Great Harbour new N44 “concept”

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Great boats, I guess, if you're in the NFL and like to party. After years of working in boating magazines, I just remember the self-censorship that had to occur when writing reviews of those POS because Brunswick or whoever owned them at the time was the biggest advertiser. But truth be told, I was just using SeaRay as my idea of a POS. To fully understand my analogy, pick any swoopie, go-fast boat that is top heavy and can barely go 100 miles between fill-ups and insert that brand in my text.

Sea Ray definitely lost its way with the models after about 2010, and the company is no more. There are thousands of them out there built prior to those years that have served their owners well, and I was one of them. They are not a trawler, and they don't pretend to be one. I was never in the NFL, and I am usually in bed by 9 pm, 10 pm on the weekends so I guess I don't fit your description. We had one for 4 years when our kids were younger and used the heck out of it. It never gave me any problems mechanically, structurally, or otherwise and in some respects I wish I had kept it longer before one foot itis bit me. Its obvious from your tone and insults you are throwing around that you came on here with an agenda, and it does not appear to be working.
Since I have no dog in this fight, and am averse to brawling, I weigh in only out of a citizenship duty to the TF community, which I value.

Mr. Swanson (who I do not know) is by definition not a "troll." He identified himself promptly and disclosed his agenda. The fact that he has opinions about boats means that he is just like the rest of us on this forum.

The other posters associated with Mirage Mfg. (with which I have never done business), including Mr. Fickett (who I also do not know) should be welcome to respond to criticism of their enterprise. Given the hostility of their critics on this thread, their courage in joining this discussion at least deserves acknowledgement.

Though I have bought and sold numerous boats, recreational and commercial, I have never personally commissioned a new-build vessel. It seems likely that to do so would be similar to buying a custom home, about which I do know something. One of the lessons I took from my eighteen years in real estate brokerage and development is that the home-buying experience tends to stir powerful emotions, challenge egos, and sometimes shows otherwise decent people at their worst. It would not surprise me if that happens in custom / semi-custom boat building.

I have followed this thread because it has yielded occasional insights about boats that interest me. For one, the concept of an N-44, which the OP highlighted, is appealing. Based on experience, I avoid buying the first of anything - cars, boats, computers, and etc. If I were an early adopter, I would hold the manufacturer accountable for their product, and would strongly assert my right to do so. But, the experience of that has taught me to let others go first whenever possible.
Very Little Credibility

TF Friends
Sorry, I just don’t get it! Several posters to this thread seem to have nothing better to do than to pass judgement and criticize boats and builders. Seems sad to me. They would have much more credibility if, when they criticize, they would also post how many hours they have actually been on board and cruised the boat they're criticizing. Some, have been piling on Mirage and the Fickett’s for 5+ years. They almost drove me away from buying a GH until I realized they had never even logged 30 minutes on a Great Harbour boat. They should consider “Doing unto others, as you would want, done unto them”!

I have owned a Great Harbour GH47 trawler since 2014, and have cruised it 22,000 plus miles. As an actual owner, and captain of the vessel, I can tell you first hand, our GH has performed beyond our expectations with exceptional reliability and comfort! And being able to talk with Ken Fickett and his team directly, has been a big bonus and very valuable! Ken's actually very smart, with 50+ years of boat building experience!

Oh, and by the way, the bottom of the GH and N boat models are not flat.

When you’re in a marina with a Great Harbour there, watch what happens when a roller rolls through the marina. Compare the roll of the GH boat to other boats, I believe you will actually be quite impressed!

So I will now go back to lurking, and await the criticism that the resident criticizers will surely express.:facepalm::banghead:
My name is Ken Fickett. I have never tried to obscure my identity in any way. I am the owner and founder of Mirage Manufacturing. I do have the user name “Rockbottom” an old childhood nickname. I have only posted to this forum on a few occasions. I expect they are still up. I was taught that to engage in the kind of vitriol that is often posted here is pretty much a waste of time but here I am. I am amazed that people that otherwise seem intelligent and well meaning can become so obsessed with true hatred when they are so ignorant of the facts. Several of you fall into that category. A few brave souls have talked about their own positive experiences with Mirage and myself but alas that impact is small compared to the true haters.
What motivates you to attempt to ruin a 50 year old family company that has a reputation for building not only trawlers but sailboats and sportfishing boats that have significant followings in each category? You hide behind your anonymity and it is impossible to determine what your true agenda might be. Many of the assumptions I see made by the so called “Gurus” on the forum prove them to be not such Gurus after all.
As for myself and Mirage we will continue to design and build boats to provide a living to my family and our very dedicated employees. For those of you who are at all dedicated to the truth I am happy to respond to whatever questions you may have. Feel free to give me a call. 352-514-1059

If I am being included in the group you call true haters and ignorant of the facts, neither is true. Perhaps I am ignorant of the facts as you choose to believe them but the facts I have heard from several customers seem to have a different realty. Admittedly, I have had no direct experience with Mirage but I am a big fanboy of the N37. I actually think the N44 can be a great boat.

