Exercising and Fitness while Living Aboard

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The attraction of swimming can be seasonal, but a heated pool can make it year round. Although,this winter a friend bought a wetsuit to continue ocean swimming as exercise, especially as we were in a 3 month+ lockdown, and exercise was a permitted "leaving home" reason.
The big plus of swimming is you are supported by the water. That goes a good way in relieving load on joints, and generally. For me, swimming increases back fitness and relieves pain (from 2 separate injuries),it`s a joy getting back in the pool which was lockdown closed. Even a profoundly OA affected knee,largely controlled by a smart physio`s exercise routine, benefits, again because it`s supported by the water.
If you can swim, and conditions allow,just swim,swim,swim. I enjoy it, strength, flexibility, balance all improve, tough part right now is building back to 1km swims after the layoff.
Can't believe no one has mentioned SWIMMING!

Bull and tiger sharks are spotted regularly in these parts
Pull up a crab pot and often a bully will appear for the old bait.
Go further north and throw saltwater crocs into the mix with box jellyfish and irrikanji for good measure

Chances are pretty slim, but incidences have been on the increase and, because of location if you do get chomped pretty good chance your done for before help arrives.

There are safer ways to exercise.
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As mentioned, lots of exercise options on a boat. For us it's biking and kayaking. Swimming is a nice option when the water temp and conditions are right. Still use a shorty wet suit at times.

I'd like to bring my windsurfer with, but just too much bulk and hassle rigging it. Should take up paddle board... Great exercise.

Just the above is enough to keep fit. Adding to that the big rubber bands work well, especially for flexibility.

Hate gyms... exercise needs to be fun.
Bull and tiger sharks are spotted regularly in these parts
Pull up a crab pot and often a bully will appear for the old bait.
Go further north and throw saltwater crocs into the mix with box jellyfish and irrikanji for good measure

Chances are pretty slim, but incidences have been on the increase and, because of location if you do get chomped pretty good chance your done for before help arrives.

There are safer ways to exercise.
Great motivation for faster swimming, and learning underwater boxing techniques!
Bull sharks have been seen in the Hawkesbury, we even saw a shark cruising on the surface at the entrance to Broken Bay. Definitely around, but no recall of an attack, not even near "Shark Rock".
Just get a large sailing yacht -- Avoid using the engine - You won't have to do anything more to keep fit -

Believe at one time this was true but no longer.. With in mast or in boom or even our beloved Dutchman, and roller furling plus having all winches powered sailing even large sailboats is a push button affair. People complain about life on a slant but in general there’s less motion so less exercise as you slice through the water on sail. Have needed to be careful on passage to not gain weight. Boat on vane or AP, sails trimmed, degree of heel unchanging you sit and read, chat or eat while burning few calories.
Maybe because we’re newbies and just setting things up but
8 stairs to boat deck plus 3 to fly.
4 to pilot house from salon
4 from salon to nav or guest then 2 to master.
Boats like a stair master c/w the 3 companionway stairs then single level in the sailboat
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And by the way, that's pretty much how much my dear friend ran for fifty years. He doesn't run anymore cuz he can't. My goodness, he ran the Death Valley 129-mile ultra marathon, TWICE! He is paying the price now. He is 71yo and has difficulty even getting out of a chair all, ALL, the result of excessive running. So, yeah, continue to delude yourself. The bill will come later.

There is so much misinformation in your posts about this person that I question if you are accurately portraying his situation.

1. Ten miles a day, two hours a day. So 5 miles an hour? Thats a 12 minute mile. Not very many serious runners run that slowly, it’s not much above walking pace. He either ram 10 miles a day or two hours a day. He didn’t do both.

2. The same workout every day? That’s not how it works. Training is a blend of shorter, faster runs and longer slower ones.

3. Rest. Hardly anyone runs 7 days a week. Rest days are very important parts of good training.

4. This 126 mile desert marathon you keep talking about. “He did it twice!” Is not a marathon at all, that’s an ultra trail race. Ultras aren’t really running for the vast majority of people, they are more of a blend of fast hiking and some jogging with rest breaks mixed. You don’t train for them with huge mileage either. They are very challenging though.

5. Did an actual physician diagnose his issues as being a result of running or is that your personal diagnosis? My mom had serious back issues. She never ran (or exercised at all) for a day in her life. She sewed a lot though which incorporated a lot of sitting. Can I say that sewing caused her disc issues? Of course not.

