Contract Signed / New Build Underway

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It is nice to have a wider speed range to play with and I used it to find the sweet spot that worked best with the sea conditions. Fun stuff.

You pointed out something so often overlooked. We talk about speed to get places quicker and speed to avoid bad weather, but being able to match speed to sea conditions for the best ride is seldom mentioned. Matching speed to wave distance and period entering and exiting inlets and crossing bars is an advantage too. I remember when we were being trained and our introduction to rougher seas as part of that. Instinct, due to our lack of experience, was that slower was called for and better. We quickly were introduced to matching our speed with the waves, with the period and distance between waves.
Sailing Weekend

Sailing is interesting and we did it once on a beautiful day but it's not for us. That being said this weekend there is a competition of the large go fast catamaran style boats on the bay. Typical San Diego they have turned this into a big event which we plan to walk to from the boat. On Sunday we may even head back to Mission Bay and spend some time outside cruising. Temperature is expected to be in the 80's on the coast, nice! I love the fall for boating.

The boat should show up for sale in the next couple of weeks. Things are starting to get a little exciting for us (not for Scott) ha ha.
Saturday Night

So after a long day of washing cars, visiting the local Home Depot for a few items and planting a few plants we decided to head to the boat for the evening. The weather was typical fall southern Cal. with mild Santa Ana breezes from the desert bringing coastal temperatures to 80 degrees. After a nice bar b q chicken kabobs dinner we decided to relax on the aft deck, drink a little more wine and listen to the eagles soundtrack. Weather is perfect and life is good. We are already seeing a few Bahaha sailboat taking up the few empty slips as they prepare for 1,000 mile journey South to Cano in two weeks. Our dream trip hopefully with the next boat. Hotel California is finishing up and it's time find another song.

So after a long day of washing cars, visiting the local Home Depot for a few items and planting a few plants we decided to head to the boat for the evening.

Wifey B: You delayed going to the boat for washing cars? :nonono::nonono::nonono:

You delayed going to the boat for Home Depot? :eek::eek::eek:

You delayed going to the boat for Gardening? :mad::mad::mad:

Very valid point on a "complex" boat. This time around we optioned for a "simpler" boat since we wanted a break from the complex systems which we could not repair if and when they failed. It all comes down to cost of ownership, budget and what each individual feels comfortable with.

There is no right or wrong answer here, just an opportunity for everyone to figure out what works best for them. Granted when we sold N4061 after only three years of ownership and "zero findings" pre-purchase survey the new owners did well. This is not the norm and we prefer start out new.

So did you sell the Nordhavn because its more expensive to maintain ? tougher to pilot for one ?

So did you sell the Nordhavn because its more expensive to maintain ? tougher to pilot for one ?

Our primary reason for selling our last N40 we built for trips to Mexico and the PNW was health related and our need to exit boating. After testing the waters with the N35 and confirming we were ready to get back into boating we thought early retirement was in sight and the H38E was the perfect boat for local coastal cruising then do the ICW. I wanted a simpler boat to maintain which I have and really enjoy. No generator, wing engine, stabilizers, watermaker and, and, and to maintain. Now that retirement has been pushed out and we are stuck on west coast we are back to very long (1,000 mile plus) trips in open ocean.

So does an open ocean or passagemaker trawler come with complexity, yes. Just something you have to deal with.

Its Official

It's official Maria Elena is now for sale with Waterline Boats in Seattle. We have really mixed feelings about this sale since the boat is everything we wanted but missions change in life. If it was up to Mary we wouldn't sell and use this boat until I retire but with Mexico calling I want to make that trip and spend time exploring the Sea of Cortez while we can. One thing for sure is all plans are etched in the sand at low tide.
Wifey B: Three years from start of thread to boat listed for sale. :rofl:

I laugh at you because I understand it so well. I'm shocked we haven't done any changes yet, just bought and sold the one loop boat. That's the closest we've come to you. Ordered late 2015, sold late 2017 but we had no plans to sell. They did make improvements on the new version though but we haven't bought. :)

