Cat 3208T v8

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MV Justace

Veteran Member
Aug 12, 2016
Vessel Name
M V Justace
Vessel Make
Lyscrest 42 Aft Cabin
Both engines having sat for two months will not start. New batteries this week. New filters all round and bleed the injectors on one engine ( have fuel there)
Engines wind over ok so can now only assume we have a fuel shut off problem ( but both engines at the same time?)
Solenoid active click on key turn. Have noted the shut off limiter lever under solenoid is sticking down and after being freed and solenoid reset still no go!
Suggestions please before we start pulling things apart!
Have noted on utube these 3208 engines do have this problem in trucks etc. help!!
You have not mentioned the kill switch. I would look to see if the kill switch is stuck on. I am assuming you have dual stations, check both.

Really need better info on the issue. Did you turn them off two months ago and just now returned to boat to find a no start or did they no start two months ago?
Any fuel shutoff valves happen to get closed?
l've kicked off a fuel seacock while roaming thru the engine room before. Check the easy things first!
While cranking the motor spay some starting fluid down the intake. If it tries to sputter you have a fuel problem.
You have not mentioned the kill switch. I would look to see if the kill switch is stuck on. I am assuming you have dual stations, check both.

Really need better info on the issue. Did you turn them off two months ago and just now returned to boat to find a no start or did they no start two months ago?
Thanks for your reply Tiltrider1.
I don't have a kill switch (that I'm aware of) on either Flybridge nor main helm. we just turn the key and push start button, turn key off to stop. I've had this boat (which we are full time Liveaboards) for over 8 years now and have never had this problem. Usually I start the engines including generator once a month when on the marina, but got off track so left it for over 6 weeks, so this is a whole new problem of which I would accept one engine maybe not starting, but TWO!
I always select which tank we are going to use prior to start up so I know I have fuel coming in, so that's not the problem. Even with fresh new batteries both engine spin well but no sign of start. Very frustrating to say the least!
A Mechanic over the phone suggested I unbolt the fuel shut off solenoid and start the engine and use a screwdriver to push down the limiter armature to stop, if it does starts. I have seen that done on Utube but yet to try that trick.
If you've got dual stations check to make sure the shift levers are in neutral at both stations. It happened to me before and the motors would not start.

Cheers, Bill
Based off of what you have said. The fuel cut off solenoid is wired into your ignition switches. Sounds like you have an electrical issue that is not allowing fuel to the engine. Before you start tearing engines apart I would be looking at the ignition wiring.

To prove this a quick shot of starter fluid while cranking the engines will cause them to momentarily start.
Thanks for your reply Tiltrider1.
I don't have a kill switch (that I'm aware of) on either Flybridge nor main helm. we just turn the key and push start button, turn key off to stop. I've had this boat (which we are full time Liveaboards) for over 8 years now and have never had this problem. Usually I start the engines including generator once a month when on the marina, but got off track so left it for over 6 weeks, so this is a whole new problem of which I would accept one engine maybe not starting, but TWO!
I always select which tank we are going to use prior to start up so I know I have fuel coming in, so that's not the problem. Even with fresh new batteries both engine spin well but no sign of start. Very frustrating to say the least!
A Mechanic over the phone suggested I unbolt the fuel shut off solenoid and start the engine and use a screwdriver to push down the limiter armature to stop, if it does starts. I have seen that done on Utube but yet to try that trick.
The remove the fuel solenoid troubleshooting is the same advice I got when I had 3208Ts.

You could buy a spare solenoid and use it to test, or just use the screwdriver shutdown method you described.
If you've got dual stations check to make sure the shift levers are in neutral at both stations. It happened to me before and the motors would not start.

