Evans Head NSW to Port Albert Vic in a 49ft McLaren Timber trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Welcome Johnm,
thanks for weighing in hope you enjoy the thread.
Hello members,
I'm not dead or dying but would be easier. I'm back working 6 days a week and we have just recently opened a take away shop in our home town which swallows any spare time I have at this stage boat has been put on hold for the time being which saddens me looks like a long term project after all was only told 100 time it would be just thought I would send a quick message as an update to keep you in the loop. Things to do to get it back in the water is still a lot 5 planks on each side caulking from the chine up keel to chine done but not fully putted yet transom planks hydraulic steering engine mounts and rewired back to helm paint inside and out fuel tanks supports and that's to get it in the water then the work will start.
Back soon I hope, still eager to finish this journey through to the end
Ah yes, life interfering with boating. I'm familiar with that. Takes time to cure. Go well, try to find even a little bit for your girl, she is going to reward you big time once she is back in the water.
Thanks for the update Troy.

At least your fulltime work and new business schedule will generate more cash to splash on the lovely Tracy Lee!
Good to hear you are still motivated Troy and the project is ongoing.
Life out here is good.
Hang in there Troy.Maybe you need a break from it, getting the business up and running will do that and once it is, you can get back into it.
Thanks boys good to hear from you all and everything said is correct am still very keen to splash the big girl and having fun with her might get the odd chance to work on her before Christmas fingers crossed.
things have moved sideways a bit since we last talked tracey lea is now going to be road transported home. No time to get down to work on her so bring it home will save me money and 2 hours drive down there should have done it 12 months ago but didn't so hopefully she will be 3 minutes from home on the 22 nd of April so any spare time I'm just around the corner bit here and a bit there is going to help heaps photos of the big move to follow.
Good morning
We'll on the 22nd of April Tracey Lea was transported home via road the hole exercise went off without any drama at all, the transport company was fantastic very professional and caring and wouldn't move until she was happy with everything couldn't recommend them high enough was totally happy. Tracey Lea is now in a industrial yard close to home less then 5 minutes away blocked up and content. Put salt water over the keel to keep it wet she is still dripping but slowing every day. The only place we could get to or hadn't got to was the stem post to see what condition it was in has now been reached to find what we thought fresh water damage to both the stem post and the rebate on the bow timber both will be replaced. It came out super easy have removed all nails from the planks and sanded back to clean up ends haven't decided yet weather to plug and glue all nail holes and redrill new holes or to use existing holes more thought required on this when closer to reinstating stem post. Transom is still out have to go out into the bush and find some grown knees for the transom frame and the deck stringer the stringer is showing signs of decay on the ends so will scarf new timber for solid fixture for knees. Pictures to follow of the move.
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Inside of bow looking out after bow and stem post removed


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Loading Tracey Lea


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In transit


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On location getting craned off (wasn't looking haha)


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Sitting upright


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Stem post coming out, bow timber already removed


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De nailed and cleaned up


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Found one more of her on the trailer close up


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What can I say, WOW
Just keep going it is going to be worth it.
Got a job again so a bit more money to spend on my project here are some progress picturesIMG_2595.JPG
Stem post out and I have since built a new one and is sitting in placeIMG_2610.jpgIMG_2623.jpg
Put a new transom in again wasn't happy with the other one IMG_2625.jpgIMG_2626.jpgIMG_2631.jpgIMG_2633.jpgIMG_2645.jpgIMG_2662.jpgIMG_2842.jpg
And have also managed to scarf in the new deck stringer which I'm happy to see go in and also wrapped with the out come.
got a job again so a bit more money to spend on my project here are some progress picturesView attachment 65557
stem post out and i have since built a new one and is sitting in placeView attachment 65558View attachment 65559
put a new transom in again wasn't happy with the other one View attachment 65560View attachment 65561View attachment 65562View attachment 65563View attachment 65564View attachment 65565View attachment 65566
and have also managed to scarf in the new deck stringer which i'm happy to see go in and also wrapped with the out come.

Great to see you back at it, and posting updates! She is going to be in great nick when you are done, and I hope she brings your family and friends a lot of pleasure.

Refits are a gruelling process, and I didn't go back to the bones as far as you have done. Kudos for saving her!
Thanks boys
Yes looking forward to the day when she splashes
Good to see you back at it. Keep the good work going, great pleasure lies ahead.
wow she would love that and will last for a long time after all the work you have done what sort of engine are you putting in her.
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