We're always looking at boats, thinking about boats, admiring boats, even ones definitely not for us. As long as it's not a cruise ship or a yacht over 180' or so. Those two we just don't grasp. :nonono:

Your change makes a lot of sense. Life events. They led you to the boat and now lead you to sell the boat. Nothing wrong with any of your boats, just not the one for the time and place. I love my Baby Riva, it's like my own fave plaything....well, not fave altogether but boat fave... But I sure as heck can't take it to the Caribbean or the West Coast with a range of 210 nm. We hated selling our boat we had on the lake when we moved here, but a 30' bowrider with twin gas engines just isn't a coastal cruiser. :lol:

Look forward to your new thread and next boat. Hope you're able to enjoy it more. It's fairly obvious though that you enjoy the planning and building immensely so while others might say you're waiting for the pleasure, your fun has already started. :D
Christmas Parade

Last weeks Christmas �� Parade in SD was one for the record books. Amazing the work some people put into their boats decorations. We were out earlier in the afternoon and cruised by Bill's boat over at Coronado. Bill was preparing his boat for the parade and took a few nice photos of Maria Elena underway. Thought I would share them here on TF.


OK now the dang attachment icon doesn't work?
Wifey B:

A few shots from Fort Lauderdale Parade. It's televised next weekend and the stream should be available.

Bill was preparing his boat for the parade and took a few nice photos of Maria Elena underway. Thought I would share them here on TF.

OK now the dang attachment icon doesn't work?

Hi John, good to see you. Here you go..


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Sometimes it is the little thing

Yesterday was a beautiful day in the mid 60's with calm winds so we decided an afternoon run outside would be fun. No sooner did we get outside and turned south to pass by the Hotel Del Coronado then further south did Mary decide to make some popcorn to enjoy. A few seconds later I hear her say the microwave stopped working. I immediately checked the inverter only to see the panel dark, not good. This is when simpler can be better relying on DC for instruments and not stressing out. We continued our cruise before heading back to the marina. Upon checking the inverter I confirmed it was dead. I pushed the start button and nothing. Dang it, this I not good. I then started checking other items including the 200amp fuse which I replaced last year. Fuse looked fine but as I went to remove the cover the inverter kicked in. Turns out the terminal connections were loose. A quick tightening with the wrench and everything was back to normal. An appreciation of the this boats design and equipment location is how most everything is within reach. The inverter is mounted just forward of the salon hatch to starboard with nothing blocking it. The fuse is between the inverter and house batteries near an air condition unit but well within reach.

So what did I learn, don't always assume the "system" or in this case the inverter was at fault. Rather check all the "little things" first. Second was more an appreciation for our simpler boat whereby everything we need to operate the boat is DC current. Relying on the engine alternator for electrical power (no generator to fail) is another part of simplicity. Having a bow thruster that runs off a battery not AC power or hydraulics again is simple. If needed to cook we have propane. Fresh water pump runs off DC. Overall this situation actually brought me back to how we designed the boat for the ICW or coastal cruising. Maybe we shouldn't be selling her?

A favorite pastime of ours is anchoring out and watching the playoffs aboard the boat. While we didn't get to anchor out today due to arriving the boat later than planned we still enjoyed time soaking up the sun and warm temperatures relaxing on the flybridge before moving to the salon and watching the second half of the Rams and Saints while enjoying a light lunch. The day is so nice we decided not to rush home and make dinner aboard so it looks like I get to watch the Chiefs take on New England.

It's days like today that we especially appreciate our custom design salon layout with the long 11' sofa and two ottomans' providing a great area for us both (plus Sailor Blue) to stretch out, relax and watch TV. The layout just doesn't get any better.

Last week I had four guys from work visit the boat for a bay cruise before a business dinner. Two of them had been aboard our N40 and both thought this boat was larger and offered a much better layout. I have agree with them this boat is more open and feels larger inside.

Today was definitely a good day!

Helmsman 46

FYI, I will be starting a new thread to focus on our next new boat journey. It will be similar in content to this thread with our goal to help others thinking about building a new built. It will be titled Helmsman 46 - New Build.

