Considering Pilot 34 Purchase

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Maine Boater

Sep 6, 2019
Hi All,
My wife and I are seriously considering the purchase of a Mainship next year. Having run a SeaRay Sundancer the past couple of years, I have a pretty tall list of wants/needs for the next boat and I think the Pilot 34 fits as close to all of them as we can get.....I'm looking for any insight from current/previous owners experience.
We like to "cruise", don't want to go fast, but would like to be able to get out of danger if needed. I really want a diesel for economy, single is fine as long as I have a bow thruster to help with docking (not a complete seasoned pro yet). We spend pretty much every weekend on our boat at the marina here in Maine during the summer so we are looking for a good balance of comfort while staying at the dock and easy handling for just the two of us.....that's why I don't want to move up to a fly bridge or anything that big YET.
The only other "want" is the ability to have our son or someone else spend the night on the boat with us occasionaly which means another sleeping area. I know these are a lot of demands for a small-ish boat, am I way off base in thinking the Pilot 34 would be the best choice?

Also should mention that we want to be around the $100kish price range.
Thanks for any input anyone can give, I really appreciate it.
Maine Boater,
We have an 07 Pilot 34 Sedan (hardtop model) that works very well for us in use as you describe. Ours is a twin engine with no thrusters. Our fast cruise speed is 15-16 kn slow cruise around 7.5 kn and WOT is about 21kn. The single engine model fast cruise and WOT would be 1 - 2 kn less. The dinette makes a pretty functional guest berth for a weekend or so. Storage is limited for longer trips, but 7 to 10 days has been doable for us.

The boat is great for a cocktail cruise with lots of space on the bridge deck and cockpit. The hardtop works great to keep us out of the Florida sun, but the side windows on our year model allow plenty of ventilation. The soft top models tend to be significantly cheaper though. We love the styling of the boat, especially with our dark blue hull, and off white deck. It would look right at home in Maine!

I think most would tell you that the Mainships provide a lot for the money, as indicated by the number out there. The build quality is solid and the traditional looks stay in style. I haven't looked at what's in the market lately, but your $100k budget may push towards earlier models. Single engines typically seem to have a bow thruster installed and are priced lower than twins.

Good luck in your search,

I sold my 2003 single engine, hardtop Pilot 34 last year for $110,000 so your price is in the ball park. That was one of the best all around cruising boats I ever owned. I won't extoll all of its virtues- lots, but I will describe some of its nits:

1. Noisy at high cruising speeds of 12-15 kts. I didn't have much, but others have reported a cavitation type noise at those speeds. At 7-8 kts it is very economical and at decent noise that allows easy conversation.

2. The single engine boat is DIY maintainable. The twin is not.

3. The lack of a flybridge is fine in most conditions in the NE where we boated, but if in a warmer area you might wish for one some days.

4. The dinette can be turned into a spare bed, well sort of- lots of cross cushions.

5. The exhaust system is marginally designed and possibly can let sea water back up into the turbo, but very few have reported problems. Can be fixed with an exhaust riser extension.

But all in all we loved ours.

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we've had our 2003 pilot hardtop for 10 years in long island sound. it's a single with a bow thruster.

couple of points: 1) in maine i'd opt for the hardtop. no leaks and warmer. 2) our daughter regularly joins us in blocl island for a couple of days. she sleeps on th sette behind the driving station and once on the floor ontop of settee cushions. this gives both parties a little more privacy. 3) i believe that hardtops are 1 out of 10 produced so are much rarer.

we do a couple of 1 week stays in block and usually a 2 week trip to the cape & marthas vineyard. very good value and much better build than i expecte.
All, thank you for such quick and GREAT information. I forgot to mention one of the biggest WANTS of all is VERY LITTLE TO NO CANVAS! I am so sick of fighting with canvas you have no idea. So the accolades for a hard top are right on point! :)
Sounds like we are definitely pointed in the right direction for sure. Any other tips/thoughts are encouraged.....
I don't much like canvas either, but look at the attached pic of my former boat with its aft bimini. It keeps the sun off of the aft cockpit in the afternoon at anchor.



