Help Choose new titles

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Janet H

Site Team
Jan 14, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Cape Dory
As you know, members have a title displayed under their username that changes periodically as post counts rise. We can do better and would like your help with ideas and input on some spiffier titles.

Our current scheme is: newbie member 5 posts
veteran member 25
senior member 100
guru 500

While we currently only have 3 titles, I believe that 5 or even 8 would be more appropriate.
0 posts
5 posts
20 posts
100 posts
250 posts
500 posts
1000 posts
5000 posts

We could use ranks, (captain, admiral, etc) a short saying (scrapes paint, loves bright work, etc ) or anything else you can dream up.

We might consider allowing those with high post counts to select their own, but would still need a default usertitle in case they didn't pick a custom one.

So - what can you come up with? Usertitles must be short (15 characters tops), acceptable to both genders, on topic for the board, etc.

Any ideas?
Seaman Recruit
Petty Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Lt. Commander
As I have mentioned before, I think the whole title thing is silly. I would much prefer to see the same practice followed here that is used on the Grand Banks forums which simply has the person's name over their avatar photo and then underneath the photo when the person joined, their number of posts to date, and information supplied by the user like boat name, type, length, and home port--- so the same information that is displayed under the photo in TF avatars currently.

The only titles I think are appropriate and useful to attach under a member's name are Moderator or Adminstrator if they are one.
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Maybe Marin has a point. I've never seen any benefit on other sites for rankings. Everyone here knows who the real seniors and contributors are.

I suppose a title of some sort may ward-off some abuse from the occasional idiot that knows everything, but me...a Guru. My Admiral really gets a laugh out of that. "Engine Wiper" would be much closer. Tell me how to change my title.
I have watched new members come into the forum and post one or two word replies almost every day to almost every thread. The content is usually minimal. Things like "I like", or "ha ha", or "good post" etc. They seem to want you to know they are sitting on their computer 24 hours a day and want to build up their number of posts as a status symbol. So, I believe that a title, based on number of posts to date, that implies some kind of status to a member has little meaning. The readers know who makes good contributions over time, and that speaks for itself.
I partially agree with Marin, to me the only ones that should have a title are the administrator and moderators. For the rest of us it should just be city, country, vessel name and model and the Join Date.
Marin is dead right.
No titles but members should be encouraged to give more information on their boat , experience etc.
The other thing it is quality of posts not quantity.
No point on babbeling on with no quality , less is more.
I have watched new members come into the forum and post one or two word replies almost every day to almost every thread. The content is usually minimal. They seem to want you to know they are sitting on their computer 24 hours a day and want to build up their number of posts as a status symbol.

Yeah. I noticed Marin does that a lot.:lol:
Marin ....... with a one or two word reply????

Now that's funny. But he does at times.

VERY often one's response to a post will differ depending on where they live.
Right under one's user name I'd like to see the general area where one lives.
As in a state, country or Province. Actually I'd like to see first names. User names are hard to use. Hard to spell, remember spacing, caps ect. If folks are paranoid about privacy use a false name .. who cares.

But the titles are totally unnecessary.
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I will amend my earlier post with this: I think the moderators and adminstrators should have these titles under their names.

I also think that John and Doug should have "Founder" under their names as acknowledgement of their efforts on our behalf.

All the rest of us should just be who we are.
I agree,Titles are not essential and could be abandoned.
Two qualifications:
I think I received some (admittedly misplaced) respect on reaching "Guru" level from others already at that level (with one notable discourteous exception). I perceived something collegiate about "guru".
New members might be helped by title gradings, at least until they assess for themselves who to rely on.
I agree,Titles are not essential and could be abandoned.

Yes but... there's not much fun in that :)

New members might be helped by title gradings, at least until they assess for themselves who to rely on.

This is true and the other issue is that if some higher post count members are to have the option of custom titles (which can be really good fun), the software demands that we have default titles in place. So help out the site team - we're not all that creative and might choose one of these :blush:

On The Hard
Cabin Boy
In the Barrel
Laundry Officer
Admiral's Bag Carrier
Raft-Up Royalty

son of a gun
secretary of the navy

Wonders about marin
Has Heard of marin
Watches marin From Afar
Emulates marin
Has a marin tattoo
Marins Minion

....we're not all that creative....

The understatement of the year.:)

Sorry, but I think the ones you've proposed are sillier than what we have now.

