Chesapeake Anchor Holding Power Test

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Now that we see so simple a child can do it....

How about a cave man or would you have to pay royalties? :D
How about a cave man or would you have to pay royalties? :D

Out of deep respect and appreciation, I am resisting the urge to post images of owners who might well fit that description. :D

BTW - When boaters send in a warranty registration card after making a purchase, we send them a welcome letter with an offer of two Fortress caps if they send us an image of themselves aboard their boat holding up their new anchor.

I think there is gold in those photos.

I'll trade ... a 10kg fortress for my best caveman outfit pic holding my new anchor. :thumb:
Still love my original Bruce.
Still love my original Bruce.

The Chesapeake Bay test boat, the 81-ft. R/V Rachel Carson, has two original Bruce anchors aboard, and one is visible on the bow in the image below.

At the Captain's request we gave them a 32 lb (14.5 kg) FX-55 after the testing. During preliminary tests. This anchor had held to over 4,000 lbs during several pulls, tripping the aft winch in the process, and so they now have a very formidable back up anchor.


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