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We have an awning that we use when aboard to serve the same function as David's bimini. It mounts using a bolt rope track under the hardtop and uses two poles in rod holders for the aft corners, works very well for us. In David's picture the panels that enclose the aft end of the bridge deck are barely visible. There are 2 sides, port and starboard back panels, and a large center panel that is likely rolled up in the photo.

I meant to ask too, how comfortable is the main berth? Am I correct in thinking that it's designed to have your heads aft and feet towards the bow? The Vee berth in our current SeaRay is the MOST uncomfortable thing in the world for me and I'm not a big guy, 5'11". When it's just my wife and I, she sleeps up there and I end up in the aft berth by myself. :-(
The V berth is fine for my 5' 10" frame. it is wider aft where your shoulders go and narrower forward where your feet go. Our 20# dog would sometimes sleep at our feet with room for all.

We used to charter one of these, powered by a single Cummins and bow thruster equipped, out of Sausalito for day trips and long weekends. Fun boats. One of the joys of chartering is not having to maintain the boat, so I bow to actual owners on that front. We still had to do engine checks each morning, and I'd agree a single is preferable on that front.

Our only issue, which is a personal one, was, that like it's kindred Mainships of that era, the noise of the bow slap in the stateroom. We liked to anchor out, so I used simple earplugs to help mitigate that. We're contemplating getting a boat for that sort of usage (what Ann calls a "camping boat") and I'd definitely have one of the Pilots on the to-be-considered list.
I recently helped a buddy of mine bring his just purchased 2005 Pilot 34 from Annapolis to RI via New York city. It is a hard top with single Yanmar 370 and bow thruster. Boat performed flawlessly, we were in some rough seas off of Atlantic City and handled it no problem. 2nd day we ran 18 hours straight. Auto pilot was nice.

I have been on a fair amount of these - and if I were buying one I would want;
single engine
hard top
not painted hull

But, the downside of that shopping list is it really narrows availability. As others have said there were far more soft tops produced.

IMHO these boats are very high quality and a great layout for the money they command.
I would add...later model w sliding helm side window. Great for variable ventilation plus easy access to side deck for shorthanded docking. Be any seaway/wind there is a lot of spray over the bow. Windshield wipers are important.
I like the capability we have to pivot the aft canvas supports forward against the hardtop where I place the boot over it. Better for trolling with it forward; better for anchoring with it deployed. Takes couple minutes to deploy because the bolt rope interface includes a zipper to attach once out of the boot.

I thought of naming my 30 Pilot II Splash because of the amount of spray it generates. A spray rail may be in my boat's future.


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Well after my wife stepped aboard a 34 Hard top this past weekend, she was SOLD! She was very apprehensive at first but once she saw the boat in person she has fallen right in love! Now, here's the biggie I need some help with.....we would have made an offer on the boat we looked at except it has a "hard back" with a door and she feels as though that really makes things feel cramped on the cockpit and not as open to the helm area....I agree, we both like the hard top, hard three sides with canvas back. That being said, I thought that I really wanted the single 370hp but after looking at this one with twins.....I have to say I'm torn. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any hard draft measurements with single vs. twins. It APPEARS to me that the twins with it's prop pockets has a much shallower draft than the single with the keel and sand this actually the case? Can anyone weigh in on this debate. My thoughts are this, twins give maneuverability, redundancy, faster top end....BUT twice the maintenance cost, tighter quarters for maintenance in the engine room.

