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For Sale: 46' efficiency trawler Winnie the Pooh, $79,900

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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photos I've taken around Miami lately.



IMG806.jpg This was actually for sale at the Boat Show!

Seems well done, but as he asked himself in his blog: "why?". He took a boat that sails great, had fresh air and a view from a easily accessed cockpit, and then totally eliminated those positives. My back hurts from just imagining how one must now enter and exit the wheelhouse, or carrying groceries from the dock to the galley, and how unergonomic sitting in the helm chairs must be for those with long legs.
It's in the same vein of Franks 30' houseboat with 4 250 hp Yamahas I posted in the VW mini van thread. This guy should had just bought a old Lindsey or Lancer motorsailer that already had a nice ergonomic pilothouse to transform. Used to see lots of these "imaginings" back when acid and hashish were readily available. Nice to see he finished it. That all said I like it and would likely buy it (I like weird) if I saw it- IF I could first find some hashish. Too bad Florida isn't Colorado, then it would be much easier to sell the bizarre.
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I thought about doing this myself ... converting a sailboat to a trawler.

But I was going to gut the hull and wind up w something like a sailboat hull w a Nordic Tug like cabin. And much smaller.

I like the Pooh a lot.

Here's another sailboat converted to powerboat. This one is being converted to an offshore fishing boat. New 4 cyl JD.


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That POS is ferrocement too- in the words of:imagesCAMGFYED.jpgDrugs are bad.
Wait. I thought all HWI's were glass. i guess i learn something new everyday.
Of course it's ferrocement but what's that got to do with it's being a converted sailboat? Drugs ???? She's not very fair either. But economical and a good boat to spend offshore in.

One of the biggest problems (there are quite a few) of converting a SB to a Trawler is that most trawlermen (by a long shot) cherish their ability to go faster that displacement speeds either once and a while or all the time. Very very few of those trawlermen are going to be interested in going at displacement speeds (1 knot below HS) and because of their short water lines due to their overhang (frequently at both ends) the sailboats are slower than the slow. This excludes modern sailboats that have extremely long WLs compared to trawlers.
Of course it's ferrocement but what's that got to do with it's being a converted sailboat? Drugs ???? She's not very fair either. But economical and a good boat to spend offshore in.


My point was that good acid and weed, were probably responsible for having the original idea that ferrocement was a good idea, back when that boat was built, what in the late 60's -early 70's? And then probably further contributed to the idea of "since we have no money for spars, rigging, and sails, I KNOW, let's make it into a power boat by enclosing the cockpit-that should work". Hey, at least they finished it and it's floating. I've seen plenty of them abandoned in fields, or busted up and taken to the dump by new owners of the property. I've literally watched skinny young long haired dudes turn into fat bald old men and NEVER launch their dreams, so that's better than nothing. :flowers:
Like the converter of the Heritage stated- BALLAST had to be removed, to prevent the snap roll of a sailboat without spars to balance the motion.
As soon as Florida has legal weed, like Colorado, then all these creative boats will find homes, like back in the good ole days when we were skinny young dudes with long hair. :>)
The Pooh is pretty spiffy. I'd take a peek at it if I wasn't so darned covered up with work. Missed Miami Show,...now Trawler Fest.:mad:
I like it. If it handles well in the sea, looks like a great boat for someone.
I do too!! If I were in looking for a shorter range passage maker on the cheap, I think this boat definitely would deserve a look!
My point was that good acid and weed, were probably responsible for having the original idea that ferrocement was a good idea,

The US NAVY thought ferrocement was a great idea for barges etc during WWII.


Winny the Poo is a neighbor , in the same hurricane hole development.

I have been aboard and she is a VERY nice boat , ready to go with no to do or work list.

If you stop buy , come on over and say hi, 2 blocks away.
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I do too!! If I were in looking for a shorter range passage maker on the cheap, I think this boat definitely would deserve a look!

While admiring the thought, effort, and finish of his creation, if I wanted a short range boat (which it is) I would want a much faster one with shallower draft, and if seeking a long range passagemaker I likely would choose a unmollested Heritage 46' which are actually pretty good sailing boats, that burn no fuel for less money. This is sorta like buying a Prius then at great effort and expense **** canning the hybrid part. Plus sailboats are hard enough to get in and out of, that building a hardtop, and installing helm seats to navigate around and under would get old quick. There's just so many naval architect designed boats out there, that it would take a very low price point for this one to rise to the top in a logical persons buying process. Custom cars are the same way. You see guys that chopped tops on previously beautiful designs, eliminate windshield wipers who then seem surprised the low auction offers they receive compared to the virgins.
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Winnie the Pooh for Sale, $84,900, this is mine.

I just joined this forum a couple of days ago. Today I came here to post my ad, and Surprise! someone has already done it for me. Some of the responses got a little jumbled (the ferrocement boat was not Pooh), so let me clarify a few things. I am a mechanical engineer with 14 years in the aerospace industry. Pooh is my second major boat rehab project. The work is of professional quality, and the design has now been tested by time. :)

We wanted a very efficient (low fuel and maintenance expense) fiberglass trawler that could go long distances, stay on the hook for years, and have sufficient space for living and working aboard. Nearly all trawlers sold in the US have engines much larger than needed to reach hull speed, so I knew efficiency could be substantially increased (We get 7.5 kts @1.5gph). We had already cruised for 2 years on a 36' Soverel sailboat which I had re-engined(34 hp Yanmar) and cut the keel down to 5', and were used to running with the engine most of the time. Seemed to me a sailboat hull could make a very good trawler with just a little work....turned out to be a lot of work. We started with a Heritage West Indies 46 ketch, a Charley Morgan design. We cut the keel from a draft of 6'6" to 4'8" at full load. Built a pilothouse over the center cockpit from foam cored glass, and remodeled the interior. Replaced the engine and driveline, added tankage, There was a lot more to it, but that's the short version.