As far as I know, none of us are trying to ruin a 50 year old family business but we do want to see boat buyers treated respectfully and getting the quality boat they contract for within the time window that was promised. For you it is a family business, for your customers, it is their family life savings. We wish Mirage all the success in the world and hopefully, customer relations will improve.
I too am an owner of a Great Harbor Trawler (2000 - GH37) and the only one in the Pacific Northwest. Couldn't agree more that most here have not been on a GH, especailly in the PNW.

Ours was purchased used at the end of 2015 and have only good things to say about the boat and my experience in dealing with the Fickett's (yes, the entire family) and Mirage. Their willingness to share knowledge with myself on ideas, repairs, mods, etc has been priceless. The boat performs beyond my original expectations and I am a full time cruiser. Great systems access, "inexpensive" to operate and built solid as a rock. OK, I wish there were counter rotating props but all is not perfect and no i'm not going to replace the transmission.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but out here we have been treated with respect and open arms to contact them anytime we need to. We have purchased needed parts & had rudders modified...all in timely manner and with fair terms.

Dad always said, there were two sides to every story & I'm sure he is spot on in this discussion. Again, this is just my experience and I have NO information (or opinion) on others interaction. I'll leave that for the experts :angel:
My name is Ken Fickett. I have never tried to obscure my identity in any way. I am the owner and founder of Mirage Manufacturing. I do have the user name “Rockbottom” an old childhood nickname. I have only posted to this forum on a few occasions. I expect they are still up. I was taught that to engage in the kind of vitriol that is often posted here is pretty much a waste of time but here I am. I am amazed that people that otherwise seem intelligent and well meaning can become so obsessed with true hatred when they are so ignorant of the facts. Several of you fall into that category. A few brave souls have talked about their own positive experiences with Mirage and myself but alas that impact is small compared to the true haters.
What motivates you to attempt to ruin a 50 year old family company that has a reputation for building not only trawlers but sailboats and sportfishing boats that have significant followings in each category? You hide behind your anonymity and it is impossible to determine what your true agenda might be. Many of the assumptions I see made by the so called “Gurus” on the forum prove them to be not such Gurus after all.
As for myself and Mirage we will continue to design and build boats to provide a living to my family and our very dedicated employees. For those of you who are at all dedicated to the truth I am happy to respond to whatever questions you may have. Feel free to give me a call. 352-514-1059

I know several people who are /were happy with their Mirage trawlers. Haven't found anyone who is as happy with their TT35. From discussions with one of the TT35 owners, clearly there were significant issues (that have been documented on this forum) with regard to this model. For most of us that can afford a new boat, the issue isn't whether a complex boat will have a few issues coming from the manufacturer, but how the manufacturer takes care of those problems. While one can quibble on your manufacturering and prototyping process, taking care of documented problems is what much of the commentary is based on.

I see self interest PR spin and marketing in the posts of Swanson and Fickett. It does not impress or persuade me in any direction. I doubt you are helping your cause with this campaign.
Surely your best course is to build good boats. If you can, or if you cannot, your reputation will follow. At the moment you "protest too much". The world has way more important issues to deal with than the truly "selfish" ones you seek to raise.
I know several people who are /were happy with their Mirage trawlers. Haven't found anyone who is as happy with their TT35. From discussions with one of the TT35 owners, clearly there were significant issues (that have been documented on this forum) with regard to this model. For most of us that can afford a new boat, the issue isn't whether a complex boat will have a few issues coming from the manufacturer, but how the manufacturer takes care of those problems. While one can quibble on your manufacturering and prototyping process, taking care of documented problems is what much of the commentary is based on.



I think that Ted's post, resonates with many folks on this forum.

Folks, the following are just my opinion, it is free so take it for what it is worth.

Disclaimer: I am not in the market for a boat, especially a new boat.

