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CWay is for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Apr 13, 2022
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Transpac Eagle 40
Transpac Eagle 40, located Freeport, FL. Asking price is $225,000.

After 8 years and a lifetime of memories, CWay is for sale. She is a solid, reliable trawler that provided us with a comfortable home for the Great Loop and other adventures. She is listed with Curtis Stokes under Trawlers for Sale.

CWay is a well equipped 40' Eagle with a single 225 HP Perkins diesel, Wesmar bow thruster and Northern Lights generator. She is a single stateroom model and has upgraded electronics.

The Curtis Stokes listing is in progress and will be updated/finalized soon. Pictures are currently available at their website. Specification sheet is attached.

My wife and I are the owners of CWay.


  • CWay Equipment List 3-16-2022.pdf
    423 KB · Views: 275
1998. A good year
Transpac Eagle 40, located Freeport, FL. Asking price is $225,000.

After 8 years and a lifetime of memories, CWay is for sale. She is a solid, reliable trawler that provided us with a comfortable home for the Great Loop and other adventures. She is listed with Curtis Stokes under Trawlers for Sale.

CWay is a well equipped 40' Eagle with a single 225 HP Perkins diesel, Wesmar bow thruster and Northern Lights generator. She is a single stateroom model and has upgraded electronics.

The Curtis Stokes listing is in progress and will be updated/finalized soon. Pictures are currently available at their website. Specification sheet is attached.

My wife and I are the owners of CWay.
We are interested in CWay. Can you please explain about the 2 aluminum and 1 steel fuel tanks. Have any of them been replaced? How is the fuel fed to the single engine? Have you experienced any leakage?
When we bought the boat there was a fair amount rust on the top of the Stbd tank (a small amount on the port tank). Both tanks were steel. The tanks were not removable intact as installed. We pulled the inspection plates and they looked OK on the inside, but since we were planning on doing the loop, we decided to replace at least the Stbd side. We cut it out and replaced it with two aluminum tanks that can be removed without major surgery. We also made the new tanks a few inches shorter to allow better access to the top fittings. We have never had a leak in any of the tanks (old or new). When we got the old tank out, we discovered the rust was not very severe; worst case was maybe 1/64" of pitting on the 3/16"? plate. So we left the Port tank original.

The two Stbd tanks are manifolded together and can each be operated independently -- each has its own fill, suction and return. Their vents are plumbed together. Port and Starboard tanks are fed though shut off valves that allow either one side at a time or both sides simultaneously (not recommended) to feed the engine. It sounds more complicated than it is. All valves are accessible through the cabin sole hatches or from the Stbd side engine room access.
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Thanks for your thorough explanation. Do all of the tanks have gauges? If you do not burn from the port and stbd tanks simultaneously, is there a balance problem? Does the boat list? Can the port side tank be cut up, removed and replaced if needed? Was the stbd side tank easier to remove than the port side tank?
All tanks have gauges. The port tank also has a sight glass. We did not install sight glasses on the new tanks, opting for all fittings to be on the tank top. Since we typically burn less than two gallons/hr, the fuel burn versus list issue is not very critical. We decide each day which tank to burn from based on how the vessel is sitting and where the oldest fuel is. The FW tanks are P/S also, so between water and fuel, we can keep the vessel on an even keel. Nothing happens fast list wise.

The port tank should be significantly easier to remove/replace as the stbd stairs to the Pilot house interfered with the installation. Note the engine does not need to be removed or otherwise messed with to replace the tanks. It does not appear the port tank is in need of replacement based on the area of the tank visible. The tanks are of pretty robust construction.
Thank you very much. Your explanations are very clear and understandable. We may have more questions. Thank you again.
No Problem. She is a nice boat. I like to talk about her.
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Does the remaining steel tank have an access/clean-out port on the top of the tank to allow convenient cleaning and maintenance of the tank?
Yes, all three tanks have access ports on the tank top.
Transpac Eagle 40, located Freeport, FL. Asking price is $225,000.

After 8 years and a lifetime of memories, CWay is for sale. She is a solid, reliable trawler that provided us with a comfortable home for the Great Loop and other adventures. She is listed with Curtis Stokes under Trawlers for Sale.

CWay is a well equipped 40' Eagle with a single 225 HP Perkins diesel, Wesmar bow thruster and Northern Lights generator. She is a single stateroom model and has upgraded electronics.

The Curtis Stokes listing is in progress and will be updated/finalized soon. Pictures are currently available at their website. Specification sheet is attached.

My wife and I are the owners of CWay.

Hi can i assume Cway is sold? everything go ok?
thanks warren
CWay has Sold

yes, CWay has sold. Sale went well. Thanks, Craig
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