Headed South on the AICW

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Senior Member
Mar 26, 2019
Vessel Name
No Worries
Vessel Make
Beneteau ST44
We are planning on heading south this fall. Plan to travel down the ICW from the Manasquan River in New Jersey to Florida and make the cross over to Bimini on out Swift Trawler 44.

My question is being the first time we are making this trip, when is the best suggested time to begin and the best time to cross over to Bimini?

Also any suggestions for good stops and any advice is always welcome.

Before January or after March...but in reality with a swift 44, anytime is OK because your crossing time is so low you only need a half day window to cross safely if willing to stop once across. Going further into the Bahamas may require a slightly longer window.
How long do you plan to stay in the Bahamas and where do you plan to go. If to the Exumas then February, March and most of April will be fine. Later it will start to get hot.

How do you feel about winter travel from NJ. It could be done leaving in January and getting down to S Florida in late January to cross over to the Bahamas. I wouldn't leave that late though. Early October would be the latest I would want to start travelling down the ICW, not because of ice as there won't be any in Nov-Dec but it just won't be fun.

How long do you plan to stay in the Bahamas and where do you plan to go. If to the Exumas then February, March and most of April will be fine. Later it will start to get hot.

How do you feel about winter travel from NJ. It could be done leaving in January and getting down to S Florida in late January to cross over to the Bahamas. I wouldn't leave that late though. Early October would be the latest I would want to start travelling down the ICW, not because of ice as there won't be any in Nov-Dec but it just won't be fun.

Our plan was to leave in mid October and slowly cruise to Florida. Then cross over to bahamas. Not sure how far down the bahamas we will go. Would like to hit the keys also.

We plan to head back to NJ in the spring. We are not sure whether to leave the boat down in Florida and fly back for winter and return to the boat in March to bring it back up.

It is going to depend on the Amiral as this will be our first long trip. I need her to feel comfortable with the trip. Me, I would like to cruise all winter.
We always left CT to FL the first week in October. Even then it can get damn cold on the fly bridge.
Its two months at 6.8 kts at a no-pressure rate. I'm sure its a lot shorter with your boat.
If you leave too late, you might find services hard to come by in the northern portion of your voyage.
If you leave too late, you might find services hard to come by in the northern portion of your voyage.
Yes, true, but even on a slow boat one can easily make it to Norfolk from Manasquan in seven or eight sailing days. Fuel is not a problem. Water gets shut off in the marinas around Annapolis in mid-November. Provision the boat for two weeks and unless one is planning on a December departure, I rather doubt there would be a problem with anything and even then, many boats could make it with on-board stores. Heat, perhaps, but reverse cycle works down to a forty degree water temp.
We usually depart south from the top of the Chesapeake around the first or second week of Oct. However, the latest we’ve left was mid-Nov. and with a few stops along the way, arrived in Morehead City mid-Dec. then on the outside to Charleston. We had no concerns with marina services anywhere. We provision for 3-4 months worth of frozen and non-perishables all the time anyway, so shopping, except for fresh produce is not an issue.
I think if you leave in October or later, you will be pretty cold unless you are inside with heat.

I suggest leaving sooner, especially if you have a flybridge and like to operate the boat from it like we do.

A have no suggestions for the rest of your trip, just the US east coast part.
I think if you leave in October or later, you will be pretty cold unless you are inside with heat.

I suggest leaving sooner, especially if you have a flybridge and like to operate the boat from it like we do.

A have no suggestions for the rest of your trip, just the US east coast part.
Unfortunately we have commitments that won't let us leave till October.

Cold is not to bad, I can pilot from inside or from the flybridge if nice out.
Unfortunately we have commitments that won't let us leave till October.

Cold is not to bad, I can pilot from inside or from the flybridge if nice out.

Well, you've got it covered then. Layers work best. Take clothes off as the day warms up. A knit hat and gloves will come in handy as well.
Rule of thumb: A 'winter coat' in FL would be considered a 'fall coat' up north. Soooo, buy your coats, hat and gloves up north.

I suggest you buy a couple of small portable ceramic heaters to supplement the reverse cycle AC. They will keep your feet warm.
Rule of thumb: A 'winter coat' in FL would be considered a 'fall coat' up north. Soooo, buy your coats, hat and gloves up north.

I suggest you buy a couple of small portable ceramic heaters to supplement the reverse cycle AC. They will keep your feet warm.

Wifey B: The best place for jackets and coats and other apparel for trips like this is some place like Academy Sports that has a ski shop. We bought jackets and head and face coverings and gloves before our first cold trips. Still have them and love them if I have to wear such things. :D
For stops in my neck of the woods. St Augustine, great history, good night life/restaurants. Kennedy Space Center, full day of interesting stuff.
October on the Chesapeake can be pretty varied. From early Oct to Holloween can be a good spread.

The good news is the water is still pretty warm so cool is a better descriptor in my book unless you have Florida blood in your veins. Once on the start of the ACIW in Norfolk.....you just have to move fast enough to keep beating the cold fronts south as they become more powerful. Wait too long and be caught north iof Cape Canaveral in Hjanuary and cold, especia.ly at night can be a common friend.
For stops in my neck of the woods. St Augustine, great history, good night life/restaurants. Kennedy Space Center, full day of interesting stuff.
Been there by land, definitely going to a stop for us.
October on the Chesapeake can be pretty varied. From early Oct to Holloween can be a good spread.