6. Does your friend actually say that he regrets running for most of his life or, again, is that your assumption? I bet he doesn’t regret it. Maybe he thinks he ran too many miles or should have mixed in more cross training but I doubt he wishes that he had spent his life sitting on the couch watching TV.

What it comes down to is that you really don’t know what you are talking about, but you keep talking all the same. I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish? My guess is that you are trying to make yourself feel better about your own life choices. Oddly though, no one is questioning you on that.

I’ve said my piece. I’m not going to respond again in this thread.
Bull and tiger sharks are spotted regularly in these parts
Pull up a crab pot and often a bully will appear for the old bait.
Go further north and throw saltwater crocs into the mix with box jellyfish and irrikanji for good measure

Chances are pretty slim, but incidences have been on the increase and, because of location if you do get chomped pretty good chance your done for before help arrives.

There are safer ways to exercise.

Boaters can be seen swimming in many areas of the world, and safely. Indeed, so many swim all over that boat builders have been known to build swim platforms aft!!!!! Its amazing. I myself have done so off boats all over the world, but to increase the odds in unknown locations, I only swim where I see women and children doing so. After this really good method of exercise on boats, the next best was that of salsa dancing.
Great motivation for faster swimming, and learning underwater boxing techniques!
Bull sharks have been seen in the Hawkesbury, we even saw a shark cruising on the surface at the entrance to Broken Bay. Definitely around, but no recall of an attack, not even near "Shark Rock".

True, I am happy enough to be on the bottom for an hour or more on hookah and happy enough to go in for a swim in super clear waters over big expanse of sand but I have been charged by bullies twice now while diving and one of those instances required several hundred metres of swimming back over a deep channel from reef to boat with that bully down there somewhere.
This was north of Lizard, so if anything had happened, rescue would not have got there in time, we didn't even have comms.

I feel ok if I am in the water with eyes, just don't feel comfortable splashing along on the surface like a wounded fish over any distance (swimming)
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Work out in my well outfitted home gym. Swim a lot when aboard boat. Work hard when I want to [sometimes when needs demand - LOL] with my company's masonry construction crew.

Be 70 in April!


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By the way, running two hours a day for fifty years consumes six years, SIX YEARS, of a person' awake life, mindless and boring to boot.

Wow…. I assume that you don’t like running. That is fine. Lots of folks don’t like running. However, many do.

FWIW, I don’t know any serious runners who run 2 hours a day. Even when I was training the hardest, I would typically only run 5 days a week for a total of 5-6 hours. Not the same amount of time each of those 5 days.

Running, at least for those with a modicum of intelligence and imagination, isn’t “mindless and boring”. However, it is hard to accomplish while cruising.
Wow…. I assume that you don’t like running. That is fine. Lots of folks don’t like running. However, many do.

FWIW, I don’t know any serious runners who run 2 hours a day. Even when I was training the hardest, I would typically only run 5 days a week for a total of 5-6 hours. Not the same amount of time each of those 5 days.

Running, at least for those with a modicum of intelligence and imagination, isn’t “mindless and boring”. However, it is hard to accomplish while cruising.

You don't know anyone who runs that much, but I do. Or, at least he did. Now, at 71yo, he is functionally crippled. It pains me immeasurably when we visit to watch him struggle to get out of a chair and hobble across a room. Yes, I do not like to run. I do find it mindless and boring. And, by the way, I do have a modicum of intelligence and imagination. I imagine that, because I hold an opinion that differs from yours, that makes you more intelligent than I. How patently ridiculous. By the way, I do ride a bicycle for exersise. I get to enjoy the scenery rolling smoothly along instead of having my head bounce around with every stride, boring after boring, endless steps. Such fun.
hmm.....if only there was some place to swim near your boat......

Ha ha! As part of the deal, she is to take swimming lessons. Until then, sans floaties, may not be the ideal exercise regime for her....
Thanks all for the great suggestions. TRX bands sound like a really good and portable option at strength training. Appreciate feedback on bikes, current bike is a hybrid carbon Giant so easily lifted/carried. A trainer would add stationary versatility. Our Bowflex dial weights are easily stored and I imagine something could be crafted to keep them from moving around. Will also look at the Xiser too- very portable. A reality we discussed is that there is more time at anchor or dock then underway so the time is there. Figuring out how to incorporate a very important part of our life into trawler life is vital to us both. Thanks again!
Mark & Patty
Balance ...... stand on one foot for a minute, then the other. Of course keep a hand rail close by 'just in case'.
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