The Mirage trawlers look great on paper. Great lay outs available..... I think the N37 might be a tad bit small and stubby looking but, I own an AT34/36. ((I did spend big bucks adding cabinets, hydraulic assist lifting system for the forward berth, curing all the storage problems except the small hanging closet. When I talk to AT about that small hanging closet, they recommended me buying a bigger boat. LOL) and the range hood cured the cooking smells without opening sliding windows.))
I would like to walk the N37 and the GH37 (now suspended)
I know I not sure I would be ready for the next step up in length but, it would be nice to walk through. (Initially, I owned a 1989 46ft Nordhavn and spent big bucks on the forward stateroom redesign - more storage space.)

Hey, I am not in favor of a fly bridge so I save money there.

I have no interest in the TT35. It must be given time for the design to mature. At first blush, the advantage of the TT35 is "it's an outboard driven boat". That allows the owner to swap out engines easily. I am not sure how long the lower units will last because the engines are primarily aluminum. Needs space for a diesel generator and one or 2 reverse cycle A/C units. (Maybe not possible)

Again, for the boats I addressed, these are just my observations based on the photos and paper layout.
Folks, the following are just my opinion, it is free so take it for what it is worth.

Disclaimer: I am not in the market for a boat, especially a new boat.

The Mirage trawlers look great on paper. Great lay outs available..... I think the N37 might be a tad bit small and stubby looking but, I own an AT34/36. ((I did spend big bucks adding cabinets, hydraulic assist lifting system for the forward berth, curing all the storage problems except the small hanging closet. When I talk to AT about that small hanging closet, they recommended me buying a bigger boat. LOL) and the range hood cured the cooking smells without opening sliding windows.))
I would like to walk the N37 and the GH37 (now suspended)
I know I not sure I would be ready for the next step up in length but, it would be nice to walk through. (Initially, I owned a 1989 46ft Nordhavn and spent big bucks on the forward stateroom redesign - more storage space.)

Hey, I am not in favor of a fly bridge so I save money there.

I have no interest in the TT35. It must be given time for the design to mature. At first blush, the advantage of the TT35 is "it's an outboard driven boat". That allows the owner to swap out engines easily. I am not sure how long the lower units will last because the engines are primarily aluminum. Needs space for a diesel generator and one or 2 reverse cycle A/C units. (Maybe not possible)

Again, for the boats I addressed, these are just my observations based on the photos and paper layout.

I don't think you would have the same opinion of the N37 if you boarded it. I have been on the 34 AT and the N37. I think the N37 feels like twice the size. Both great boats, but the amount of room in the N37 is amazing. Household appliances, big wide walk ways etc. The lazerrette is enormous!. Really nice walk in engine room . I'm not advocating for either brand, just an observation.
I don't think you would have the same opinion of the N37 if you boarded it. I have been on the 34 AT and the N37. I think the N37 feels like twice the size. Both great boats, but the amount of room in the N37 is amazing. Household appliances, big wide walk ways etc. The lazerrette is enormous!. Really nice walk in engine room . I'm not advocating for either brand, just an observation.

I cannot argue about nor compare engine rooms. The N37 and GH have fantastic engine rooms.
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As a former sea kayaker, the N37 would be my perfect boat here on BC's north coast, and allow for the exploration of skinny water realms impossible for boats with deeper keels.

Yes you could anchor and explore with the dinghy, but have you ever anchored on a bottom that drops off to 1000 feet at a 45 degree angle where your swing radius brings your swimstep within scraping distance of estuary drying flats...the only option due to rock walls everywhere else?
I cannot argue about nor compare engine rooms. The N37 and GH have fantastic engine rooms.

Your missing the point. Its not just the engine room thats huge, its the salon (saloon?) and the stateroom. Just a 50' boat in a 37' package. Not everyones cup of tea for sure, but your jaw will drop seeing how much room on those boats.
Your missing the point. Its not just the engine room thats huge, its the salon (saloon?) and the stateroom. Just a 50' boat in a 37' package. Not everyones cup of tea for sure, but your jaw will drop seeing how much room on those boats.

No doubt, no doubt but as I said in my disclaimer..... I am not in the market but sure would enjoy a walk through.
No doubt, no doubt but as I said in my disclaimer..... I am not in the market but sure would enjoy a walk through.

I hope you get a chance to do that. The N-series of the GH trawlers is nothing less than awesome, as are the GH-series boats. Sure wish we could actually discuss Cardude’s original subject line. The N-44 concept is really an interesting proposal. You GH owners out there: What could make the 44 a better boat?

