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For Sale: 36 CH Cape Island

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 19, 2012
Located in Michigan (Lake Superior).

Recent survey 2011.........$115,000.
Replacement cost........... $325,000

Wood-carvel plank, NS White Pine, white oak ribs, Built in 2000, Heisler Boat Yard, Nova Scotia (Been in buisness since 1800's. (please refer builders website)

36' Single 6cyl 140 hp American Diesel (Lehmans) 620 hours

8k Gen Set only 115 hours
Marine air/heat
All the goodies except a shower
Interior finished in mahogany.
Single large V birth
Much , much more................
517-two six two, one, six, three, zero
for more details and pictures.


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Beautiful wood boat-- Someone is going to get something to treasure!

Good Luck with the sale. JohnP
Geeze.....what a beauty. Unlike here in FL, you're in a place that one can appreciate fine wood boat building. Good luck.

I tried to contact you at the phone # you listed and it was the wrong phone #. Please post a way to contact you directly. I am in MI and would like some more info on your Cape Island.

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Beautiful boat. I am particularly impressed with the main cabin overhead treatment. A good piece of inspiration for the headliner replacement we intend to do on our own boat.
Notice the 2nd picture of the 2nd group. This is a light full disp hull ...... very efficient boat. A great demonstration of wood boats outshining plastic boats in efficiency. See that there is no hull below the WL on the transom. I would love to see the wake of this boat from the stern at hull speed.
I would love to see the wake of this boat from the stern at hull speed.

Now, settle down, Eric. I don't think they are allowed to post those kinds of photos on TF. :eek:
Walt I get excited when I see a really nice boat. She's over powered though.
Walt I get excited when I see a really nice boat. She's over powered though.
Ha, ha, ha...True to form Eric. I was sitting here just waiting for you to say that. I think it is powered just right. Good economical cruise, but by the looks, capable of a few knots above hull speed if a quick burst to cross a bar, or correct a potential broach..?
Walt I get excited when I see a really nice boat. She's over powered though.
I was pulling your chain again! I know exactly what you mean as I consider sitting in my cockpit, underway, looking over the transom, one of the best views in all of boating.:smitten:
Thank's for the wake pic CI 36. Would be more "telling" in calm water though.
Walt I was beginning to think I was the only one. Ther'e dynamic. Ther'e happening "now" and they have not only action but there's power within and interesting patterns. I'll not hijack the thread.
Cape island hulls are Legendary in the Canadian maritimes and New England. I was told that their were more Cape island hulls in the Saugus river (Massachusetts) than Halifax harbor at one time. I don't know if it was fact or urban legend.
The Cape Island is in Houghton Mich 49931 - Anybody familiar or has experience in that area with Marine surveyor(s) located in that area - wood boat specialist? Also would like some information and thoughts form the group about associated cost with over-land transport and reliable transportors for this type vessel? How is this calculated? I am located in Columbia SC 29209. Lastly, any other insight, experiences, or annadotal need to know thoughts are sought and appreciated.
Please PM responses.
Beautiful and clean

Your Cape Island is beautiful and so clean. Someone is going to be a lucky owner. It looks like you kept good care of her.

Thanks for the comment Walter. The looker last night was especially amazed at how clean the entire bilge is.
After some thought over the winter I'm going to look at relisting 46 North. I found Mid Coast Yacht Brokers............any recommendations? I'm in Michigan.
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