Gov. Brown signs boating safety law

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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I suppose a boat license is a necessary evil. For sure is not going to solve many/most boating issues on the water. Look at the discussion on Cruising Forum about incidents regarding the rule of the road and how man different opinions there are about the same fact. Many of the opinions are from people with Captains licenses...

I have seen many boating incidents which were caused by rudeness and inattention. A license will not fix rudeness and lack of attention.

Florida talked for years about requiring a boating license and it took years to put into place because people did not want the license, do not want the government intrusion that had not existed in the past, and the recognition that a license is only going to have a limited affect on boating safety. However, everyone knew a license would eventually be required because of all of the boating safety problems.

Some state boating licenses, just like some hunting licenses, require passing a test. Having people pass a test to get a hunting license was a wee bit unpopular, so the way politicians pushed the requirement was to have an age exception. If you already were old enough to have a hunting license you did not need to take the class. This same age based approach has been done with boating licenses.

I did not spend much time searching but I could not find long term boating accident rates for Florida. Certainly the FWC has the numbers. It would be interesting to see the accident rates, say 10 years prior the year that boating licenses were required to the present. I could find yearly reports from the FWC, but they only went back a few years. The number I did see showed and INCREASE in fatality rates but a DECREASE in injury rates over a time span of a few years. I think licenses were required all during that time frame.

The only time it could be complicated is if you have to many levels of licensure. It would be like saying it you drive a sports car you have to be re-certified to drive an SUV.
With motorized pleasure craft, I feel that they should all fall into the same category with the exception of boats over 65 ft and PWC. The latter 2 pose additional concerns. This holds true with motor vehicles. Over a certain size RV, you need a CDL.
Lets ban all licenses! Screw a driver's license, who cares about a motorcycle endorsement, toss out the CDLs.... while we're at it, why have a license to practice law or medicine?!
How about a license to get on AFTER a complete psychological evaluation. Ya know, first things first.
Mr. TB. "...a complete psychological evaluation..."

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How about a license to get on AFTER a complete psychological evaluation. Ya know, first things first.

I have already taken and passed psychological exams. Doe that mean I get to keep my Trawler Forum membership? :lol:

Not sure what is says about the exams I took since I passed! :socool::angel::rofl:

Sorry guys, that was a trick question.

If you passed a psychological exam, you wouldn't be here.

Seriously though, when I worked offshore on the rigs and platforms, I referred to it as "Blue Water Rehab".
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Tony b. Located on dauphin island.
My mother had me tested: I'm OK.
Mr. mp. "My mother had me tested: I'm OK." Aw, god bless your mother...She probably just told you that to keep you from worrying...
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Now it does :)
Good, bad or ugly, at least the person behind the controls of a boat may be a little more educated but then again you can't fix stupid!

We were all beginners at one point or another..
Good, bad or ugly, at least the person behind the controls of a boat may be a little more educated but then again you can't fix stupid!

We were all beginners at one point or another..

Yes we were. Some of us decided to learn what we were doing, either through classes, books or personal instruction while others figure it's just like driving a car and they need no further instruction.
I sold my old runabout to a friend. I told him I would pay for his USCG class, which he declined as his wife said she knew how to run the boat. The first day they used it , I got a call from them. THey had launched the boat and wanted to knwo how to start it. During the call it was frantic, because they were drifting away from the launch ramp! After I helped them start teh engine, I got a call a few minutes later asking how to put the boat in gear. A few weeks later I asked them about the trip. They said they had lots of fun and only hit the bottom once with the outdrive (and a 600 dollar stainless propeller). I also found out that the only 2 lifejackets they had on board were for the skiers (family of 6 on board). I also found out there was a near collision between them and another boat while towing a tube. I was stunned.
No alcohol was involved, but I'm sure there are other boaters out there with similar operating skills and knowledge under the influence of alcohol operating boats. If only for this one example, I support the requirement for a boating license. FWIW, I am generally an anti-legislation person.
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