Contract Signed / New Build Underway

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
In Florida, we have many gated communities where the HOA is responsible for the landscaping including mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes and hedges, applying fertilizer and insecticide, removing yard debris and the like. You don't have similar communities in CA? The communities here cater to snowbirds who spend 1-5 months in FL during the winter. We lived in one in Vero Beach and regularly left of 2-3 months during the summer to go to MI. The flip side is the yards are normally .25 acres or less.

Not sure if it is your camera, but that sure looks...

Very pink?

Interesting that the photos looked good on the I-phone but when transferred did turn pinkish. Carpet is tan and brown. Will take new pictures when we do the salon.

John, The ICW is a marvelous cruising ground. It takes years to explore. The times to explore are generally spring and fall. When you get the boat to the est coast, FL is great December through March. The Chesapeake is lovely May and June as well as September and October. How you connect the two is up to you. In our H38, we plan to run 50 NM per day. It takes about 4 weeks from Annapolis to St. Augustine. But that is moving a a pretty good clip. To explore a bit, you might spend 6-8 weeks moving north or south. There are many secure places near good airports, to leave the boat and return to SD.

We drove down to the boat yesterday to enjoy the holiday weekend aboard. A low pressure system will keep us close to San Diego but that is fine. I took a few photos with my phone and hope they post without any red tint. Here is the first one.


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We drove down to the boat yesterday to enjoy the holiday weekend aboard. A low pressure system will keep us close to San Diego but that is fine. I took a few photos with my phone and hope they post without any red tint. Here is the first one.

Wifey B: Darn, the Pink Palace is gone. :lol:

A couple more photos from Mary's phone. The pillows are more a rust color but show up red or pinkish for some reason. Carpet is light tan with light brown trim. Anyway you can get an idea how things turned out.


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We are celebrating our 8th Thanksgiving aboard our H38. This year we are in central Florida. We have found that the oven is too small to cook a turkey. It is however, just the right size, to cook a 5 pound standing rib roast. It's just one of the sacrifices we make as live aboards. Best wishes to you and Mary.

We are celebrating our 8th Thanksgiving aboard our H38. This year we are in central Florida. We have found that the oven is too small to cook a turkey. It is however, just the right size, to cook a 5 pound standing rib roast. It's just one of the sacrifices we make as live aboards. Best wishes to you and Mary.

Funny thing as we out cruising on the bay close to shore and i mentioned to Mary this is what it would be like on parts of the intercoastal including Florida. One of great things about boating and holidays is that its fun to break tradition and try different meals. We had planned tamales but couldn't find good quality ones in time so turkey it was.
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This winter, we are in Florida again. But this year we are not on the ICW. In Jacksonville we headed west and south on the St. Johns River. We are 140 miles from the ICW. This fresh water river flows north from lakes 50 miles south of Orlando. We are in Sanford which is the southern limit of navigable waters. The final 40 miles to sanford you travel thrugh Cupress swamps with Spanish moss hanging from the "live oak' trees.
Thanksgiving Weekend Update

We had the pleasure of spending the last four days including Thanksgiving Day aboard the boat and enjoyed every minute. Since the weather forecast included a few cold fronts towards the later part of the week we decided not to run 70 miles to Catalina Island and deal with poor weather on the return trip. Instead we enjoyed time aboard, day trips and anchoring on the bay and dinners aboard as well as at our favorite nearby restaurants. Life was good this past week. We even started to teach Sailor Blue how to walk on a leash now that she has all her shots.

Compliments from others around the marina and even while anchored out on the bay just keep coming in. Most everyone asks the same question "what is the make of this boat"? Followed by "she is beautiful and must be larger than 38 feet". Needless to say we are having fun providing everyone with information about our journey up to this point.