Originally posted by Peter Swanson:
Here is the test: Did you constantly freak out when you were having your custom home built? Do you change your mind a lot? Would you tell your entire family to book air travel to Florida on a specific day for the launch party? If this your first major boat purchase? Do you take all setbacks personally?
Mr. Swanson:

If, as you insinuate, this is what Ken Fickett told you about us, every bit of it is false. But it does not surprise me; we already knew he was a liar.

First, our "Splash" thread should have informed you that we do not "take all setbacks personally." When Life hands us setbacks, we plow through and make the best of it.

We also stand up for our selves and for the boating community.

Second, you should have noted that we documented in that thread, with numerous photographs, all of the mind-blowing design problems with our Ken Fickett-designed boat. Mr. Fickett cannot document a lick of what he told you about us. It's what hucksters do - they make up all kinds of stories instead of taking responsibility when they screw up.

The primary reason we decided to buy hull #1 was because before we signed our contract, Mr. Fickett informed us that Lou Codega had designed the TT35. We had such respect for the Lou-Codega-designed GH37 & N37 that we jumped at the "opportunity" to buy the next Lou Codega boat.

However, much, much later we woud learn that Mr. Fickett's "Lou-Codega-designed-the-TT35" statement was an outright lie, as confirmed by an email exchange I had with Mr. Codega.

This thread is proof that even unethical boat-building conmen know exactly who they need to kowtow to: Boating Magazine Reporters. Or is Mr. Fickett paying you in exchange for that sweet gig you gave him at Trawlerfest telling newbies "How Not To Buy A Boat." (Dear Lord, the irony cave has exploded!)

Finally, here's a challenge for you. If you care to follow the minimal ethical guidelines of the journalism profession you profess to be a part of, and get all sides of the story, get in touch with an attorney in Gainesville, John Hayter. He is one of several attorneys who have sued Ken Fickett numerous times, and he can also put you in touch with with others.

Awaiting the headline in PassageMaker.

Hope this wasn't too long-winded for you,
Mrs. Trombley
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P.S. Sorry for jumping back into the fire, Larry, I couldn't let that slander stand that I noted at the top of my post.
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N44 etc.

Greetings all.
I haven't posted in a long time and for good reason.
Been busy personalizing our new-to-us, Great Harbour N37.
We sold our beloved Nordic Tugs 32 after 6 fun years.
We found an 18 year old N37 on the Taunton river in Massachusetts. And I drove it home to Seabrook, Texas last fall. An uneventful 3000 mi./5 week trip.
As new owners we feel just as privlidged to be new owners of this amazing machine. (that's what I call it). as the other owners in this community.
The owners community is small and tight. We know what we have and by and large don't concern ourselves about those that are not in the know. One step on board will change your mind very quickly. I would be glad to attest to any of its qualities . A three thousand mile delivery without experience on this boat is enough to sell anyone. And I have the second hull out of the box! Well traveled I assure you. From its close quarters manuverability, straight tracking and offshore sea keeping. It just does everything well.
I have never said that about any of our past boats. Sail and power.
This is a boat built for adventure in our estimation. Without leaving any comforts at home that you don't want to.
Nuff on that.
The N44 concept is not what you may think and cannot be talked about in the same thread as the TT35.
I have taken liberties to create a model of the N44 just for fun. Based solely on the napkin sketch, Ken's description and my own experience as an owner.
This is solely my interpretation and I am in know way working for the company. I hope my work does not harm Mirage in any way. As my motives are pure and i have no other ambitions other than to support our community.
I also admit to having extensive support with my manipulation of the modeling platform that was new to me. But oh so much fun.

We look forward to returning to the bahamas and points south to our old stomping grounds and the entirety of the great loop and all its variations. We feel it is just the ride for us. Doing half of the loop backwards just to deliver the boat home is enough of a test for me.
We are already having a blast on this boat! We had 14 of our club members on board (inside)for pot luck at anchor a couple weeks ago.
All had nothing but praise if not envy for many of its features.

Great to be Back, Enjoy,


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I followed the saga of that poor couple that bought a TT35 and had to spend all that money making it seaworthy. That’s all that needs to be said about Mirage: just read all the threads here about the poor devils who bought their boats. I’m also not surprised to hear that there were others in a similar situation with previous boats too and can understand why they would not want to destroy the value of their investment by going public.