We lived and cruised aboard Pooh from his launching in 1997 until 2007, doing the ICW, Canadian canals, Erie canal, Bahamas, Tenn-Tom and Tennessee River, and the gulf coast to New Orleans. In 2004 We bought a home in Turkey Creek, a canal development on the Okechobee Waterway about 50 miles inland from Ft. Myers, FL. We've now decided it is time to give up cruising and pursue other interests.

If this boat might interest you, please see my extensive ad with many photos at Winnie the Pooh Thanks
Mark Richter, phone 863-517-1152 richter-pooh@rocketmail.com

By the way, Charley Morgan called me today to say how much he liked Pooh and wish me well on the sale. He had come aboard for a tour back about 1999 at a Trawlerfest in Melbourne, FL.
Mark, just to clear things up....the original posting with a link at the top of the page has a price difference of $5000. Potential buyers might need some clarification there.

With that said, good luck on the sale. That is a very nice boat and will make someone a very nice cruising platform!
While admiring the thought, effort, and finish of his creation, if I wanted a short range boat (which it is) I would want a much faster one with shallower draft, and if seeking a long range passagemaker I likely would choose a unmollested Heritage 46' which are actually pretty good sailing boats, that burn no fuel for less money. This is sorta like buying a Prius then at great effort and expense **** canning the hybrid part. Plus sailboats are hard enough to get in and out of, that building a hardtop, and installing helm seats to navigate around and under would get old quick. There's just so many naval architect designed boats out there, that it would take a very low price point for this one to rise to the top in a logical persons buying process. Custom cars are the same way. You see guys that chopped tops on previously beautiful designs, eliminate windshield wipers who then seem surprised the low auction offers they receive compared to the virgins.

Okay....how about a medium(ish) range full displacement passage maker. I don't like sailboats. I don't like all of the CRAP above deck.

Show me a 5mpg 40ft+ full displacement mass produced motorboat with a 1500+ range? It simply does not exist. I am telling you. If I were going cruising in a motorboat and wanted to keep my purchase price reasonable, this boat would be hard to overlook. It will serve somebody quite well for motor cruising!!! And FYI, all that CRAP above deck on a sailboat isn't free!!! It costs money to replace. It costs money to maintain. And it costs money(and SPACE!!!) to maintain a spare parts inventory of all that CRAP!!!!

PS...if someone forced a Prius upon me, I would be under the hood trying to figure out how to put a Chevy small block in it!!!...;)
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PS...if someone forced a Prius upon me, I would be under the hood trying to figure out how to put a Chevy small block in it!!!...;)
I'm not the one who will be drawn into a conversation about going slow, but IF you wanna talk going faster, then I'm your guy.
Rolling Tamiami at over 100 with the top down.jpg

I'm rolling Tamiami at over 100 mph with the top down

Cruising 64 mph in triple diesel Fountain 48', which can run from Key West to Cancun burning 1 gallon per mile at over 50 mph. Why would you want to dawdle? Are we talking money or time? Many think it's easier to make more money in the time wasted going slow-so you can easily pay for the fuel. That's why triple and quadruple outboard powered boats are selling like crazy, and fuel efficient boats quit selling back in the 80's. Hmmm.
Below-Sleek new European boats vs. Old American boats. :>O


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But we are lovers of old American boats.
Aren't they fat in Europe too?
That red head is really cute.
I'm not the one who will be drawn into a conversation about going slow, but IF you wanna talk going faster, then I'm your guy.
View attachment 27795

I'm rolling Tamiami at over 100 mph with the top down

View attachment 27796
Cruising 64 mph in triple diesel Fountain 48', which can run from Key West to Cancun burning 1 gallon per mile at over 50 mph. Why would you want to dawdle? Are we talking money or time? Many think it's easier to make more money in the time wasted going slow-so you can easily pay for the fuel. That's why triple and quadruple outboard powered boats are selling like crazy, and fuel efficient boats quit selling back in the 80's. Hmmm.
Below-Sleek new European boats vs. Old American boats. :>O

I always thought that after doing the loop at 6-8 knots and striving to keep the costs down in all the different ways possible....sell the boat...take the cash..buy something that runs between 30-50mph...run the loop again, this time staying where you want in bed/breakfasts or luxury hotels and see which is more fun.....:D
I'm not the one who will be drawn into a conversation about going slow...
Cruising 64 mph in triple diesel Fountain 48', which can run from Key West to Cancun burning 1 gallon per mile at over 50 mph. Why would you want to dawdle?

If the object is to go from Key West to Cancun quickly, they have this new fangled thing called a Lear jett airplane. How out of touch would you have to be to travel at 64 mph when you could travel at over 400 mph. :rolleyes:

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If the object is to go from Key West to Cancun quickly, they have this new fangled thing call a Lear jett airplane. How out of touch would you have to be to travel at 64 mph when you could travel at over 400 mph. :rolleyes: Ted
Yeah and depending on which size It's starts at 15k each way. Jet ownership is not worth it. Chartering is where it's at.;)
The LOOP has been run by 18ft outboards in the 60s and by jet skis.

The question is how much comfort is required , to enjoy the adventure.

Not many places on the loop where fuel is not available , so a boat need not carry fuel for the entire trip from the start.
I had the pleasure of touring Pooh when it was at one of the Solomon Trawlerfests in the late 90's or early naughts. It was everything Mark says about it. It looked to be a very professional conversion and it has one of the best engine rooms around.
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