Confined to Quarters

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy G

Hospitality Officer
Sep 20, 2010
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
IG 36 Quad Cabin
It appears that the starboard watch (AKA OTDE) has been confined to quarters after the skipper became aware of late night goings on behind the engine room. Scuttle Butt has it that a quarrel broke out over whether*a left hand screwdriver was inherantly*better than the right hand model.

Apparently all the noise*alerted the officer of the watch who in turn*woke the skipper.

To quote Jack Aubrey in 'Post Captain', "I know damned well well what's going on;and I wont have it.I won't have it.*What simple fellows you are, to listen to a parcel of makee-clever sea-lawyers and politicians , glib quick talking coves.Some of you have put your necks into the noose. I say your necks into the noose."
Oy, let em swing!!
Well, let's see how this works out. There are plenty of posts in the other areas that spin out of control too. But, since there are only two or three members on this forum who know what they're talking about...
I think it was brought on by whomever threw the skippers palm tree overboard. MR. ROBERTS........
RT - Some of your inputs truly are priceless...
What?* Me Worry!!


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I think we're out of range!


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Now I have an extra hour in the day.
Steve W.
I always enjoyed OTDE but most forums I follow don't allow political comments anyway.
One of the things that I have always liked about this forum was that freedom of speech was allowed. It's not like someone is going to reach into their computer and choke a person that they don't agree with. Cursing, extreme crudeness or name calling I won't defend, however.

I was once banned from T&T for posting a notice about selling my boat in the main forum instead of BST. I was new and did not know BST existed. But I was banned anyway. Some other frequenters of this forum are still banned. I hope we don't go there.
What's the plan Andy???

I swear I'm innocent. *Let me out of here!
As a newcomer, I probably don't rate an opinion, but . . . good riddance.

In other groups I belong to, forums like that always devolve into echo chambers for one political screed or another. *Just the kind of horses**t I go boating to avoid. *

Yes, it's a free country and if I don't like OTDE, I shouldn't click on it and [insert disclaimer here]. *But I've seen the rhetoric get so heated on other sites, it can bleed over and contaminate the forums that are on-topic and actually have value.*

So, assuming the mods don't kill it, is there any way to put an entire forum on my ignore list, so I can preserve the fantasy that the culture wars don't exist in the trawlering world?
I haven't seen it migrate into other sections . well maybe just a tad, but it was self policed.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. You have to click on the OTDE to access it.

If someone has a problem with it don't go there.

Why is that hard to understand? I don't get it.


Andy G wrote:
To quote Jack Aubrey in 'Post Captain', "I know damned well what's going on;and I wont have it....
******* After I read this I was "incensed" but thought I'd give it awhile before I responded. It wasn't the words that set me off but rather the "pathetic" response to pulling the thread & PMing an individual with the threat of kicking him off the Forum. OTDE was clearly labeled as "Adults Only...Don't Enter if You're Easily offended." I don't like the name calling either, on both sides, but we are all men and quite capable of defending ourselves. We don't need a forum "nanny" taking sides with one party or another.

To top it all off, the owner starts a thread that he thinks will tactfully and diplomatically defuse the matter. If I want PC and censorship, I'll watch the evening news but when I go to a site that I've really enjoyed (and supported with my wallet) I don't need to see "unilateral actions" taken by a moderator that clearly has no clew and is in over his head.

With that said, I will say "goodbye" to all the friends I've made on this site since October 2007. I have your e-mail addresses on my computer and will be in touch. I've also made a copy of this post, in case there's another computer glitch and it gets lost. (I've already had 1 post and a PM disappear.)

SeaHorse ll

Please remove me from the member list.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 02:56:47 PM


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Ostrich have a really neat and easy way to hide from reality (not actually true, but often referred to whimsically regarding human actions).* This particular method for obtaining item/circumstance obscurity is never too conducive to seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling... or... I imagine even thinking*clearly.* But, that is the right of any Ostrich... no matter the bread... they can always - - > Stick Their Head In The Sand!!
PS: IMHO (this time*I added the H cause I thought it would sound good! - LOL)
OTDE threads and posts carried much well debated content and were usually a learning experience for all concerned.* If by our general age group some have not gotten at least a slightly thickened hide then they should keep with reading Superman Comic Books (always my favorite as a child) and stay out of OTDE.* Its really just that simple!*
SeaHorse II wrote:Andy G wrote:
To quote Jack Aubrey in 'Post Captain', "I know damned well what's going on;and I wont have it....
******* After I read this I was "incensed" but thought I'd give it awhile before I responded. It wasn't the words that set me off but rather the "pathetic" response to pulling the thread & PMing an individual with the threat of kicking him off the Forum. OTDE was clearly labeled as "Adults Only...Don't Enter if You're Easily offended." I don't like the name calling either, on both sides, but we are all men and quite capable of defending ourselves. We don't need a forum "nanny" taking sides with one party or another.

To top it all off, the owner starts a thread that he thinks will tactfully and diplomatically defuse the matter. If I want PC and censorship, I'll watch the evening news but when I go to a site that I've really enjoyed (and supported with my wallet) I don't need to see "unilateral actions" taken by a moderator that clearly has no clew and is in over his head.

With that said, I will say "goodbye" to all the friends I've made on this site since October 2007. I have your e-mail addresses on my computer and will be in touch. I've also made a copy of this post, in case there's another computer glitch and it gets lost. (I've already had 1 post and a PM disappear.)

