Dishwasher or no Dishwasher?

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Wifey B: I am shocked :eek: that you removed your compactor. 18" is on the large side though. But, to dishwasher, I just have a couple of things I'm trying to understand. Not arguing, just would like to understand the thought of you and many.

1. Today's dishwashers will not use more water than most people hand washing, but just granting that possibility.....what's the big deal about needing to run the watermaker an extra 10 minutes? Do you minimize showers and other things to keep from running it? Seems to me the reason for having it is to afford those luxuries. :confused:

2. Then same question, only different. What's the big deal of needing to run the generator an extra 10 minutes? Seems to me a lot of people having gens but then fighting not to use them. They don't use much fuel, they last nearly forever, so I don't know? :confused:

I see a lot of reservations expressed here that seem to go back to not having the conveniences and even small sailboats but a reluctance to use the equipment the boat people own now has. Isn't the reason for having watermakers and generators to not have to worry about water and electricity? I just find it a bit confusing. :confused:

Now, I do understand the space issues.

The thought process is fine....

I have no issue running the genny, has many uses.

Water is not a big issue for my use, don't go off shore and not far from a water stop.

But a dishwasher is just inconvenient. With 2 plates, 2 cups (none if dinner time... beer time) perhaps a pot and a bowl. Takes about 3 min to wash by hand. No brainer. I used the dishwasher space to store beer.....
But a dishwasher is just inconvenient. With 2 plates, 2 cups (none if dinner time... beer time) perhaps a pot and a bowl. Takes about 3 min to wash by hand. No brainer. I used the dishwasher space to store beer.....

Wifey B: Well, we have no beer to store (none at home or on the boat) and we generally have lots more than 2 plates, a pot and a bowl. 90% of our cruising (more than one day runs) is with 6 or more people. When it's just the two of us overnighting or something we don't cook or wash dishes. :)
Wifey B: Well, we have no beer to store (none at home or on the boat) and we generally have lots more than 2 plates, a pot and a bowl. 90% of our cruising (more than one day runs) is with 6 or more people. When it's just the two of us overnighting or something we don't cook or wash dishes. :)

I wouldn't want a dishwasher but then I don't entertain like you guys do. The most we have had on the boat overnight is 5 adults. I've always been impressed by the number of guests that you have aboard all the time. It speaks to your organizational ability as well as generosity of spirit.

I'm just too damn grumpy and lazy to entertain that many folks. ;)

I agree. I'm not even sure I know six people I want on my boat. :banghead: they do entertain quite a bit. Nice.
I wouldn't want a dishwasher but then I don't entertain like you guys do. The most we have had on the boat overnight is 5 adults. I've always been impressed by the number of guests that you have aboard all the time. It speaks to your organizational ability as well as generosity of spirit.

I'm just too damn grumpy and lazy to entertain that many folks. ;)

Wifey B: We went from no family to huge family and we do think of them as family, even though some of them, perhaps most of them, are employees too. Amazing the amount of pleasure having some teens or superteens (my word for 20-23 year olds) along bring you too. We never would have imagined we'd enjoy groups like this so much. When we lived in NC the vast majority of our boating was just the two of us. We only had one couple that we were as close to as we are those here and they are older, won't get on a boat, and we brought them with us to FL. We were pretty much loners in so many ways so the fact we spend time with so many is definitely a surprise. We consider ourselves so amazingly lucky and we're so grateful. :)

I'm shocked no comments on our "no beer". :lol:
I have space in the Galley for a 18” dishwasher and was curious if this group had any experience with dishwashers on a boat, past boating experiences were all on boats too small for one. I’m thinking about getting a Miele since we have them at home and love them. My guess is they should save a decent amount of water with only 2.5-3g per load (and me/wife likely to not be the most efficient by hand dishwashers). But not sure if there are other things I should consider.


If the wife wants one put it in! You will be happier!
Personally I don't need one it's part of the crusing lifestyle.if you boat is big enough and you have the room go for it!
My next boat needs to be bigger, my wallet needs to be fatter, my $%^&&( needs to be bigger, but the most important thing is to get out there and cruise!
I'm shocked no comments on our "no beer". :lol:

I understand the "no beer" thing. Fortunately, my two kids don't abuse alcohol even though they both really enjoy beer. My son-in-law has never drank at all. This is because he grew up seeing his alcoholic aunts, uncles and cousins at family get togethers. They had a completely dry wedding reception for that reason. I also have never been one to over indulge, even as a kid. As such, I enjoy having beer on board since it isn't an issue.

However, if I was to take my employees out on the boat, there would be no alcohol. Only one that I know of has an issue with it, but I don't see any reason to add alcohol into the mix.

So I am not shocked. I think it simply reflects your sense of cautious responsibility as captains and hosts.
Dishwasher, trash-compacter, ice-maker, washer/dryer; those define a YACHT! I've none of those, so only have a boat.

From what I know of you both I agree that you are indeed lucky but then you also made your luck and deserve it. Congrats.

From what I know of you both I agree that you are indeed lucky but then you also made your luck and deserve it. Congrats.

Wifey B: While I appreciate the kind words, there are millions of people who have done just as much to deserve it, who are really good people, and haven't had such luck, many of them better people than we can ever be. I just don't like thinking we somehow deserved it since that implies others who were less fortunate didn't deserve it. Now, on to the next dishwasher and I believe everyone deserves a dishwasher. :)
Wifey B: Well, we have no beer to store (none at home or on the boat) and we generally have lots more than 2 plates, a pot and a bowl. 90% of our cruising (more than one day runs) is with 6 or more people. When it's just the two of us overnighting or something we don't cook or wash dishes. :)

You are on a different level of entertaining, and that's GREAT. Just a lot of us aren't there or don't know 6 people :blush:

I do occasionally take out a load. We rarely do a big dinner on the boat, just not practical and a PITA... don't have "that" big of a boat. But we do grill, have sandwiches, casseroles, soups, etc. etc. and all pretty simple. Had the neighbors grandkids and them on the other day. A trip to McDonalds was the plan and they loved it.

Had six of us for a joy ride, went to a restaurant, worked great.

Earlier this year had 8 on my smaller boat (family reunion) and we also went to a restaurant.... twice and was great.

In all of the above we had snacks and drinks.

And in none of the above did we need a dishwasher. But I can understand if you're doing a big meal with 10 to 15 bodies the dishwasher might be handy. Can I join you sometime? I'd like the lobster.:)

I disagree but I won't go into details however you have been very generous to people not as fortunate and helped influence their lives.

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