My advice to anyone contemplating a Mirage product:
RUN AWAY!!!! Run like the wind!
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My name is Ken Fickett. .. I am amazed that people that otherwise seem intelligent and well meaning can become so obsessed with true hatred when they are so ignorant of the facts.

Ken, no one has disparaged your company's previous builds, but the delivery of the TT35 (a boat concept that was initially received with much enthusiasm) seems to have fallen short of the expectations of many folks on this forum.

I am not being facetious and I honestly do want to know what are the facts as you perceived them to be in the delivery of TT35, hull#1? Not the general B.S. that Peter has already posted, but specifics on the issues already documented on this forum.

If you want to change the minds of folks on this forum (and they are a pretty open-minded group) here is a great opportunity to do so.

Well folks I am certainly game to present a different view of the Trombley’s boat build process and final result then you may currently have. As they say everybody is welcome to their own opinion but not their own facts. What I propose is an overall review of just exactly what happened. The Trombleys can step in at any time and dispute my version of what transpired and I am sure they will. We will disclose all pertinent communications with the Trombleys, the original contract, all change orders, the survey and any other documents that pertain to this situation. We will host all of this information on a separate website for interested persons. While I am completely convinced that some of you on this forum are not interested in the truth and will continue your vitriol regardless of what facts are presented I frankly am not interested in changing your minds. The idea is more to provide a different perspective for the lurkers that read through these threads so that they can have a more balanced view of the “facts”.
If any of you have any ideas how this voluminous information might be presented, other than what I have suggested, I welcome your ideas. While some of you work at defending the idea of anonymity I do not believe that is what fairness and our justice system is based on.
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This thread is proof that even unethical boat-building conmen know exactly who they need to kowtow to

You say conman. You say liar several times. You say unethical.

Are you actually accusing Ken Fickett of having committed a crime? Because conmen are criminals who commit fraud. Are you saying Ken Fickett has committed fraud?

But, again, thank you for making your feelings known under your real name. The boys on this forum lack the courage.
You say conman. You say liar several times. You say unethical.

Are you actually accusing Ken Fickett of having committed a crime? Because conmen are criminals who commit fraud. Are you saying Ken Fickett has committed fraud?

But, again, thank you for making your feelings known under your real name. The boys on this forum lack the courage.

I don't know who is the biggest jerk, you or Ken or Travis. I do know you've forsaken any semblance of professionalism you tried to exhibit with your lengthy resume post which exceeded any of mine in length.

No a conman is not necessarily criminal. Here is the definition. Conman-a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true.

All fraud is also not criminal, there is civil fraud too.

Real professional businessmen who turn the attack on their customers. Do you want to attack the buyers of the other TT35's who got ripped off and deceived too?

He.. no, I'm not revealing my name to people like you and Fickett on a public forum.

Now, back to real issues, like helping employees deal with the crisis at hand.
All fraud is also not criminal, there is civil fraud too.

Of course, I wasn't asking you, but since you mention it, are you saying that Ken Fickett has committed "civil fraud?"

Thanks, though, for keeping it kinda of short.
Of course, I wasn't asking you, but since you mention it, are you saying that Ken Fickett has committed "civil fraud?"

Thanks, though, for keeping it kinda of short.

You're not going to bait me. I leave those determinations for judges. Too bad he and his company can't stand on their merits and need to send people like you to market them on a forum and need to resort to the other tactics they choose.

Our stores occasionally get bad and even untrue reviews. We would fire any manager who responded to one as the three of you respond here. In a way, I'm glad you're doing so because certainly this allows others to decide if it's a company or are these individuals they'd want to do business with. Putting the customer on trial will never benefit you.
I am sure I'm one of the many on this forum that use it as a learning tool and choose not to voice my opinion in most threads. I doubt like hell I'll ever have the inclination or time to have multiple thousands of posts (public opinions) as some. I will say this... while I have little doubt Mr Swanson & Mr Fickett are on here primarily for PR purposes , I very much appreciate having the opportunity to hear both sides of the story and for a builder to actually have the integrity to make themselves available instead of remaining obscure speaks volumes.
Thank you.
It appears that everyone has had the opportunity to share their perspective and the Site Team has decided to close this thread. If you'd like to continue this privately via PM or email, please feel free to do so but please remember that the same general posting rules apply to PMs.

We appreciate the civil discourse and airing of differences. Personally, I especially respect those who have not hidden behind the anonymity of a screen name to shield their own identity from others they address.

Thanks for keeping it civil. This thread is now closed.
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