Cheers, Bill
Thanks Bill. Yes I’ve been stung by this in past so not again. Both engines turn over ok so it nearly has to be the fuel shut off lever under the solenoid. Cheers Robin
Further to my problem above I forgot to mention that there is diesel under the solenoid covering the limiter (that is sticking down). To all you good Cat mechanics out there should this be so? Could this be a main cause of a no start and and causing the limiter to stay shut? I believed that it should be dry!
One other thing to check would be the micro switch that won't allow you to start the engine in gear. Yes be sure all stations are in neutral but also go back to the transmission and close to that are two wires connected to a micro switch and an eccentric that pushes on the microswitch lever or button when in gear. If you remove and connect the two wires you can isolate the microswitch and it may allow the engine to start whether in gear or not. If that works then you need new micro switches. I don't remember if the engines will turn over if the microswitch is bad.
Thanks for your reply Tiltrider1.
I don't have a kill switch (that I'm aware of) on either Flybridge nor main helm. we just turn the key and push start button, turn key off to stop. I've had this boat (which we are full time Liveaboards) for over 8 years now and have never had this problem. Usually I start the engines including generator once a month when on the marina, but got off track so left it for over 6 weeks, so this is a whole new problem of which I would accept one engine maybe not starting, but TWO!
I always select which tank we are going to use prior to start up so I know I have fuel coming in, so that's not the problem. Even with fresh new batteries both engine spin well but no sign of start. Very frustrating to say the least!
A Mechanic over the phone suggested I unbolt the fuel shut off solenoid and start the engine and use a screwdriver to push down the limiter armature to stop, if it does starts. I have seen that done on Utube but yet to try that trick.
Further to my problem above I forgot to mention that there is diesel under the solenoid covering the limiter (that is sticking down). To all you good Cat mechanics out there should this be so? Could this be a main cause of a no start and and causing the limiter to stay shut? I believed that it should be dry!
We have pulled the pump down and found the problem! Three of the pumps injector elements are stuck down on Starb engine and that’s our cause. I can’t move the rack on one side and now assume port engine has same problem.
Going to have to take the pumps off both engines and get them totally serviced by specialists. Have now been advised this can be a common problem with these engines if not used regularly enough other than just running dockside! A lesson for all us boaties if you don’t use it you loose it!
Just need to go Rob a bank to pay for the work.
Thanks every one for your help!
Buonasera a tutti, ho 2 3208 e mi é capitato che non partisse uno a causa di gasolio non fresco che ha bloccato aperta una pompante all’interno della pompa gasolio. Ho risolto con pistola d’aria calda sulla pompa gasolio per 15 minuti e si è sbloccata da sola. Si è sentito tak! ed è partito.
Good evening everyone, I have 2 3208s and it happened to me that one didn't start due to not fresh diesel which blocked a pump inside the diesel pump open. I solved the problem with a hot air gun on the diesel pump for 15 minutes and it unblocked on its own. It was heard tak! and he left.
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If you've got dual stations check to make sure the shift levers are in neutral at both stations. It happened to me before and the motors would not start.

Cheers, Bill
Definitely! Another issue potentially: A blown fuse/ lack of power to Fire prevention auto shut down will also prevent starting of both.
how old are the engines and how may runtime ?
i have 3208TA running good at the moment
fine that you haven found the problem
how old are the engines and how may runtime ?
I have 3208TA running good at the moment
fine that you haven found the problem
Hi Patrick,
The boat is about 34 years old, so no idea of engines age assume they would be probably around same. engine hrs are under 1500 now.
First 10 years of her life from new I have found out, she was just a condo on a marina in Queensland, then 2nd owner used her around the Bris bane waterways and didn't go on any extended trips that I know of as there wasn't a log book nor maintenance log on board as there is now.
We took her north for a year back 6 years ago over 7 months, (300hrs motoring) but since then have been a liveaboard dock queen with only a few short trips out for a few days and they were of only 1-2 hrs each way. So we have only put on about 328 Hrs since buying her. I had been running the engines every month up to temp and engaging props etc, She comes out for antifoul every two years. (in this marina the water is close to fresh water being way up a river).
Problem could have been caused most likely from lack of hard use and some old fuel as well. Tanks are only half full (and I use an additive to the fuel) as cost to fill her at the pretty high, (1600 liters. $4000 Aus.)
Cheers Robin
thanks for the reply, my boat / engines are 30 years, i have just 2300h on the motors they had by the previous owner a service from carterpillar in 2014 i travel the last years not so mutch , the trips i make are 4h to 6h max, i had a technical guy from carterpillar who told me it is not good to run the engines just on the dock side, they need to have a load on them i start them with 6 months not running. the cv is in the engine room so it gets not to cold in the winter, no damp, i use additief in the fuel. always run 20min before take of the jetty and on arrival let ten run 15 min to cool down the turbos the 3208ta are 435hp engines type Z (last letter on the serial number, it the describe the type of usage)
Buonasera a tutti, ho 2 3208 e mi é capitato che non partisse uno a causa di gasolio non fresco che ha bloccato aperta una pompante all’interno della pompa gasolio. Ho risolto con pistola d’aria calda sulla pompa gasolio per 15 minuti e si è sbloccata da sola. Si è sentito tak! ed è partito.
Good evening everyone, I have 2 3208s and it happened to me that one didn't start due to not fresh diesel which blocked a pump inside the diesel pump open. I solved the problem with a hot air gun on the diesel pump for 15 minutes and it unblocked on its own. It was heard tak! and he left.
Did you use the heat gun inside the pump with the top off the pump or just on the outside of the pump block. Just curious to know!
Did you use the heat gun inside the pump with the top off the pump or just on the outside of the pump block. Just curious to know!
La prima volta ho smontato il coperchio accedendo direttamente alla pompante bloccata, successivamente ho provato in un episodio analogo scaldando dall’esterno ed ha funzionato! Risparmiandomi di dover aprire ancora.
The first time I removed the cover by directly accessing the blocked pumping element, subsequently I tried in a similar episode heating from the outside and it worked! Saving me from having to open again.


