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For Sale: Avon 11.5 RIB w/Seawise Davit System

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sep 4, 2011
We are selling our 2001 Avon 11.5 RIB with console steering, 25 hp 4 stroke Yamaha and manual Seawise Davit System. Runs great, no leaks, FAST and easy to load with the Seawise System. Also includes a trailer for the RIB to haul the RIB for Winter storage and maintenance. Very nice dinghy setup.

We keep the RIB at out place near Yakima for the winter and have our boat moored on Vashon Island, WA. Reason for selling-we bought a 15/ welded boat for fishing that we are towing instead of carrying on our swim step. It fits nicely on the swim step of our 36' Grand Banks.



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I put the wrong number for the Avon length, it is a 3.5 M not an 11.5.
Keith, that is a very good deal for the dinghy, motor, and complete Seawise system. If I were not already set up I would be on it. Good deal for someone.
Thanks Don. We think so too. Good equipment at a reasonable price. We are hoping this is what someone needs. The Seawise system costs more than our whole dinghy setup!
Do you happen to know how far in from the port edge of the swim grid the sea wise lift sits? I am looking for a setup like yours, however I have an aft cabin setup with ladder access from the swim step on the port side of the boat so I am wondering if you know the dimensions of where all the parts fit on your current boat. I assume the davit is not reversable.

By the way I find it interesting that one of the blogs I remember following when i was looking at various boats was your Albin 25 trip to Princess Louisa. Could not convince my wife that the Albin would work so we we another way. Did you ever finish the blog for the Willard trip? I don't think I ever saw the finish of that one.

I am not sure about the exact distance and our boat is 3 hours away. Here is the best photo I have of the SEAWISE mechanism from the port side.

I am not sure about reversing the davit because of the way the Weaver motor mount works. I think you would need to replace the tilting outboard motor mount to reverse the side. The lifting mechanism can work either side.

Let me know if there is anything else I can answer.


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I did not ever finish the Willard blog, I got too distracted doing other things. We have since sold the Willard to the partner we bought it with.

I am not sure about the exact distance and our boat is 3 hours away. Here is the best photo I have of the SEAWISE mechanism from the port side.

I am not sure about reversing the davit because of the way the Weaver motor mount works. I think you would need to replace the tilting outboard motor mount to reverse the side. The lifting mechanism can work either side.

Let me know if there is anything else I can answer.

Thanks for the quick reply. I will have to go down to the boat and eyeball the distances that I have to work with. It may be that the sea wise lift would be squarely where my ladder is currently. Is the motor bracket a weaver product? Oh and I meant to ask what material the tubes on the dinghy are made out of?

I did not ever finish the Willard blog, I got too distracted doing other things. We have since sold the Willard to the partner we bought it with.

I like your taste in boats. I worked hard at convincing my wife that an Albin 25 would work for us, but after spending a good part of a day on one she said it did not have enough room. I really like the Willards as well, but there was nothing on the market when we were looking. In the end we got a Tollycraft, which I guess does not count as a trawler, but we use it as if it was a trawler and have been happy with the choice. The Grand Banks may be in our future depending on what our priorities are in a few years.
Thanks Victor, we tend to go for the classic lines and builds in boats. The tubes are Hypalon and the outboard bracket I believe is the Weaver Lever.

Maybe you could move your ladder?

Our Albin was an amazing boat, more room than most boats anywhere near its size. less than 3/4 gallon per hour WITH the diesel heater running. The willard was awesome too about the same fuel burn as they had similar hp engines. More room, stable and long distance capabilities with lots of space for a couple. Our GB, well, it is a completely different class of vessel. It is rock solid, comfortable and a joy to pilot.

Tollycrafts are great boats, we looked at them too. Just did not find the one we wanted in our price range at the time. Strongly built, safe, durable and comfortable. We got a tour of Tolly's from a broker, Ray Reardon on Lake Union once. We went aboard a 40 something one and my wife said, this is larger than our house! Fun overlook of many different models. Ray was a gentleman of a broker and we were saddened when we heard of his passing.
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Well it looks like I will post this on Craigslist next. Too bad I was hoping someone from the forum would love this setup.

Thanks for all the replies from everyone.
just to far

Well it looks like I will post this on Craigslist next. Too bad I was hoping someone from the forum would love this setup.

Thanks for all the replies from everyone.
we like it and would buy it but just to far to pick it up
we r doing the loop and in MI now
Reg and Em
�� love autocorrect and not proofreading before posting. Sounds like I need to be on the boat and away from technology for awhile. ����
Help! I've been sold!
? love autocorrect and not proofreading before posting. Sounds like I need to be on the boat and away from technology for awhile. ??

Keith: Ya gotta watch out for the word-correct feature on the I-phones especially. Once it word-corrected my effort at "unfettered" to "unfeathered". Completely different impression was left and I didn't catch it till a week or so later.
With my fat fingers, who nose what spelling errors will turn up. ?

Looks like David got sold as a galley slave.....

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