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Custom David Gerr 48' shallow-draft trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Mar 21, 2019
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1970 Willard 36 Trawler
Found this on CruisersForum.com $395k in Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis MD. I have zero affiliation. Wish there were more pictures and information. Interesting marketing approach - directs interested parties to Google David Gerr "Nancy Lakin" which I did. Brings up a LOT of pictures of a damaged boat from Hurricane Dorian.


Here's the CF post with contact information. Note the owner is a bit allergic to inquiries. You'll have to somehow prove you're a legit buyer before he'll call you back.


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Before buying our NT we went to Maine at looked at the same or similar Dave Gerr boat stored in a shed. Wife took a pass. Head was right next to galley. Engine access was vey poor and meant much work would be done with your ams going downward. I was drawn by the vey low draft but good stability with an iron shoe running the length of the keel. Dave draws very thoughtful and safe boats but the interior on that one was a miss.

Been to Covey Island in Lunenburg as was once thinking about building a Westerman cutter. Like Dave they do amazing work in mostly strip plank wood. So unless price comes down and interior layout is different then the boat we saw given the difficulties selling a wood boat in the US would walk away.
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I wondered if this was a strip planked boat - no mention in description. I couldn't tell from the hurricane damage pictures.

One off boats are a tough sell. Add a few more degrees of difficulty (wood, even though high quality construction) and vague marketing, this boat could be around for a while. Shame. Looks like a cool boat. Love the 5-blade prop Gerr specified. Probably super quiet.

I do not know how the title status might read. With cars a "rebuilt" or "salvage" title means the cost should be around 50% of a clean title. The price seems high.

If memory serves Covey Island Boat Works built in cold moulded construction.
I saw her last summer (I think). She's a real head turner.
Could this be her? From the sale in 2011 at 300k.

Nancy Lakin is built to be so strong and rugged that she is nearly like an ice-breaker. This is a 47' boat that weighs 30,000 pounds. Her hull consists of fiberglass over epoxy laminated strip planking. A remarkable feature of this design is that she is built for very shoal water exploring, with a draft of only 2' 4" and a long keel with a sturdy stainless steel shoe so that she can be beached with little concern.

This truly a remarkable and very unique yacht. She is was designed and built almost like a tank - literally with 3/8" stainless steel armor plating on the bottom to allow running aground with little expectation of doing damage.

The prop is protected with a tunnel drive configuration, and with only a 2' 4" draft, Nancy Lakin gets to places that few others would dare attempt. What a wonderful freedom to explore places that others would never explore in a boat of this size.

One might expect such a rugged yacht to be ruggedly ugly, but she is beautiful in a classic style. She is also very economical to operate with a 1,100 range at eight knots and a stingy consumption of three gallons per hour.

The hull constuction consists of kiln-dried Douglas Fir 3/4" strip planking laminated with epoxy. Inside the strip planking the hull is covered with three coats of epoxy and reinforced with longitudinal stringers. The outside is covered with three layers of eglass in epoxy.
The bottom is sheathed with 3/8" stainless steel for protection if the boat goes aground in an environment not friendly to boats.

Reduced bridge clearance is easily accomplished by one person lowering the mast. The bridge clearance is about 12' when the mast is lowered.

I did some research on Gerr designs as I looked at Walrus. Walrus is his best boat I think, build for John Luhrs.All it needed was John Wayne and a deck gun. Unfortunately it was just a little too big at 76ft and wife did not like. Also 15,000 and 20k hour genesis.


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A few interior shots...


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Walrus...I love that boat, it is the perfect boat.

a 42 foot Gerr design.

Found this on CruisersForum.com $395k in Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis MD. I have zero affiliation. Wish there were more pictures and information. Interesting marketing approach - directs interested parties to Google David Gerr "Nancy Lakin" which I did. Brings up a LOT of pictures of a damaged boat from Hurricane Dorian.


Here's the CF post with contact information. Note the owner is a bit allergic to inquiries. You'll have to somehow prove you're a legit buyer before he'll call you back.



I sort of get the proof part. I'm getting goofy "I agree to your price and will pay you now sight unseen" third world scammer emails on my ads.
That’s one of my favorite Gerr designs and I like his work. If I didn’t have a boat I just got up to snuff I buy that hull. Send it back to Kanter and have them restore her. Say you got her for a buck or buck fifty. Put in 2 bucks or even two fifty. End up with a jewel at $300-$400k.
However would want the backstory first and a detailed survey. ?was she flooded? Was she never finished? Smoke damage? Knowing the history would be key in determining if the time and money are worthwhile.
That’s one of my favorite Gerr designs and I like his work. If I didn’t have a boat I just got up to snuff I buy that hull. Send it back to Kanter and have them restore her. Say you got her for a buck or buck fifty. Put in 2 bucks or even two fifty. End up with a jewel at $300-$400k.
However would want the backstory first and a detailed survey. ?was she flooded? Was she never finished? Smoke damage? Knowing the history would be key in determining if the time and money are worthwhile.

I actually know Gerr from some previous work and asked him about it. He said it was never finished. Broker confirmed that too. I was thinking about it before I bought my current boat. Not sure a yard would do a whole interior for $250k. I feel like you’d have to fit/general contract it for it to make sense. Broker said the lowest estimate they got was $350k and highest was like $800k for an interior.
Wow. That much. I was thinking I’m fairly handy as a work worker. There’s a lot of hours in finish work. Do it in Herreshoff wood and white. Would job out all the mechanical and electrical and rough carpentry. Still it’s a shame it just sits there.
I think diy plus some contractors it could definitely make sense. Seems like a lot of the mechanical stuff is there at least.
An old thread, but this boat passed me today on the AICW. I rarely have boat envy, but this boat really caught my eye. Still for sale.


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Wonder if that stabilizing sail does anything? Looks really tiny, but I've no experience with such things. Shallow draft boat like that seems a good candidate for a Seakeeper or the like.
Boat in original as well as all subsequent posts have been sold. Archiving thread.
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