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La prima volta ho smontato il coperchio accedendo direttamente alla pompante bloccata, successivamente ho provato in un episodio analogo scaldando dall’esterno ed ha funzionato! Risparmiandomi di dover aprire ancora.
The first time I removed the cover by directly accessing the blocked pumping element, subsequently I tried in a similar episode heating from the outside and it worked! Saving me from having to open again.
Thank you I may well try this while I have one pump apart. The other engine is still complete other than having taken the solenoid off to check. Found fuel under it also which means it is also leaking thru the seal to the shut off switch. Worth a go before spending $7000 to fix both properly. Thanks for your time Cheers mate
Thank you I may well try this while I have one pump apart. The other engine is still complete other than having taken the solenoid off to check. Found fuel under it also which means it is also leaking thru the seal to the shut off switch. Worth a go before spending $7000 to fix both properly. Thanks for your time Cheers mate
Non c’è nessun o-ring o parti sensibili ad una bella scaldata. Vai tranquillo. Buona fortuna
There are no o-rings or parts that are sensitive to a good warm-up. Go easy. Good luck
Non c’è nessun o-ring o parti sensibili ad una bella scaldata. Vai tranquillo. Buona fortuna
There are no o-rings or parts that are sensitive to a good warm-up. Go easy. Good luck
Hi mate, UPDATE. Some success! I used the gun on the open pump and two of the three springs lowered but the third from the right in your photo will not budge for whatever reason so still cant move the shut off lever.
wondering if I undid the top of the injector hose on that one could I spray so CRC down there or maybe use the heat gun on it. You have any knowledge if that would work? Robin
Insisti amico mio, la dilatazione dei materiali con il calore è la soluzione. Anche se rimane bloccata aperta solo una pompante su otto, non permette di mandare in pressione il gasolio di conseguenza ogni tentativo di far girare il motore serve solo a far passare gasolio, ma non può partire. Un buon prodotto per lubrificare è della WD-40 specialist, ma solo aprendo puoi accedere ai pistoncini. Io ho risolto, spero che ci riesca anche tu.
Buon mare

Insist my friend, the expansion of materials with heat is the solution. Even if only one pump out of eight remains stuck open, it does not allow the diesel to be put under pressure and consequently any attempt to turn the engine only serves to pass diesel fuel, but it cannot start. A good lubricating product is WD-40 specialist, but only by opening it can you access the pistons. I solved it, I hope you can too.
Good sea
Insisti amico mio, la dilatazione dei materiali con il calore è la soluzione. Anche se rimane bloccata aperta solo una pompante su otto, non permette di mandare in pressione il gasolio di conseguenza ogni tentativo di far girare il motore serve solo a far passare gasolio, ma non può partire. Un buon prodotto per lubrificare è della WD-40 specialist, ma solo aprendo puoi accedere ai pistoncini. Io ho risolto, spero che ci riesca anche tu.
Buon mare

Insist my friend, the expansion of materials with heat is the solution. Even if only one pump out of eight remains stuck open, it does not allow the diesel to be put under pressure and consequently any attempt to turn the engine only serves to pass diesel fuel, but it cannot start. A good lubricating product is WD-40 specialist, but only by opening it can you access the pistons. I solved it, I hope you can too.
Good sea
Thanks mate for the quick reply. When I said CRC I meant WD-40 which I have, so I will as you say persist!
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