A day out

Yesterday offered a break in the weather so we decided to head to the boat and take her out. Our original plan was to go outside and head north towards Torrey Pines and wave at Tiger Woods but we got a late start. Instead we motored over to a cove inside the bay and dropped anchor. It was packed with boats due to the 70degree air temperature but we found a corner away from most boats which provided us some privacy. It was the first time in a while since we anchored and I didn't realize how much I missed it. We enjoyed time on both the aft deck and the flybridge taking I the sights. After a few relaxing hours we lifted the anchor and headed home. Halfway back we could see another Helmsman trawler heading our direction which turned out to be Bill on his H43. We stopped and took a few photos of each others boat before continuing our separate ways. Always fun when you spot another Helmsman on the water.
After a great dinner aboard, we left for home and started planning for Superbowl Sunday aboard. Life was good yesterday.

A good day aboard

It's been awhile since we posted on Maria Elena but what time than a Friday afternoon aboard (after work?) enjoying a few margaritas on the aft deck listening to some great music. We were going to take the boat and anchor for dinner but it was just washed today so we decided the slip has the same water as the bay so let's get the margaritas going. Today's music selection was Queen and after recently seeing the movie a reknewed appreciation for the talent Freddy had.

Of course to really make this type of afternoon work the boat itself must offer the layout and space required for aft deck chairs, table and room for Sailor Blue to cut a rug. Needless to say Scott did a great job designing such a boat. The aft deck is actually large enough for band itself if we could arrange a visit (not a bad idea) on a Saturday afternoon (hey, this is southern California home of Hollywood and all that crazyines) so nothing is impossible. Mary is yelling it's time for dinner so I gotta go....

More to follow this weekend....
We were going to take the boat and anchor for dinner but it was just washed today so we decided the slip has the same water as the bay so let's get the margaritas going.

Must be an awesome boat.

Pity you don't want to get it dirty by actually taking it out of the slip.
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Wow, it appears someone is not a fan of Queen. Despite our extremely wide range of music, boats and enjoyment to share our experiences on the water (tied to the dock or cruising the coastline) to encourage others to experience boating it goes to show not everyone can appreciate even the simplest part of boating. Time aboard with family (including Sailor Blue) is the most important part of boating in my view. Remember the view from the aft deck is the same regardless of the size or type of boat. Like that song goes "Be Happy" and enjoy life. Time to change the music to Cardi B.
Wifey: Oh....this could rival the what is a Trawler debate. :D Is it boating if you don't leave the dock? :rofl:
Wifey: Oh....this could rival the what is a Trawler debate. :D Is it boating if you don't leave the dock? :rofl:

Or more specifically, if you chose not to leave the dock because the boat has just been cleaned! :rofl:
Or more specifically, if you chose not to leave the dock because the boat has just been cleaned! :rofl:

Wifey B: I think he was boating. I'm for being all inclusive. However, the reason for not leaving the dock left me shaking my head. :ermm:

How long after boat gets cleaned do you have to wait before using it, I wonder. :confused:
Wifey B: I think he was boating. I'm for being all inclusive. However, the reason for not leaving the dock left me shaking my head. :ermm:

How long after boat gets cleaned do you have to wait before using it, I wonder. :confused:

If they are still cleaning when I am ready to go, I kick them off!
Trawler Life Style

Wifey: Oh....this could rival the what is a Trawler debate. :D Is it boating if you don't leave the dock? :rofl:

Will never get into the trawler debate after a life time of boating. Trawler lifestyle is different for everyone, there is no right answer. We have been off shore and 100 miles to the next port in some serious weather that would make some give up boating so an afternoon tied to the dock with a margarita and some great music is just fine with us. Will we take the boat out this weekend and get some salt spray on the foward deck, likely. The real question is which music will we select as we cut through a mixed swell in one the best designed and built boats we have owned. Choose your music carefully and just enjoy the trawler lifestyle without challenging others. Life is good.
Wifey: Oh....this could rival the what is a Trawler debate. :D Is it boating if you don't leave the dock? :rofl:

May I say...