I'm open to hearing any and all comments on this one....we are getting very close to pulling the trigger on one of these boats!
Thank you, Rob

you don't mention the year of the boat. my guess is it is a newer version. i'm not familiar with pilots with hard back wall. does it have sliding side windows? in cold, foggy maine you might come to love the full enclosure.

as to twin vs single, i think the real issue about the twin is the accessibility to the outboard sides. other than that i'd probably vote for twins even though i own a single.

i'd be interested in bottom config on the twins. i do like the protection the keel offers on a single.
I think that the "hard back" came with the 2007+ models along with the squared off side windows. Don't know of they slide. I have never been inside one so I can't comment on its lack of openness versus the canvas/plastic back but I can imagine what you are saying.

Pictures of twins on the hard show the typical rudders that might give a bit of protection to the props but nothing like the single's sand shoe. Draft should be less for the twins, but given the lack of protection it is somewhat meaningless.

Like I have said many times before, if you do your own maintenance even just changing impellers, go with the single.

I believe the hard back was an add-on. I used to use a boatyard in FL that said they had developed a kit working with Mainship for a solid enclosure across the back. On my 07 hardtop model the side windows are larger than on the earlier models and slide open. Along with the center opening windshield section, this gives us a great deal of ventilation and you can usually had the leeward side open even in a downpour. This is quite useful here in FL. The side window openings are large enough for ingress/egress and for line handling from the helm. We usually just roll the center section of the canvas up, but for extra openness, you can leave the 3 panels zippered and roll the entire rear section.

As far as the bottom configuration, the pocketed props and the twin engines have a shallower draft than the single engine version. I've seen it listed in Mainship brochures as 2', but I measure it closer to 2'4" as normally loaded for us, versus 3'4" or so for the single. There is a stub keel which is the deepest part of the boat which extends to about where the props are located providing some protection.

Engine access is challenging, but not impossible by any means. All routine checks can be done from the center aisle between engines. Oil, coolant, and transmission fluid levels are all easily accessible. The starboard engine has a secondary dipstick on the port side to allow easier access. A couple of times a year you do get to visit the outboard sides of the engines for oil filter (stbd), zincs (some on each engine) and impeller (port), which does require some contortions. I'm 6'1" and less flexible as a 60 y.o. but I manage it. The toughest part is getting turned around to get back out. Once you are on the backside of the engine, there is a fair amount of room, but limited headroom. For me the advantages of the twins outweigh the disadvantages, but that is an individual decision.

I think you have accurately characterized the various tradeoffs, now you just need a pro/con list and a glass, or two, of wine and you'll have your answer.

Good luck with your search,

All very good points yet again, thank you!
The hard back that we are looking at is actually a 2002....the side windows do NOT open which is kind of a drag. I completely get the single engine with sand shoe for protection vs. the twin setup and the maintenance issues. Since we currently have a Sun Dancer with twin 350 Mercs in it which I have taken out and re-installed 3 separate times in the past year and a half, there isn't much that concerns me as far as access is concerned (that was miserable but doable) my son is a VERY talented diesel technician so that's a huge deal for me.

Brett, my wife and I have worked on our pros and cons list with many a cocktail and am I still very torn as to which setup to get.....I honestly think its going to come down to the actual boat AND the deal I find. If I find a reasonably priced twin that's close to us vs. a single that is far away ($$$ Shipping) then that will make the decision for me.
Thanks again everyone for such great insight, it is a HUGE help to me.
hi rob,

noticed part of the decision would be delivery $$$. would/could you deliver it yourself? i would think that many of your candidates will be east coast us, fl west coast, and maybe a few great lakes. all doable with time.
Our side windows do not open which can make it warm. To counter we installed fans in forward corners of the cockpit. The previous owner had snap on shades made which drop the temp significantly when we are not cruising. Only takes a couple of min to put on take off. We also have a large sun awning. You do get better airflow when you remove the side glass aft. Our model came with the optional aft fridge which is nice but labors when its very hot. So we installed a large Yeti type cooler with seat cushion aft and use it for extra seating, table and foot rest, plus the ice holds for 5-6 days.

