circumnavigation-West to East

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Feb 12, 2019
baltimore city
Hi shipmates,

From Norfolk, Va. is it possible to go west to east instead east to west which is normally the way it is done. We would love to visit Europe and the Middle East going through the Suez Canal rather than go via the Panama Canal and see endless Pacific Islands. Our motor sailor carries 225 g diesel and we can easily hold another 300 g. We are a schooner rig and sail better in strong or a broad reach. Want to spend time in Manila, my wife's true home. Michael
We spent time in the Indian Ocean and we never met a recreational boater coming down the Suez Canal and heading East. Coming out of the Suez Canal from the north, you'll have contrary currents till you get close to the equator then it's a motor boat ride but still to weather.

Get Jimmy Cornell's book, "World Cruising Routes". It's a great resource that gives routes, best time of year and distances. How much time do you have? There are seasonal considerations also.

Good luck on your dream.
On our five year westabout circumnavigation we met one boat going the other way. That was just south of Borneo and we chatted on VHF for a while.
The camaraderie built up with other cruisers is a big part of the adventure. We are still in touch with sailors we met from all over the world, twenty years ago. Going eastabout you may not get that.
Still quite possible however.
Hi shipmates,

From Norfolk, Va. is it possible to go west to east instead east to west which is normally the way it is done. We would love to visit Europe and the Middle East going through the Suez Canal rather than go via the Panama Canal and see endless Pacific Islands. Our motor sailor carries 225 g diesel and we can easily hold another 300 g. We are a schooner rig and sail better in strong or a broad reach. Want to spend time in Manila, my wife's true home. Michael
Sure. That's the route for the OSTAR race. Find a copy of Hal Roth's book The Longest Race to get the flavor.
I think the OP could have a nice sail south to Brazil then around the Cape of Good Hope and across the Indian Ocean. Then to Europe from the Phillipines.
Still have troubles getting past north shore of Brazil. It’s a spot you might be going against the current, prevailing winds and see weather coming at you from your bow. Trinidad to central Brazil is a tough sail.

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