One morning we decided to run the boat outside where we met with large swells about 12 seconds apart on the starboard beam. The rolling motion wasn't sever but we had to learn how to deal with it and understand its effects. Again I found myself comparing this hull to the Nordhavn 40 with its very soft motion and roll. I also remember being aboard a KK 39 (w/o stabilzers) in calmer waters and its similar soft motion. I continue to be impressed with this hull (I think I mentioned this before). Back in the bay we were met with a lot of boaters and their wakes, we are learning to use changes in speed and heading to minimize the rolling motion (all according to plan). The day after Thanksgiving we anchored out in a small cove near the famous Hotel Del Coronado and enjoyed leftovers. The weather was perfect as we settled in for a few hours and continued to learn more about the boat and power management.

Thanksgiving dinner was a great test for our redesigned galley / salon and one we past with flying colors. Both of us were able to work together and prepare a great dinner with all the trimmings without getting in each others way. All this while watching the Dallas Cowboy game on the 32" drop down TV. Design met function this week and it felt good.

Below are a few new photos which I have not been able to post due to computer problems.


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Verrry beautiful! Do you have pictures with the blinds up?
John, your wife has impeccable taste in design. Your boat looks warm and inviting. Great to hear that she seems so dialed in already! I like your redesigned galley to the only other 38PH I've seen with the galley fwd to stbd.

A few more pictures:

The bedspread is actually a store purchased Nautica queen size bed spread which we will have trimmed to size. It sure saves a few dollars over an all custom cover.

The photos in the salon cabinet are of Daisy (our beloved 16 year old dog). Mary is still having a hard time loosing her.

The exterior canvas should be completed this week.



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Sailor Blue

See photo


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More Photo's

A few more Christmas spirit photos. Today we had the Bimini top installed. Fits perfect. Balance of canvas work to complete next week.



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Boat looks fantastic!
Sailor Blue looks very comfortable too.
This winter, we are in Florida again. But this year we are not on the ICW. In Jacksonville we headed west and south on the St. Johns River. We are 140 miles from the ICW. This fresh water river flows north from lakes 50 miles south of Orlando. We are in Sanford which is the southern limit of navigable waters. The final 40 miles to sanford you travel thrugh Cupress swamps with Spanish moss hanging from the "live oak' trees.

When you are in port and if you time i would like to talk on the phone and compare notes related to few a few observations. Thank you

canvas work

Canvas is now completed, Bimini, PH windows, fly bridge console and BBQ.


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A Day Out

Today we took the boat out for an ocean run. We were met with 15 knot winds, 2 foot wind chop and 3' swells at 8 seconds. We played with speed and changes in direction to continue to learn the boats handling. We decided to turn down wind, put on the AP and enjoy lunch in PH overlooking the famous Hotel Del Coronado.

The motion of the hull regardless of sea state is very similar to the FD N40 except for enhanced initial stability.

After returning to the dock we rested up then walked across the street for the San Diego Boat Christmas �� Parade. What a blast with at least 60 boats.

Today was a good day.
Sailor Blue

Sailor Blue at her first Christmas �� Boat Parade.


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We are going to be in San Diego in April. Perhaps we can meet you and Sailor Blue.

The motion of the hull regardless of sea state is very similar to the FD N40 except for enhanced initial stability.

John - is this comparison to a stabilized or non-stabilized N40? Do you consider this a good thing or something you hope to improve?
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John - is this comparison to a stabilized or non-stabilized N40? Do you consider this a good thing or something you hope to improve?

The comparison is between the N40 w/o stabilization and the H38E as it relates to proving a soft & limited roll motion. No question the absence of stabilization is noticed in full beam seas but not in head or aft seas. This was one of the points we considered (and struggled with) during the design / build process as we focused on a simpler boat to own and maintain this time around. Our conclusion (so far) is that we will be watching the weather a little closer with this boat and try to stay away from larger and short period beam sea conditions. We have always been conservative when it comes to trip planning and have been known to turn around more than once when seas picked up so I believe we will be fine without stabilizers on this boat especially when we start the ICW in the future.

John we will be staying at Sunroad Resort Marina 4/1 thru 4/8.
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