I do find with the hardtop anything above 13kts is quite loud. Good luck in your search
I'm not real familiar w the Pilots, especially underwater gear but most boats I've seen the difference in draft between single (with a larger tunnel) and twins ( with no or shallower tunnels) is small.
The additional protection of sand shoe sort of makes it a wash in regards to draft as I would leave more room for error w unprotected props.
Ahhhhhh, I wish that I had the time to motor it up the East Coast myself, that would be an adventure....but unfortunately there is no way I could.
The hard back we looked at this weekend actually had a second A/C in the helm area which I think would be a super necessity with limited air flow (plus the windows were deep tinted).
I think only the newer models have the sliding windows on the sides which would be out of our budget.
Oh the dilemmas..... Might have to just close my eyes and throw a dart to choose! :)
Thanks again everyone....all great insight.
FWIW, the Pilot 34 is easy to ship by truck. We only had to remove the radar dome and spot light to ship ours from NC to Ct. Cost about $3,500 four years ago.

If the hard door across the back was an add on, then it can probably be removed. You may have to patch some holes but it should be doable.
Agreed on removing the hard back....that was one of the first things I mentioned. Especially when I asked the broker "how would the engines come out?" he said "most likely have to remove the back wall".......
Well after my wife stepped aboard a 34 Hard top this past weekend, she was SOLD! She was very apprehensive at first but once she saw the boat in person she has fallen right in love! Now, here's the biggie I need some help with.....we would have made an offer on the boat we looked at except it has a "hard back" with a door and she feels as though that really makes things feel cramped on the cockpit and not as open to the helm area....I agree, we both like the hard top, hard three sides with canvas back. That being said, I thought that I really wanted the single 370hp but after looking at this one with twins.....I have to say I'm torn. I have looked everywhere and cannot find any hard draft measurements with single vs. twins. It APPEARS to me that the twins with it's prop pockets has a much shallower draft than the single with the keel and sand this actually the case? Can anyone weigh in on this debate. My thoughts are this, twins give maneuverability, redundancy, faster top end....BUT twice the maintenance cost, tighter quarters for maintenance in the engine room.

I'm open to hearing any and all comments on this one....we are getting very close to pulling the trigger on one of these boats!
Thank you, Rob

My 2004 has twins, I love them. It’s also has a bow thruster which does come in handy. I am 6’ (170lbs) I can maneuver around the twins well enough, biggest p.i.a. is changing the oil filter on the port engine which is on the outboard side.

We go offshore often and the twins do give piece of mind should one engine crap out.

I feel that the keel and prop pocket design provide more than enough protection while allowing for a more shallow draft. The Great South Bay on Long Island is also affectionately known as “the sand box” I have come across, well not across, more like into some uncharted sandbars and my props are in perfect condition.
Lots of tidbits here, just have to hunt around for them Yanmar Performance Data


Length Overall: 36'1" 11.00 m
Length Less Pulpit & Platform: 34'0" 10.36 m
Beam: 12'3" 3.73 m
Draft (Single Engine): 3'3" 0.99 m
Draft (Twin Engines): 2'0" 0.61 m

Headroom: 6'4" 1.93 m
Clearance Height (Air Draft): 9'0" 2.74 m
Sleeping Capacity: 4
Displacement - Express: 15,000 lbs 6,810 kg
Displacement - Sedan: 16,000 lbs 7,264 kg
Fuel Capacity: 250 gal 946 l
Water Capacity: 70 gal 265 l
Holding Tank: 20 gal 76 l
Available Power - Diesel:
Single Yanmar 370 Diesel 370 HP 276 kW
Twin Yanmar 240 Diesels 240 HP 179 kW
My experience with the single engine Pilot 34 is that the Mainship/Yanmar numbers published in that table are 10% high. This is also true for the single engine 34T which I owned a few years ago. Maybe the difference is lightly loaded vs normally loaded.

With the enclosed back it will make it more of a challenge to entertain. However it will likely be warmer so it will extend your boating season. We decided on a single for lower cost maintenance. We do not go offshore often.
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