Do you have a blog for your boat/travels?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't have a blog, as I don't have a boat yet, but I found this website to be helpful in finding other blogs about trawlers and cruising...

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Trawlerblogs">

Woodsong wrote:

Surely some other folks here on TF has blogs...??? Don't be shy!

*I'm thinking Skinny Dippin' will have one by the end of the weekend!* I keep a paper journal on the boat that I update every visit...cruising or not.* So I should be able to at least recap the short cruises we've done so far.
I don't have blogs but I did (in a series of 6 posts) tell the story of our trip north on our (new to us) Willard 30. It's in Voyagers and Other People on the go under the thread "A long way home". I have 5 or 6 photo albums in Face Book and you're welcome. I may need to change my security choice to let you into the albums.

If you don't get in * * ...try in a day or two.
Your Pilgrim trawler is beautiful. I've not researched them a lot but the lines of the pilgrim's are at beautiful combo of serious, beautiful, sturdy, and whimsical. Those aren't exactly marine architecture terms but you get the idea. Scrolled through your delivery blog and enjoyed it and your pics!

Eric- your link won't let me view any boat albums???

Baker/Doug, I vote this thread be made a sticky so we can always find our fellow TF bloggers.
Tony I agree but to save space (if that's an issue) just a list of the blogs all numbered and hyperlinked and ready to go would be even better. We've just got to find something for our moderators to do.

I don't have any photo album that is strictly a boating album. I've got the pics mostly captioned so you know what you're looking at and if you're curiosity goes further than that please ask me. People mostly are interested in Alaska and to satisfy that curiosity I offer my albums to you. There are 6. I recommend the albums "Daily pics sorta", "Alaska Reflections" and "Wall Photos". I need to know though if you (all) can access these photos. Please inform.
Okay Skinny Dippin' now has a blog....not very much content yet...and lots to learn about layout, but we'll be adding more about our cruising and our boat projects.*

Thanks ya'll for giving me the motivation to actually get it started!!* You can watch for little bits of canvas starting to cover all available spaces soon!
RE: Do you have a blog for yor boat/travels?


I found your facebook page, but no photos available for viewing.
Great start, Bess.* Tell Tom to drive while you take pictures. Everyone wants pictures.
I have a TON of pictures....It's going to take a little while to get the last year and a half summarized with the pictures, but I was pretty happy that I was able to upload that picture of the New Bern Waterfront as my background!* :)
My wife is a blogger. Whoodathunkit?

-- Edited by GonzoF1 on Wednesday 16th of March 2011 08:31:58 PM
I'm already following her blog... and am looking forward to more!
Here are the links to my website and blog....However, I am like a lot of folks and leave my camera at home or don't think it is worth a picture at the time, and then I can kick myself for not taking more pictures.



You can get to one from the other, and vice-versa.....Enjoy!
GonzoF1 wrote:

My wife is a blogger. Whoodathunkit?

-- Edited by GonzoF1 on Wednesday 16th of March 2011 08:31:58 PM
And way better looking than you.

*Hi Woodsong, I have put a rendition of our annual King Crab hunt on BCBoatnet Forum, with pics . It is under Commander Pileting With Pacific Joule 2011
I hope you enjoy, would appreciate if you were to log in and give a comment as I would like a better idea as what other boaters would like to here, and see. My plan is to try and put something out for each* trip we do this year . The next one should be in April.

When you are on that sight also check out The Summer of 2010 - Stalwyn By Old Salt,
Near the bottom of the Commander page. He puts out some very good stuf on his travels well worth the read.
Safe And Happy Boating. Pj.

-- Edited by Pacific Joule on Tuesday 22nd of March 2011 10:54:48 PM

-- Edited by Pacific Joule on Tuesday 22nd of March 2011 11:06:47 PM

-- Edited by Pacific Joule on Wednesday 23rd of March 2011 01:03:48 AM


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PJ *I certainly enjoyed your post about the annual crab hunt.... and also Old's Salts summer 2010 voyage!
Besslb wrote:
I have a TON of pictures....It's going to take a little while to get the last year and a half summarized with the pictures, but I was pretty happy that I was able to upload that picture of the New Bern Waterfront as my background!* :)
I JUST put Bess together with Gonzo, duh.* just read the blog, super cool.* I worked at camp seafarer in the summer of 1993.**I LOVE*NC.* *
Does anyone else find uploading pictures to blogspot entirely frustrating?* Is it because I'm using internet explorer versus firefox, or is it simply user error?*

I am having issues moving, resizing and alignment of photos once I get them uploaded.*

Is it me?* Or do you guys have the same issues?

(BTW...I brought us up to date may or may not be visible)

blogger can be a PAIN to upload pictures. Your two best options, IMO:
1) Plan in advance what pics you want to use and upload them all prior to writing any text. Upload the LAST picture you want to show up on the finished blog FIRST, and upload the first picture you want seen last (i.e. upload in opposite order). Once you do that, then you can go back in and add text, captions, etc.
2) Upload your pictures to a free image hosting site such as You can then upload the html code for the pictures there at your leisure and paste them anywhere you want.

if you try and type up the blog text and add pictures after the text and move them around you will get frustrated very quickly.

another little trick- once you upload your pics to your blog you can have them show up here without uploading again via the img code. That saves some work when wanting to post pics on other sites.


Like this pic off your blog for example that you took of Baker and I believe Doug consulting about some of the inner workings of TF!


-- Edited by Woodsong on Sunday 27th of March 2011 09:48:45 PM
Woodsong wrote:

if you try and type up the blog text and add pictures after the text and move them around you will get frustrated very quickly.

-- Edited by Woodsong on Sunday 27th of March 2011 09:48:45 PM
*This is exactly what I was doing....Thanks for the tips!*

Those pirates were hysterical.* A good time was had by all at the Pirate Invasion.*


Besslb wrote:
Does anyone else find uploading pictures to blogspot entirely frustrating?* Is it because I'm using internet explorer versus firefox, or is it simply user error?*

I am having issues moving, resizing and alignment of photos once I get them uploaded.*

Is it me?* Or do you guys have the same issues?

(BTW...I brought us up to date may or may not be visible)

*Bess, since you haven't gotten too far in developing your blog, you may want to consider changing host.* I use Wordpress, and don't have any problems with uploads.* I also like it because you can post different cruises as "pages".* That allows clicking on specific areas with less scrolling.* I don't know much about blogger as I have only used Wordpress and Talkspot.* YMMV

Are you using blogspot's updated editor? You can find it on the Settings Tab - basic- global settings, you have to select "new editor" over the "old editor". I just came across it about a month ago by accident. I find it preferable to the previous editor. You may be using it already.
Steve W.
Thanks Don!* I'll check it out.

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