Hailer vs Horn

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Dec 9, 2020
I need to replace my horn which is a "bulldog" style not a trumpet. It occured to me that maybe a hailer/horn is what I want. Can somebody clue me in about how that all works.
I would still keep the standard horn because in an emergency you can just push the button and make the appropriate sound signal. You can have the hailer make the horn sounds but it usually takes several steps to get to the function and you may not have time to make the needed signal. I like having both, a regular horn and a hailer.
Agreed both are a good thing. I liked the hailer/ foghorn because having it sound automatically meant one less thing to attend to when it was soupy giving me more time to pay attention
Agreed both are a good thing. I liked the hailer/ foghorn because having it sound automatically meant one less thing to attend to when it was soupy giving me more time to pay attention

That is one of the great things about a hailer.
I believe the USCG sent out a safety message concerning some hailer and/or horns that were not loud enough to satisfy COLREG volume requirements.
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What exactly do you disagree with as I should have been more specific to specify horns compatible with hailers, not separate 12V or greater driven horns?
Oh no, I agree with the the posts. I have a Hailey and they are great for fog horns and PA systems, but a horn a must over a certain length.
I would still keep the standard horn because in an emergency you can just push the button and make the appropriate sound signal. You can have the hailer make the horn sounds but it usually takes several steps to get to the function and you may not have time to make the needed signal. I like having both, a regular horn and a hailer.

What he said. I use both, and enjoy having a horn function on the hailer, but always have the air horn ready to go.

I have both, but only use the hailer horn function for fog signals. The real horn is louder but who wants to sit there counting out the two minute interval when you should be looking out the windshield. Maneuvering signals and the like are on the real horn.
Hailer v, Horn

Why not both?

I have a Stanbdard Horizon GX2200 VHF with a 30W horn & hailer.

The Ram3 allows the main unit to reside at the lower helm station while the Ram3 controller is on the upper helm and the hailer/horn to sit on the front cowling.

What is nice is that the unit is able to be used in fog with automatically times blasts.

Good company to work with and great support.
Personally, I'm all about that Milwaukee train horn vibe. But seriously, when it comes to hailer vs. horn, it really depends on what you're using it for. If you're out on the water and need to get someone's attention fast, a horn might be your best bet for a quick blast. But if you're trying to communicate with other boats or folks onshore, a hailer could be more effective. Plus, with a hailer, you can give more detailed messages and even make announcements like a captain on a pirate ship!

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