The good news is the water is still pretty warm so cool is a better descriptor in my book unless you have Florida blood in your veins. Once on the start of the ACIW in Norfolk.....you just have to move fast enough to keep beating the cold fronts south as they become more powerful. Wait too long and be caught north iof Cape Canaveral in Hjanuary and cold, especia.ly at night can be a common friend.
We should be off the Chesapeake by Halloween. Looks like we will be able to leave after the second week in October. If it becomes cold, we will shorten our stops and head for warmth. We are from North Jersey so our cold is different from Florida cold.
I snowbirded from Avalon, NJ to FtPierce and South from 2012 to 2019.

I usually left in Early December and that could ge pretty tough cold wise....thus limited marina or utility availability. The latter years I got to leave earlier and they were much better. Returning in April was tough, later in May was much nicer.

I think that's a great time to leave and just be to the FL. Border no later than New Years and you should have cool, smooth sailing but for a few days.
A reasonable rule of thumb is to be in the Chesapeake Bay by Labor Day (or there-abouts). After that, the fronts start coming through the northeast every 3-4 days or so and can make travelling uncomfortable or untenable. Spend several weeks cruising the Chesapeake in what is arguably the best cruising season of the year, late summer/early fall. Head south early to mid October after the Annapolis boat show. This gets you "mostly" out of hurricane season but still has "mostly" warm days and mild nights as we migrate south. For us, the thermometer is our primary navigational instrument!

Plenty of posters providing excellent advice.
One item to check into before departure. Some insurance companies restrict your cruising area until a date when they consider hurricane season ends.
I've experienced restriction not allowing me to go south of Hatteras and another company restricting me to the Georgia border. The restriction lifts 11/1.

By the way, as for whether I've made around 20 round trips between New England and southern Florida. My planned departure is right after the leaves start dropping which is usually around Columbus Day. Its a good time. Weather as has been mentioned can be brisk. Bring layers and and a good windbreaker and you'll be fine. Don't forget a good ski cap.

Enjoy the trip. So many ports to call on!
Hey rich
We leave from Annopolis Nov 2 give or take 1 week. Weather and accommodations couldn’t be better. We are planning Hilton Head and Florida for November and December. Bahamas January and February. We anchor 75% of the time. 30% of travel is on blue water. We like a 14kt to 17kt cruising speed. Would be nice to stay in touch for the crossing and preparations.
Mike & Judy
Hey rich

We leave from Annopolis Nov 2 give or take 1 week. Weather and accommodations couldn’t be better. We are planning Hilton Head and Florida for November and December. Bahamas January and February. We anchor 75% of the time. 30% of travel is on blue water. We like a 14kt to 17kt cruising speed. Would be nice to stay in touch for the crossing and preparations.

Mike & Judy
Sounds like we have a similar plan. We will definitely keep in touch.
We left the Chesapeake Bay Nov 3rd a couple years ago. It was after a family wedding. I recommend sometime in October. Usually after the Annapolis boat shows there is increased numbers of snow birds heading down the ICW. Plan on using your reverse AC for heat in the evenings and mornings. Bring gloves and hats and the "layered look" for warm clothes. It was a freak cold front came through in Elizabeth City when it snowed on us when we came out of a bar after happy hour--all part of the cruising fun. Of course check your insurance. Most policies don't want you south of Brunswick, SC until after Nov. 1st. Take your time, stay in port when the weather is nasty, and enjoy the adventure.
Most policies don't want you south of Brunswick, SC until after Nov. 1st. Take your time, stay in port when the weather is nasty, and enjoy the adventure.

Wifey B: OMG, I've been out of the US too long. I had no idea they'd moved Brunswick to SC or has SC annexed part of GA? The things you miss when away. :rofl:

Just teasing you but need to clarify it's the GA/FL border, just south of Brunswick, GA. :)
My usual--missed attention to detail. Yes, GA/FL border, Just south of Brunswick. Thanks for the correction.

Wifey B: Well, I haven't been in the US since June so always a chance of a change. Thought maybe SC took all the GA coastal area and then GA took Jacksonville as I know people in Jacksonville who think of themselves as south Georgians. Or maybe SC took more. Like how did Croatia end up with 300 miles of beautiful shoreline and islands and Bosnia and Herzegovina got a sliver. It's like gerrymandering when they redistrict for elections. :nonono::nonono::nonono:
Well we are on our way. Left Manasquan Inlet on Saturday, worst possible day to leave. Seas were awful.

Made it to Cape May on day one, middle of the C and D canal on day two. Day three was a short run to Annapolis just in time to see the sail boat show breaking down.

We were at to get a mooring ball front row center.

It was my first time getting a ball. Thanks to someone on the forum for the tip on grabbing it from the side of the boat. Piece of cake in 10 knot winds.

Tomorrow the wind is supposed to die down. It has been a rough few days. I thought I was in a carwash the entire trip.

And for all who like old boats, here is a 1958 Berger that was tied up behind us last night. 20211018_143445.jpg20211018_090922.jpg

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