I fail to see the purpose of titles at all. Compared to the other forums I either participate in or look at, including boating forums, they make this one seem childish and trivial.

Just my opinon but there it is.
I think if you have, I dunno, say, over 8,709 posts, the title should be something like "excessively florid and markedly loquacious", or maybe "predilection to manifest and engage in prolix elucidation".

Everyone else could be "member".

Or, in the spirit of the thing, how about.....

0 posts - Lurker
5 posts - Able Seaman
20 posts - Most Able Seaman
100 posts - Old Salt
250 posts - Crusty Old Salt
500 posts - Nah....I agree...let us choose our own I think.....
1000 posts
5000 posts

If we must have titles, I believe Peter is on the right course.

Sounds like some of us should adopt the title of "curmudgeon" or "irascible old man."
Post counts do not always bear a correlation with a member's experience or credibility on matters related to the Forum. I second Marin's recommendation.
Sounds like some take titles too seriously. (How many vice presidents do a bank make?)
Be like one of the yacht clubs I belong to, everyone is a Vice Comodore, there is no comodore or ordinary members
Shag Islet Cruising Yacht Club check it out on the net
I can see both sides. Mr. Marin's-titles unnecessary and Ms. Janet's-really good fun, and Mr. Bruce K's-Newbie assistance. OK, three sides...and probably more...(personally I'm on the fun side of this).
Now the matter arises of how to assign these "titles" if any, in fact, are to be used.
If using naval rankings, based on the fact that TF is a truly global entity (and that's a GREAT thing isn't it?), who's navy do we use? I think naval rank designations DO vary. Using US navy criteria does not enter into the picture in spite if the fact the site is US based IMHO. Remember think GLOBALLY.
I also feel volume of posts should be recognized but should it be done in a manner other than a simple number below the avatar or with a title based on that volume?
The same holds true on VALUE of posts but who's to judge that value? A newbie who doesn't realize that twins are better than singles....Uh oh...not going THERE...or the veteran who KNOWS that a schedule is a potential killer on a boat.
With ALL due respect Ms. Janet your suggestions of Cabin Boy, Laundry officer etc. are, as Mr. Marin suggested, silly and I do NOT mean any insult. PLEASE believe me. The very thought of Cabin Boy brings to mind the Royal Navy of the 1800's but let's not go there. Admiral? There can only be ONE admiral on my ship!
I think, for the time being, and baring any further inter-member friction, each member should be able to choose their own "title", listed with their # of posts. This SHOULD allow for those too humble to self acknowledge the value of their posts, those who wish to "blow their own horn" and those who, like myself, just want to be foolish.
Might I suggest Esoteric Builder for Mr Hendo78 who, in my opinion is doing one hell-of-a job both in his rebuild and in his posting of progress. GREAT!!!!
Myself, I'm sticking with Enigma for the time being.
Thank you.
As I have mentioned before, I think the whole title thing is silly. I would much prefer to see the same practice followed here that is used on the Grand Banks forums which simply has the person's name over their avatar photo and then underneath the photo when the person joined, their number of posts to date, and information supplied by the user like boat name, type, length, and home port--- so the same information that is displayed under the photo in TF avatars currently.

The only titles I think are appropriate and useful to attach under a member's name are Moderator or Adminstrator if they are one.

I agree with this. But if we want to keep it silly:

Mary Ann
The millionare
His wife
I suspect that those who need a title may have little else to offer.
Holy crap you guys! When did you guy turn into such curmudgeons? Let's all try and enjoy this place. We have to have titles. I understand Marin's position, but he's not going to like any of you more by agreeing with him :rofl: It's not like anyone pays any attention to them, but if they do, it should either make them smile or give them some indication of a member's status. So let's try to have some fun with this and not take everything so seriously. It's why we were asked to close the HoF thread.

I love this idea:
Mary Ann
Thurston Howell III
Lovey (or Eunice Wentworth)

But this is good too:
Seaman Recruit
Petty Officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Lt. Commander

I will try one myself:
(Well, I got nuttin'... I will have to think about it some more)
OK, well it's hard to believe that we're doing this for "software" requirements, but something simple then:

First Mate
I suspect that those who need a title may have little else to offer.

I think, all things considered, RickB's comment may be the longest lasting and provide's insurance against the possibility of the Forum being designed by committee. (A horse, designed by committee, is a camel!) TF has been working well with a little tweak now and then.
I bin called alot of names over the years.


senior member

I asked for and got my subtitle. I am a happy camper

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