SeaHorse ll

Please remove me from the member list.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 02:56:47 PM

*No Walt! Please don't go! Really! Seriously!
SeaHorse II wrote:Please remove me from the member list.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 02:56:47 PM

*Come on Walt. Give it a little more time. You never know how it will turn out. You are one of a few here I can count on for a reasonable approach to most everything. You notice, I said MOST.*
My observation is: Any person's "political" views has little to do with their boating expertise. Yes, some discussions on OTDE have degenerated into name calling and rabid responses (on several occasions, most probably alcohol fueled and although I do not drink myself, I can appreciate the mindset) but the fact remains that the majority of contributions on other sections of this site have added greatly to my boating knowledge. As a result of "getting to know" some members from OTDE, I would never associate with them but that does NOT lessen their contribution to the sum of my learning.
I say, let OTDE continue. I feel it greatly lessens the creep of anyone's views into other sections of the site. I fully agree with Mr. Carey, and urge those members thinking of leaving to hang tight until we all see what develops from moderator intervention.
Here is the skinny on what's going on:
1) Site was sold, plan is to stay the course.
2) There have always been some rules including no personal attacks, no illegal content, don't misbehave, etc. We plan to keep those and will refine them so they are clearer and thus everyone know where the line in the sand is drawn.
3) We are moving to new software which will give us more tools for our team to communicate and discuss how to hand issues when they arise.
4) Our team will be reviewing our own processes to make sure we are all in lock step in how we manage issues. This has been kind of tough in recent weeks because many of the team have been offline and unavailable to contribute their $.02 on how to handle things. Item 3 above will help tremendously with this.
5) The focus of this forum is Trawlers and boating and we don't want to see members turn on each other just because they might have different beliefs. We will evaluate the value of OTDE and probably re-open it once we change software.

At this time we are navigating through some uncharted waters and our team has some work to do. I will be the first to admit that we have done somethings well and also made mistakes. The important thing is that we are chatting internally about the issues and learning from our mistakes. Please be patient as we motor through these choppy seas, there are smoother waters ahead...

-- Edited by Andy R on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 04:46:02 PM

-- Edited by Andy R on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 04:46:23 PM
SeaHorse II wrote:After I read this I was "incensed" but thought I'd give it awhile before I responded. It wasn't the words that set me off but rather the "pathetic" response to pulling the thread & PMing an individual with the threat of kicking him off the Forum. OTDE was clearly labeled as "Adults Only...Don't Enter if You're Easily offended." I don't like the name calling either, on both sides, but we are all men and quite capable of defending ourselves. We don't need a forum "nanny" taking sides with one party or another.
To top it all off, the owner starts a thread that he thinks will tactfully and diplomatically defuse the matter. If I want PC and censorship, I'll watch the evening news but when I go to a site that I've really enjoyed (and supported with my wallet) I don't need to see "unilateral actions" taken by a moderator that clearly has no clew and is in over his head.

With that said, I will say "goodbye" to all the friends I've made on this site since October 2007. I have your e-mail addresses on my computer and will be in touch. I've also made a copy of this post, in case there's another computer glitch and it gets lost. (I've already had 1 post and a PM disappear.)

SeaHorse ll

Please remove me from the member list.

-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 02:56:47 PM

Walt, I seriously hope you reconsider your position and will stay on long enough to give this change a chance and see if this is the type of community you'd like to stay associated with.* We all agree that mistakes were made on both sides.* What's important now is how these wrongs are righted and what measures are put in place to assure these mistakes are avoided in the future.*

As you know, there is much agreement with your feelings.* As one who has been on the receiving end of many virulent attacks from one member, I feel it's about time someone reel in the out-of-bounds behavior and deal with the issue reasonably and equitably. I agree that there needs to be accountability, but it needs to be evenly distributed on both sides of the aisle.

I feel that OTDE serves an important function of keeping the non-boating discussions from creeping into other boating-related threads.* There are a couple of individuals who could use a lesson or two in decorum and proper behavior, but the majority reasonable and a few are outstanding.* I put your posts iin the outstanding category and know we'd all be the poorer if you leave.

SeaHorse II wrote:Andy G wrote:
To quote Jack Aubrey in 'Post Captain', "I know damned well what's going on;and I wont have it....
******To top it all off, the owner starts a thread that he thinks will tactfully and diplomatically defuse the matter.
-- Edited by SeaHorse II on Wednesday 7th of March 2012 02:56:47 PM

*Hold up Walt, a little misunderstanding I think.

I started the post* with my usual tongue in cheek style to get a discussion going on the recent events in OTDE. You are confusing me with the new owners Andy R, whereas I am Andy G also known as 'Shrimp' in my former life.

Andy G and Andy R are seperated by the entire Pacific ocean.

So you must certainly stay, would'nt be the same without you.
This discussion is not about*boating...shouldn't it be moved to OTDE?
Keith wrote:
This discussion is not about*boating...shouldn't it be moved to OTDE?
*Keith - I Second the Motion!
Moonstruck wrote:I swear I'm innocent. *Let me out of here!
*Gee ... feels like I'm losing an ally.
I dont see where the problem is.

Political discussions always follow the same route.

When the Lefdt looses their emotional religious rant to a reasoned argument ,

"Well I thought you were smarter than that", or your fat , or some other personal attack is all they have.

Most adults understand this , the reason there is no "Left Wing" talk shows.

Emotion and vitreol only last short while , most folks prefer reality.
FF wrote:
I dont see where the problem is.

Political discussions always follow the same route.

When the Lefdt looses their emotional religious rant to a reasoned argument ,

"Well I thought you were smarter than that", or your fat , or some other personal attack is all they have.

Most adults understand this , the reason there is no "Left Wing" talk shows.

Emotion and vitreol only last short while , most folks prefer reality.

I rest my case . . .

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