And the adventure begins!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Looking forward to seeing her here on the St. Johns. We are at Harbortown (Inter-coastal and Atlantic Blvd)

Congrats on the new vessel. What a great adventure.

I just took my boat south from to Charleston. Took me 6 days, where last two days I was single handed. Here's the link to my quick write up (post #143):

Let me know if I can be any help.

I guess you're still around Norfolk area, so here are few comments. The VA cut is a breeze and the bridges, as well as the lock (thank God it's fixed finally) are well coordinated. However, there's one section where the timing is off.

Here's a note from my log:
From Centerville Tpk swing Br (made the 11:30am opening) need to bump it to maintain 9-10kts cruise to make 5nm run to make 12pm opening of North Landing Swing Br.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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Will, we'll probably end up behind you by a bit. Our boat is in Deltavillle ready to go back in the water tomorrow but we are in NJ now and won't be in Deltavillle until the 13th. Our planned departure is the 14th. We wanted to leave now but have too much to do before we leave and - as my wife and I keep reminding each other- we are not on a schedule!

Dave, you have any local knowledge about the entrance, or any preference on which arm to anchor in? I went strait in and anchored last time so I have not been to the right when entering....
Sorry I meant to reply to this part... Whatever you do watch the channel markers. Outside of them the bottom comes up quickly to only a couple of feet. Here is what Zimmerman's sent me to get us to their dock. You may well see us sitting on the ZMI Face Dock if you try going in further than the entrance.



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Great scoop thanks! I appreciate all the hints and tidbits!

I am so looking forward to playing again on the St John.


VR completed, contractor was on time, efficient and way less than I had been quoted! Big shout out to Paul over at Solomon's Yacht brokerage, he knows every one, has a kick but dog, loves boats and is an all around great guy!

Weather check shows a slowly deteriorating situation over the next 48. COMLOGHOME LANT has given a green light to the next leg based on local observation in the AM. So Deltaville here we come....might sit for a few days once there if the WX closes in, but hey the Weather man is the only guy in the news room who can be wrong 90% of the time and not get fired.

Today was slow so not much to report, however if I can I will get pics of Wolf Trap light, I just like that name!

Hope to see you out there!
Hey Will, I am enjoying reading about your journey, best to you and congrats on you new boat. :thumb:
0700 underway


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1600 all fast, FWE, and now laundry time!


What a great day on the bay! All secured for the night and as you all know, I have an underwear laundry is the top priority. The day started out cold and over cast, but now it is wonderful! Experienced no rain and I am really looking forward to the forecasted 70 deg! Boat is running great, and the folks here at the marina are tops! I posted some pics of the navigational marks, and tomarrow Wolf Trap!

So the Go Forward plan is to head out in the early AM and the take my time as the winds are forecast for Southerlies with a slightly higher intensity. Make NORVA and find a place to set up for the bridges and the Great bridge Lock. Also I will be executing a RDVU with a good friend for dinner, take on a full load of fuel, at those ridiculously low prices......ok the prices are only relatively low, but take joy in every thing you do and where you can!

Shooting the channel today was interesting, I had never been in here before only around to the south entrance, but thanks to Dave, I had a great arrival detail, and the currents were not to strong only carried about three degrees of crab in the channel!

Here is a pic of my front yard tonight........

Hope to see y'all out there!



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" but take joy in every thing you do and where you can!" Amen brother Will. Fair winds...
Looked like it was going to be a beautiful day on the bay. Dead calm here on the NJ shore. After the talk of the bridge schedules after Norfolk I checked and it looks like 2 have been removed. I'll be curious as to your speed and time to Norfolk as that will be our shakedown day.

Held in port for a few hours, as the forcast improved decided to head this is real mariner stuff, it is lifting and should burn off in a few hours. Just like being at work!


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I was so looking forward to actually seeing the structure, but alas the fog has her hidden!


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A little over one shot out on the bower anchor in two fathoms of water. FWE securely anchored Hospital Cove, NORVA.

Did not get as far today as I had wanted, but Mother Nature can play havoc with some of the best plans! The fog was not too bad and cleared up around the York River entrance. I have re enforced my belief that Furuno writes the absolutely worst manuals, they are so bad in fact I think they may pay people to review them just to ensure that they are almost their equipment has never failed me and once you get the hang of them you can almost talk to the space station with them. But the manuals......ugh......oh BTW the manual have gotten better over the years,but they still have a ways to go IMHO. I am laughing so hard as I write this!