If you own a boat, and it gets hauled, and you go to it while on the hard - IMHO... that too is a form of "boating"! :dance: :socool:
Morning John, we also like Queen. Keep your threads going. I found it a few years ago when I was considering crossing over to the trawler world and it was a great read. I also appreciate the insight you have brought to the forum by being through the build process on several vessels which has helped many people, regardless of which boat they choose. See you on the water. Fletch.
Morning John, we also like Queen. Keep your threads going. I found it a few years ago when I was considering crossing over to the trawler world and it was a great read. I also appreciate the insight you have brought to the forum by being through the build process on several vessels which has helped many people, regardless of which boat they choose. See you on the water. Fletch.

Wifey B: I like Queen. Also like Adam Lambert. Before any of you say that's not the real Queen, let me say my generation and younger might never have heard of Freddy Mercury or appreciated him if not for Adam and the revival of Queen. His respect and adoration of Freddy Mercury led us to check him out and see what it was all about. :D
Summer has arrived

Finally the May gray and June Glume released and we had a weekend of sunshine. We attended the SD Boat Show Friday afternoon (nothing of interest for us) before spending the night at home then returning to the boat Saturday as we settled in for the night. This would be our first night aboard in over six months and Sailor Blue wasn't all that happy. She kept looking at the salon door as to say "are we leaving yet"?. It felt good waking up to the early Sunday morning aboard and sounds of seagulls. Wow, I missed this life style. After breakfast we headed out for a cruise with plans to anchor at a nearby cove only to find it filled with boaters and listening to them radio the harbor police about a sailboat that was dragging anchor with no one aboard. After circling the anchorage we decided it was worth the stress and headed back out to the bay. We quickly found ourselves in a small following sea and taking swells on the stern from "go fast" cruisers passing us up. I was impressed (again) how well this hull handles following seas and much better then our previous trawlers. After a few hours we returned to our slip and got ready for margaritas while Mary watched yet another special on Queen and Freddy. Dinner tonight will be bar b q shrimp with guacamole skewers and fresh vegetables. Life is good today with the sun shinning, time aboard and relaxation.
4th of July

The weather gods were kind to us yesterday and today with clear sky's and temperatures on the water around 74. Doesn't get much better and I guess this is why we pay the out of control taxes in this dang state. Last week we had the pleasure of adopting another 5 cents per gallon on top of the approximate 45cents we already pay. I believe we are officially the highest taxed gasoline state in the country. Enough venting for today

Yesterday we followed a long tradition of "not" taking the boat out on the 4th to avoid the crazy ones out and about but did launch the Gig Harbor dingy with the Torqueedo electric engine. We cruised around for 1 hr and 45 minutes and only used 45% of the battery charge. Amazing little boat and engine. Sailor Blue along with the Gig Harbor were a hit with many people asking about both. We listened to various music while cruising the marina and enjoying the perfect weather. After a nice bar b q dinner aboard we set up two new boating chair's we purchased at West Marine on the upper deck and watched the amazing fire works display on the bay. I believe the SD display is the largest on the west coast. It was nice to spend the night aboard (first time in awhile) and not have to fight the traffic home.

Friday was another perfect day with a dingy ride and later fresh crab cakes for dinner. Life is good today.

We even had a few new folks stop the boat asking about it. It's always fun talking boats and explaining the benefits of owning a Helmsman. One specific compliment came from a lady across from us who has seen the boat for over 18 months and never said hello. Yesterday as we passed by in the dingy she started talking about Sailor, the Gig Harbor and the Helmsman like we just arrived. She commented how rugged yet comfortable the Helmsman looked and she has admired the boat from a far since we arrived. She couldn't believe the boat was only 38' and with its beam looked more like 45'. She went on to say the boat was and continues to be the talk of the marina. Wow, I wasn't expecting that but it was nice to hear.

Tomorrow we will likely drive up the coast 60-70 miles to Dana Point and Newport Beach for lunch before returning to the boat Sunday for a cruise.

Happy 4th

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