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1977 Marine Trader -Calypso

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Aug 15, 2012
Palm Beach
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Marine Trader 40'
Located in North Palm Beach, FL
Marine Trader 40 Double Cabin Trawler
LOA: 40
Beam: 13'8"
Draft 4'
$79,000 Lovingly restored and maintained classic trawler. Age has nothing to do with the condition or value of this vessel. She has always been well cared for. In some ways she is better than new. There is nothing like her on the market. If you come to look and make an offer, We'll consider it..

The hull and all exteriors have 4 coats of Awlgrip and all bright work is varnished and then coated with Awlbright. Twin Lehman 120's. Generator is 1985 Onan 4KW all in super condition with low hours. Electric Windllass. Vacuflush Toilet.

View Video Here:


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thank you! She is special....
We are going to reduce the price to $70,000...
I think it's worth a million...
Decks were painted when I got her. They have many coats of Awlgrip and are in great shape. They don't leak. 250 Gal Stainless tanks in good shape I had her surveyed when I bought her...
I'd buy her for those two FL 120s alone!
Nice restoration. Beautiful boat! Good luck with the sale.
For the condition I think 60-70 is a great value!
A bunch in here:
Calypso pics
She actually looks better now than in most of these pics...
I'll send a few more....
We have a survey from when we got her in 2012. I can scan and send a link
I think your initial price was dead-on for the condition. Not an easy market for yachts. Some stay for sale for a few years. Don't get discouraged unless you really need to be rid of it.
Hello All: I thought I'd upload some more pictures.

Anyone at at the Trawlerfest in Stuart?
We are only 30 minutes south by car and 2 hours by boat.
If you're interested but can't come down, I'll bring her up


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Calypso price reduction

Hello All: I wanted to update the ad with a lower price: $65,000.
Attached are some new photos taken a few weeks ago.
You won't find a cleaner boat! Thank-you and best regards!


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Sorry about the photos rotation...not sure how to fix!
Hello, Caribe. I like the looks of Calypso and might want to take a look. I'm in NC and dont want to invest a lot of time and travel just to be surprised and disappointed. I feel sure you are representing her fairly but would like to know of any problems, long term or short term, that might impact my decision.
I hope you understand.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
55 to 65K is a good asking price.

Just had my mostly rebuilt 1988 Albin 40 survey at $70K.

My asking price would be 60K.....and take way less unless a few quick higher offers were made.
She is even better in person...I'm having the decks done this week and installing a new AC unit next week. We stay on top of things and for some reason so has every other previous owner...You wont find a cleaner, nicer boat in her class
Hi DaveH; Calypso is quite fairly represented in the ads and photos on the forum.* We have always maintained her and kept up with maintenance*and things. Her previous owners did as well. She is very clean and there are no major*issues. The ac units need work but I am having*a new one installed next week. Please come and see us. We are in North Palm Beach, Fl. 561 906-0004
Calypso price reduction

Just finished the bright work and thought I'd share a few new pictures.


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Looks nice. What product did you use?
Hi here are a few photos of storage in master stateroom


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