Now that my rant is done, back to what really prolonged blast every two min, for several hours, it is amazing how you get into a rhythm and after about 20 min you don't need the clock any more. When the fog cleared the the light misting began, only a few times and nothing heavy, just enough the clean the salt off the upper works! Then listening to the USNS Big. Horn have some fun entering the buoys with a sail boat giving him the business.....USCG came on and asked if every thing was OK...Big Horn said it was, so the USCG was happy. Sail boat got out of the way and all was right with the world.

Traffic in NORVA was the usual.....a few ships, some tug and barge traffic, and a few pleasure boaters, in all a very enjoyable day! Now I sit hear cooking my frozen pizza with extra meet while looking almost directly at PETA's national head quarters, and the ACE region building!

Go Forward......shift Pier side to Top in the morning, bunker a full bag of fuel, hold up and clean the boat, then dinner and drinks with friends at the. Green Lantern......I wonder if the owner is either into comic books, Big Bang, both or is there some other reference that I am missing......

Hope to see y'all out there!


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Been there and done that but it is awfully nice to do it again through the eyes of someone else! :)
You must be @ Tidewater Yacht Marina.... Enjoy tonight & tomorrow,cold weather is coming this weekend....

If you get an early enough start in the morning, and clear all the bridges & lock ok, you should make it to alligator river marina tomorrow, that is unless you want to stop at Coinjock and have their awesome prime Rib.....Good Luck,

After having tried the so called "Prime Rib" at the Coinjock marina on three (3) separate occasions I can truthfully and vehemently say it's the worst I've ever had! I can't see where they got the reputation of having good Prime Rib. I would heartily recommend against such a waste of money. The marina facility itself is quite adequate.
I can't see where they got the reputation of having good Prime Rib.

Must be the whole waterfront ambiance sorta thing. Local dive waterfront diner has the worst bowl of chili I've ever eaten but I order it every time without fail.
Short day today, up the hook around 0800 and am sitting dock side, enjoying the day! Big plan for the day is clean the boat, and dinner with friends at the Amber Lantern.....I keep calling it the green bad!

Give a shout out to Top Rack Marina, so far they have been extremely friendly and have done more than promised! Fuel price was and is still good!

Go forward plan. With weather closing in and such a nice place' I am going to hold here through Sunday.....then make a break further south!

Hope to see y'all out there!
Oh yeah compulsory boat pic!


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"Go forward plan. With weather closing in and such a nice place' I am going to hold here through Sunday.....then make a break further south!"

Sounds like a very good plan, rest up!
THREAD CREEP WARNING...Mr. m'bus. Yup, 3X. First time (by car) was New Years Eve. Place was packed and servers run off their feet. Tough piece of meat (Put it down to overwork/poor planning by kitchen). Second time (also by car) was anniversary. Again tough (put it down to off night in kitchen-EVERY restaurant has one of those). Third time was passing through (By water) and was hungry (Gave them the benefit of the doubt for previous two occasions although I don't know why). Ordered the Captain's Cut thinking yummy leftovers for lunch the next day. $44 for a LARGE serving that was, without a word of a lie, 1/3 solid fat-a big chunk on one end. None too tender as well. Never again.
Apologies to Mr. Will. Back to the travelogue please. Mr. Will, that's a calender shot of your vessel. VERY nice!
December 7, 2013

First off thank you to all that serve, have served or directly support the United States Armed Forces. For some reason this date strikes a cord with me more so than Memorial Day......may we always remember.....

Down day today, got more cleaning done, and the weather is simply snotty! Had a great time at the Amber Lantern last night and the dine and stay program here at Top Rack is well worth it! Also their other gimmick is the cheapest diesel price, simply marvelous! Waiting for a few more friends to stop by this I am staying entertained.

No pic today as I did not move and my back yard is still the same........

Go forward plan: evaluate the weather in the AM and if reasonable, suck in all the strings and head further South. I have 7. More days of travel time before I need to think about recovering my car and heading Back to looking down range.....ah hell I am not going to plan this too hard, that would defeat the purpose of why I am doing this......I want so see our waterways, and above all have an adventure and enjoy the Coinjock, or further South???? If the wether is acceptable I will keep the keel in the deep water, and keep following the anchor........

Hope to see y'all out there!
Mr. Will. I vote for making as much time as you can so Coinjock may be a pass BUT keep in mind Albermarle Sound needs be crossed. If you're indecisive when you arrive in Coinjock as to stay there or press on AND you have good weather and time to do so, cross the sound. It's really snotty in a blow.
In the chamber.....


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They got it working again last week.....

Just pulled in to Coinjock......the pier is nice, snotty day, rain mod vis, and a little wind.......could have been worse.....let me go pay for my berth then I will relay all the gory details!
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