Stiching of wounds isnt really an emergency procedure so much as something done to let it heal right. You don't really need to do that unless you aren't going to get to medical care for a long while. And, as has been noted, closing up a wound without proper cleaning and possibly antibiotics can lead to an abyss, etc. Also, stiching tissues covering a life threatening arterial bleed, etc, wont help it and will just waste time and blood.
Direct pressure is what will stop or control bleeding. Clotting agents, e.g. Quick Clot, are OTC and can be bought by anyone. They are especially helpful for those on blood thinners. The versions that are embedded in gauze work best. But, any version only works if it gets down into the wound to the source of the heavy bleeding.
In general, you can control any life threatening bleeding with packing and direct pressure,,and if you do, you are doing the right thing. Then, once stopped, you dont want to open it back up or look -- or you could be back to the life threat.
For more minor wounds, it often makes sense to tolerate minor bleesing while cleaning the wound well, even excessively, e.g. irrigation with clean water,,just to reduce the chances of infection. Then, once done. Use packing and direct pressure to control the bleeding and protect from contamination.
There are adjuncts to help, e.g. pressure dressings, but they arent commonly necessary, just helpful.
A WFA course or MPIC course are good options.