskey drinkers. I'll leave the Champagne to those with the yachtie hats, crests on their jackets and long pants. I'm the guy with the $10 T-shirt, ragged shorts and $100 deck shoes walking around with a beer.
I used to have Champagne tastes but I find I have more in common with those beer and good whiskey drinkers. I'll leave the Champagne to those with the yachtie hats, crests on their jackets and long pants. I'm the guy with the $10 T-shirt, ragged shorts and $100 deck shoes walking around with a beer.

Wifey B: There's cheap Champagne in every store. We just like the taste and don't like beer. They say beer is an acquired taste. I don't like something I have to work to like.
OMG, now I know who stole my shoes!!
You may not know how the drinking age got to be 21. When Elizabeth Dole was Secretary of Transportation, she decided to withhold Federal highway funding to any state that didn't have 21 as the legal drinking age.

My thinking is the drinking age should be lowered and the driving age raised. Kids should learn to handle alcohol before they get behind the wheel, not after. Alcohol has become the forbidden fruit for teenagers. We all know what happens with the forbidden fruit.
You may not know how the drinking age got to be 21. When Elizabeth Dole was Secretary of Transportation, she decided to withhold Federal highway funding to any state that didn't have 21 as the legal drinking age.

My thinking is the drinking age should be lowered and the driving age raised. Kids should learn to handle alcohol before they get behind the wheel, not after. Alcohol has become the forbidden fruit for teenagers. We all know what happens with the forbidden fruit.

I strongly agree with your logic. I've also always had a problem with the fact that people of voting age can not drink. And people old enough to decide to die for their country can not drink.

Logically I'd say either the voting age and the military join-up age should be raised, or the drinking age should be lowered.
When we are finished for the day we generally have a cold beer. Later that evening we split a bottle of wine, while lounging in the salon.
Does a little champagne and OJ with breakfast count?
I didn't steal them, but if I did I would most likely go into international waters say while on the way to the bahamas and strategically dump them in the middle of the gulfstream so they would be carried away at a pretty good rate of speed. But that's just me.
You may not know how the drinking age got to be 21. When Elizabeth Dole was Secretary of Transportation, she decided to withhold Federal highway funding to any state that didn't have 21 as the legal drinking age.

My thinking is the drinking age should be lowered and the driving age raised. Kids should learn to handle alcohol before they get behind the wheel, not after. Alcohol has become the forbidden fruit for teenagers. We all know what happens with the forbidden fruit.


Yes, because there was and still is, even more so, a very strong wing of the Republican Party that is anti-alcohol, anti-sex, anti-everything.

And I'm a Republican. It's become down right embarrassing.

Uh Oh, must be the alcohol talking. Alcohol helps people be honest.
Wifey B: There's cheap Champagne in every store. We just like the taste and don't like beer. They say beer is an acquired taste. I don't like something I have to work to like.

Exactly. And beer is not to my liking either. Anything described as tasting like warm pee simply doesn't have much appeal.

Now Tia Maria or Kaluha? Those I like. With cream (half and half) or vodka... yummy.

We used to make our own on the boat in gallon jugs twice a year. Alas, I lost the recipe and the ones I've tried thus far have not been the same. :(

In the course of a year I drank a whole pint of Kahlua so 'tis not like I am much of a drinker. I could like red wine (or plain old cranberry juice -- honestly both are fine in my book) or grape juice.

For my 40th birthday I split a bottle of champagne with a couple of friends. The bubbles were wonderful. :blush: I can understand why it's so popular.

I'd rather be aware and enjoy life as it is than through a fog of any sort.

However I do like the taste of some things that contain alcohol. In moderation that works for me.

However, I think there's another area where this group is different. 25% of those in the US admitted to binge drinking in the past month. That's 5 or more drinks on one occasion or otherwise defined as getting intoxicated or drunk. 7% admitted to binge drinking 5 or more days during the past month. I suspect that the group here is more mature in their drinking habits than that.

OMG! Call AA, I went binge drinking TWICE last weekend!! :eek:

Rah, Roh Scobby but I did not get buzzed much less drunk.... :socool: How is that possible?

Well, I was drinking while I was smoking some Salmon, wait a minute, that does not sound legal.... Let me rephrase, "Well, I was drinking while Salmon filets were smoking on the BBQ." Whew, that sounds better. :rofl:

I had a beer while smoking, err, a, BBQing, then I had a beer while eating the smoked Salmon and Asparagus. Later that night I had another couple of beers. I might have had 4-5 beers but I drank them over a 4-5 hour period. An average sized man will "process" about an ounce of alcohol in an hour, and since I was drinking about an ounce an hour, I did not get buzzed much less drunk. At my weight, I have to drink 5-6 beers in ONE hour to be .08, ie legally drunk.

