Don of Moonstruck

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Larry M

Site Team
Nov 7, 2008
Jacksonville, FL
Don passed away last night at his home surrounded by family. He will sorely be missed.


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Sad knews!
Trawler Forum rendezvous in Fort Pierce aren't going to be the same without him.


So sad to hear. Don helped us prep for our first canal trip into Canada several years ago.
Always enjoyed his posts--May he rest in Peace!
One of the best posters on this board. RIP.
Don will be missed. Condolences to his family.
Sad news, huge loss. Respectful regards to his family.
Sad news indeed and a loss for TF.
Condolescences to his family & friends
What more can one say. Very sad news. In case they have not heard, I will advise Pilou and her husband of this, because I know Don and his wife visited them several times, but the above are not active on here at present.
Don was one of the greats here, never
looking for accolades or personal attention. He and Larry put together our get together at Ft Pierce in February, it was a thankless job akin to getting cats to walk in a straight line but he did it. Don always did pizza night with drinks for all. He was a close friend to everyone and would do anything for you. Typical southern gentleman. We became close and Watfa loved him, she cried for hours when Larry told us the news. He will be missed but not forgotten. I knew something was wrong when he didn’t respond to my last few emails.

Condolences to his sons, family and Lou.

Adieu mon bon Ami

Thanks La Mer for hosting me since I don’t have access to my account.

Thank you Peter B for your txt message and Larry M for your email.

Picture with Don Moon aboard my boat, September 2018, South of France… fond memories…

Nobody is ever really lost as long as we remember him.

Adieu mon bon Ami Don



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Oilivier & Pilou I’m happy to know that you both know of Don’s. Passing I know he valued your friendship. Hope you are doing well.
Never had the pleasure to meet him but I’m pretty sure he and ff are hangin and having a blast together.
Don will be missed here. He was always supportive of those getting off the beaten track.
Thank you for posting this. Looks like a life well lived, and he is just blazing a path for all of us. We all have to walk that path, and you don't often think of it until you get older. The smart ones think about it when they are young and live life to its fullest. Death and loss of a loved one has never been expressed better for me that this phrase, The sadness now is because of the happiness then.

It's not about how we die, but how we live, as we surly will all die. I'm sure he left a lasting legacy based on what others have said here. I'll have to go now and read about his cruising life.
Don will be sorely missed at TF and was always a class act. In Ft. Pierce, he gained the reputation of being the ladies' man. Here are a few pics of Don in action to prove it!

If it wasn't for Don and Larry M's efforts, there would have been no TF Rendezvous in Ft. Pierce. Don and I enjoyed a fun friendship and I'll miss his interesting and entertaining posts. I still have my Tennessee Squire documentation from Jack Daniels that Don sent me years ago.

Don was so excited about the surprise guests he had showing up at the 2019 Ft. Pierce gathering! He wouldn't give me a clue of who it was despite my badgering. The guests of honor, Olivier and Pilou came from France to join in the fun!! It was a most memorable evening together!!

Thanks for the great memories, Don. I will always cherish the times we were able to spend together. Prayers and Cheers, my friend!!


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Don will be sorely missed at TF and was always a class act. In Ft. Pierce, he gained the reputation of being the ladies' man. Here are a few pics of Don in action to prove it!

If it wasn't for Don and Larry M's efforts, there would have been no TF Rendezvous in Ft. Pierce. Don and I enjoyed a fun friendship and I'll miss his interesting and entertaining posts. I still have my Tennessee Squire documentation from Jack Daniels that Don sent me years ago.

Don was so excited about the surprise guests he had showing up at the 2019 Ft. Pierce gathering! He wouldn't give me a clue of who it was despite my badgering. The guests of honor, Olivier and Pilou came from France to join in the fun!! It was a most memorable evening together!!

Thanks for the great memories, Don. I will always cherish the times we were able to spend together. Prayers and Cheers, my friend!!

Thanks Al, I was looking for my pics of Don on the couch with at least 7 or 8 ladies all around. Class act all the way.

For the first TF SE Get together, I remember trying to talk him down at West Marine from spending a bundle on gag gifts for the final night. Told him better off with a more cool stuff that people probably wouldn't buy themselves. Not like anyone at the get together was hard up for good boat stuff, plus when we first started talking about a get together, we had no idea if anyone was really going to come until people started responding. That never deterred him...almost like he knew....lets do it and they will come. :D

I forget when the Moonstruck T shirt came into being.... a highly prized item at give away time... :thumb:
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Thanks Al, I was looking for my pics of Don on the couch with at least 7 or 8 ladies all around. Class act all the way.

For the first TF SE Get together, I remember trying to talk him down at West Marine from spending a bundle on gag gifts for the final night. Told him better off with a more cool stuff that people probably wouldn't buy themselves. Not like anyone at the get together was hard up for good boat stuff, plus when we first started talking about a get together, we had no idea if anyone was really going to come until people started responding. That never deterred him...almost like he knew....lets do it and they will come. :D

I forget when the Moonstruck T shirt came into being.... a highly prized item at give away time... :thumb:

...and still is highly prized!!


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Sending my condolences to friends and family that maybe watching this thread. I haven't spoken to him in several years. Rest in peace and comfort aboard your cosmic vessel.
Don was a well-known home builder in Chattanooga and, in fact, built a house on Signal Mountain we bought back in the ‘80s. But it wasn’t until I started posting here in 2012 that we’d actually meet. He was so generous with helpful advice for a trawler and cruising wannabe like me. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of east coast cruising grounds and gave us a detailed cruising guide, from memory, of where to go and what to see around Fort Myers for a 2013 charter.

When we found the boat we’d ultimately buy online—but couldn’t visit her personally due to an overseas trip—he introduced me to Jack (Sailor of Fortune) who checked her out and said she was worth a closer look. (We just finished the Loop with her; thank you, Jack!) When I told Don I planned to attend the 2018 rendezvous, he put me up on his boat for the weekend.

Don loved listening to and playing music, starting one of the longest-running Harbor Chat threads Losing his hearing and the ability to enjoy music hit him hard. I talked to his son a year or so ago and offered to drive Don down to Ft Pierce for the next rendezvous, but sadly he wasn’t able to travel.

Here is his local obit. Note that his ashes, along with those of his wife and son, will be spread at sea from his beloved boat, Moonstruck.

In the photo, Don is on the left, chatting with guests aboard Gotcha at the 2018 rendezvous. Happier times.


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Pilou speaking :

This June marks the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings. Also we remember our good friend Don whose one of his great wishes was to come to France to visit the D-Day beaches and battlefields in Normandy, especially Omaha Beach, the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, Pointe du Hoc, Utah Beach. This to pay respects to the soldiers who lost their lives, and to experience the site of one of World War II’s most crucial turning points which ultimately led to the liberation of France and the rest of Western Europe 80 years ago.

We were happy and proud to make Don’s dream came true and to drive him and adorable Lou wherever they wished.

We miss you very much.

Pilou and Olivier


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