The definition of binge drinking is BS since it does not take into account how much TIME was taken to drink. Not attacking BandB but the Binge Drinking definition is bogus. Unless we went to consider the *** CALORIE *** aspect of Binge Drinking. :eek::rolleyes::angel:

Where many people get into trouble with drinking is because of TIME. They go to a BBQ at the neighbors, be it a boat or house, and start drinking say two beers an hour. After the first hour, they have consumed one beer but their body has removed one beer. After hour two, they have drunk four beers, the body has cleared out two, but two are still in the body. At the end of hour three, another beer has been processed but now three beers are still in the body. Depending on a person's weight, they could be over .08 after three hours, especially a woman because women on average weigh less than men AND women process alcohol slower than men. Most women going into the fourth hour of drinking two beers an hour is going to be over .08 as would some men.

On the other hand, a man or women at the same party, drinking only ONE beer an hour would be ok. At least from an alcohol perspective. Calories are a different matter. ;)

A long party is how many people get into trouble drinking. They might think they are being responsible just drinking a couple of drinks an hour but over TIME, they get into trouble. It gets worse if they are drinking the hard stuff where people are not measuring an ounce, or drinking wine or high gravity beer.

Not many people go grab a six pack and drink it in one hour. THAT is binge drinking.

Just saw this thread for the first time? ,,, Ha! must have been drinking :rofl:
I admit I have not read all the posts in this thread, but the Thread Title caught my interest.

I'm pretty much what you'd decribe as a classic binge drinker. I often go without alcohol for months at a time (for many reasons) and then hit it, and hit it HARD. When I can afford the time, I love to sit up at the upper-aft-deck with a cool one (or six), catching the breeze on a summer's night, taking in the awesome sights & sounds, talking about life's wonderful experiences,,,while nursing a case of beer (with friends of course! :thumb:)

I hang with a crowd that works hard, then likes to play hard. That's just the nature of the game, but these guys are all professionals who know when to call it a night (usually when there's no booze left :rofl: :rofl:)
I could go & on, how drinking is actually a hobby of mine, but I'm not going to, because I do not want to encourage irresponsible drinking. That just isn't cool.

To the point though,,, I never drink when in command of INFINITY, whether that's tootling around the cove to purchase some fuel, or on a 12-day passage. I do not want alcohol associated with any bad Juju with the boat,,, - at all. But when she's tucked away safe & sound, and all is right with the world, nothing better than a primo bottle of Red. :dance:
Andy you are talking my language.
I come out of the merchant navy and have been at sea for well over 40 years.
Unlike the US Merch the Aus and UK were not dry, I think the term is awash.
We had strict rules, work hard, play hard. if you can'r get up and do your job your sacked.
Thankfully those days are over and most of our ships etc are dry or low alcohol. I am to old for that life now.
I still enjoy a few beers, rum, red or white wine and Loove a good champagne when I am away on the boat.
I also will have a drink whilst steaming up thru the reef on a hot summers day, there I have said it but in those situations always in moderation.
After all I am an Australian and we have a lot of home industries to support, even the sugar growers, if you don't have it in your coffee at least throw a teaspoon full on the ground and also it makes rum.
You may not know how the drinking age got to be 21. When Elizabeth Dole was Secretary of Transportation, she decided to withhold Federal highway funding to any state that didn't have 21 as the legal drinking age.

My thinking is the drinking age should be lowered and the driving age raised. Kids should learn to handle alcohol before they get behind the wheel, not after. Alcohol has become the forbidden fruit for teenagers. We all know what happens with the forbidden fruit.

Long before E Dole was in office NY raised their drinking age from 18 to 21. MADD thoughts were well in place as all too many fatalities amongst young people from CT occurred on the drive home. Cell phones, and texting have begun to rival drinking as a hazard but yet to hear the mothers from MADD complaining as these fatalities are in the young kids and parents areas area of responsibility.
The US Military had pretty well recognized the correlation between DUI and Fatigued Driving 15+ years ago.

My cut was the accidents were caused by fatigue, not the alcohol....the alcohol induced behavior led to the fatigued state. A close but distinctly different set of causal factors.

But there was no direct correlation to many accidents and alcohol....some...but certainly not all.

This is an emotionally charged subject...usually only opinion as few facts have really been factored into a big picture...

A subject not usually seen in its completeness by most.
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Mr. s. Interesting you mention MADD. Mothers huh? How about including the fathers and call the organization F'n MADD? Not meaning to make light of the terrible situation at all....

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